Wednesday, January 14, 2009

We Got It Katy - You're Hurt

I am officially Team Travis now in this whole Katy Perry Travis McCoy breakup. If I see one more damn story about how Katy is hurting because of the breakup, I will literally scream. And believe me, you don't want to see a fat man scream. (Takes a lot of energy, excessive sweating.)

Yesterday it was Kneepads who talked about how Katy managed to perform on Monday night despite being in obvious pain and needing the support of her friends. Katy even told People, "It hurts right now." She then said, "I'm over it." Um, ok. Wow. That was fast. You have been dating this guy forever, and you are over it in two seconds. Nice.

Meanwhile today there are two or three other publications all talking about Katy is hurt and dying inside over the breakup. What about Travis? Where is his side of the story? You don't think he is hurting? He is, but he doesn't have a publicist. So, somehow this has become all Travis' fault even though he was not the one who did the breaking up. Do you want to know why he didn't do the breaking up? Have you read the cheesy poetry he wrote on his site after they broke up? Guys who do the breaking up don't sit around making rhymes about why they love someone. Guys who do the breaking up are at a strip club texting and dialing like mad trying to reconnect with women they dated five years ago.

It isn't that I don't believe Katy is not hurting. (OK, I don't) The thing I am having the problem with is that now she just seems to be milking this breakup for publicity and that is worse than selling photos of your kid to tabloids. OK, maybe not that bad. Exploiting your kids for personal profit is the worst.

When Katy sics her publicists on the tabloids to make sure they know she is hurting, what it does do is to make it seem like it is all Travis' fault and that he did some horrible thing to her and broke Katy's heart. That isn't true. She should just have more respect for the relationship and shut her mouth or we will all go buy some cherry chapstick and do it for her.


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