Thursday, January 08, 2009

WD Says Hi

WD aka America Young sent over the second episode of her show Groupidity and also a few words for all of you.

So happy and proud to be back! I so enjoyed blogging on this site and everyone's responses. Since I last left you, I have stunt coordinated Janelle Monae's music video, coordinated and doubled Katy Perry in her "Hot N Cold" video, and stunt coordinated and was in Chris Cornell's music video for "Scream". I have also been spending a lot of time being a one woman band for this show! I hope you enjoy it.

Episode 2 - Vindictively Single

Groupidity Ep-2 from Groupidity on Vimeo.


  1. WD!!!! WE MISSED YOU! So glad you're doing so many interesting things!

  2. LOL! "If I didn't think I would catch something, I would totally nail you." That should be CDAN's new catchphrase! Also, "The Clap Fairy."

  3. Even though we know who you are now, it would still be great to read more from you. Those Groupidity videos are awesome, by the way!

  4. Thanks for the updates, Miss A! Love hearing from you so plz keep them coming.

  5. I love the wallflower in these videos. She's perfect.
