Friday, January 30, 2009

Tony Romo A Cheater? - What Do You Think

So, all week we have been focusing on the Jessica Simpson curves issue, but because of that have totally neglected the story Star Magazine ran earlier this week that said Tony Romo cheated on Jessica. Now, I would not put it past Tony to cheat on Jessica and I think we all know Jessica has no problems cheating on other guys. I don't know if she has ever cheated on Tony. I am talking about pre-Tony.

Star Magazine said Tony cheated on Jessica at Jessica's house. Besides being very sex, lies, and videotape -ish, it seems to me that this would have had to happen in Nashville then and that most of the friends would have been friends of Jessica since she is the one who lives there. Maybe they share the house and the friends. I don't know. The quotes are pretty good though and come from people actually at the party.

"Everyone was talking about it downstairs. The girls were saying it was so wrong and shady of Tony to cheat on Jessica - especially in her place!"

Apparently though so far, anyway, this has not caused Jessica to love Tony any less because she was so excited to see him earlier this week. Now, since the report lots of agencies have tried to get a statement from Tony about the accusation and there have been no responses at all. None. You would think he would say no or at least something if it wasn't true. Instead just silence while every member of Jessica's family has now said something about the curves. This story keeps getting pushed out of the headlines because of the curves.

Interesting. What do you think? Did Tony cheat?


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