Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tabloid Journalism Has Reached A New Low - Part 438

Over the past two years I have read some really big bunches of crap that magazines have tried to pass off as news. I mean sickening publicist fed pieces that are nothing more than a big ass kissing and love fest for the celebrity which have no bearing on anything close to the truth and serve only the people who it was written about paying no mind to any kind of ethical responsibilities which the tabloids may have as an entity that is actually expecting money from the public for their product. Does that make sense? Screw it. I'm not going back. I now present to you the all-time biggest suck up full of crap there ever was story in the whole world. It is from OK! Magazine. All it takes is the first paragraph or two. Before you do, I seriously advise you get some sort of container ready because you will throw up.

When Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes exited the Ivy restaurant in L.A. on Jan. 21, the smiles on their faces as they glanced at each other said it all: "We're in love!" But when Tom gently placed his hand over his beautiful wife's belly and she clasped his hand and held it there, the message was even louder and clearer — the couple have another baby on the way!

I have always thought People Magazine was the king of the butt kiss and spent more time on their knees than (pick your favorite male or female to make fun of here), and for sheer volume People still holds the title. This story however from OK! is the biggest piece of oily suck up cheese I have ever read.

If you want to read more of the story, click here. It's short and after you read it there will be no doubt in your mind they made it all up or were paid to write it and that in fact Katie is not pregnant and that the cover and the story are all designed to get people to spend the $4 to part with their money without actually telling the truth.


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