Monday, January 26, 2009

SAG Photos Part Seven

Nancy Wells & Steve Carell
Shawn Pyfrom
Susan Sarandon
Tina Fey (love her, but this seems way too casual)
Taraji P. Henson
Teri Hatcher (I feel like I'm watching a fabric softener commercial)
Tracey Ullman
William Shatner


  1. I think Steve Carrell's wife's name is Nancy Walls not Wells.

  2. do you think someone next to Teri Hatcher's stall in the bathroom would bend down and use her dress to wipe themselves with?

    I would....if I wiped.

  3. why do people keep talking about how fabulous teri snatcher looks? gag - she does look like charmin took over toga style. that dress looked incredible on the runway - on a model - not a desperado housesnatch.

    meanwhile, i'm embarrassed that hottie shawn pyfrom is 19 and i had to do a double take of him in that tux...i could totally be his about a desperate housewife!

  4. I only watched little chunks of the show, but the best parts by far were Shatner's facial expressions. He never understands it when people don't worship at his feet. It's delicious!

  5. Tracey Ullmann looks very petite, I thought she was taller.

    Are Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins still together? Haven't seen him around lately.

    Who watches Boston Legal? Every clip I've seen of that show makes me shudder.

  6. omg, i think between eva and teri, teri lost the coin toss.

    love susan s., but that style makes her look matronly.

    and as usual, i'm lmao @ ror!

  7. I agree that TIna Fey's dress is mite casual.

    And Teri Hatcher's dress reminds me of those Clairol ads from the 60s, when the man and the woman would run at each other across an open field. I think the woman was wearing this exact dress in those ads. Or maybe it was the guy. Either way, I'm a Pantene girl myself, so it was all lost on me.

  8. While Tracey Ullman and Tina Fey undershot the SAG soiree, Teri waaaaaay overshot it with that get-up. Somewhere a stylist is laughing his/her ass off. I saw Tracey on Fifth Avenue, NYC, and she's not very tall.

    At least Susan Sarandon has 'em pushed up pretty well here. Without the masking tape or Wonder Bra, her girls are definitely southward bound.

    Overall, I thought the dresses were pretty much ho-hum. I guess everyone is saving the big guns for Oscar?

    Were the E! ladies as bad as all the comments I've read on other sites?

  9. Why does Shatner's date look like she's carrying her dinner in that oversize for evening bag - gah!

  10. Why does Shatner's date look like she's carrying her dinner in that oversize for evening bag - gah!

  11. mistik, that's a purse, not an evening that's the problem.

    but it matches the oversized scoop on her dress donchya think?

  12. i just saw that episode of seinfeld that teri hatcher was in. the one were she says 'they're real and they're spectacular' anyway.... i was so struck by how beautiful she was. and that was only 15 years ago..... botox/anorexia is a beauty killer.

  13. Molly, maybe she's using the purse an the dress as a doggy bag carriers ..

  14. @gladykravitz:
    weren't those feminine product ads? you know, those very vague ones-
    that freaks your shit out when you're 13 in the early '70s, no?
    BECAUSE WHAT????????
    i already said i was cranky. sorry, folks.

    i love bill shatner. always have. at least he finally grew a sense of humor. and yes, i was a HUGE trekkie!

  15. lol, mistik - makes sense!

  16. bill shatner is quirky. what was that blind about a quirky actor?

  17. LOL Bunny! Good memory!

  18. I heart Steve Carell!

  19. i am a fount of useless information!
