Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Quick Hits

If photos were uploading properly on Blogger, you would see a football player getting nailed here. But, since it isn't you will just have to use your i-mag-in-a-tion.

Porn Industry Suffering - Apparently the economic downturn has hit the porn industry hard. It just can't seem to get up to the levels it once did and as a result the companies are having trouble performing. So, what does any good company do in these times of performance issues and feelings of inadequacy? They turn to the US Congress. Knowing that probably many Congressman are big fans of porn, Larry Flynt and the Sex Convict Joe Francis are asking Congress for about $5 billion to help them out during these troubled times. The feeling in the porn industry is that since it is such a huge industry and employs so many workers that they too should be entitled to some bailout money. If they get their money, they did promise Congress free subscriptions to Hustler and a Girls Gone Wild t-shirt.

There Won't Be Kids - Scarlett J told Harper's Bazaar that she is not planning on having kids anytime soon if ever. Seems she and Ryan Reynolds are not big on the whole idea of kids and so will not be contributing to the world's population anytime soon. I think Ryan may actually change his mind but there is no way someone as selfish as Scarlett is ever going to have kids unless there was something in it for her. So, if her career takes a nose dive and she needs some positive publicity or some cash, then we will see if she changes her mind.

Sex Toy Fun With Carmen Electra - Apparently Carmen Electra is a huge collector of sex toys. She loves them so much that she has even come up with homemade ones when she does not have a store bought one handy. Her latest fun toy is a wire coat hanger. Umm, yeah. I saw that one. It was called Mommie Dearest. She says there is pleasure and pain involved. I think the only pleasure would be when you stopped beating someone with it. I guess my imagination is not good enough to come up with any possible other pleasure associated with the use of a wire coat hanger on my body.

Baby makes 4 - Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck had their second daughter. Well actually, Jen gave birth and Ben sat there with a remote control in his hand wondering when he could go out and get some food. No, I'm sure he was great the entire time. No word on the name of the baby. Apparently they are thinking about selling the naming rights to the baby in order to make more money than the traditional baby photo money from the tabloids. So far, the front runner is Wal-Mart. Although that part is crap, do you think any celebrity would consider naming their kid after a brand? I mean if you are going to exploit your kid for money, what's the harm in selling their name? It isn't like they will use it for their whole lives. They would just go by a nickname, but whenever a story is written about the kid or the parents, the naming rights would come up and the company would get publicity again.


  1. re: Baby Makes Four - I hear the name Cialis is free.

  2. Porn-for-pay is dying. There's just too much free stuff out there. At least the auto industry has a chance of rebounding.

    If they do breed, I can't see Ryan neglecting his kid. One caring parent is better than just a nanny, right? Just ask Sunday or J.Lo's twins.

    Is anyone else watching the Party Planner show? Carmen was REALLY digging the girls at her party. And, OT, all of those party planners seriously suck.

  3. As for Scar Jo, thank God she knows herself.

    I would totally name my kid Izze, after That stuff is like liquid crack it's so good, and healthy. Or....Starbuck. I'd name my kid Starbuck if I needed the cash.

  4. LOL at Mooshki...

    I've been TRYING to watch the Cabo party planners show -- but you are right -- they are horrible.

    And I DID notice how much Carmen liked the ladies. Hmmm...

  5. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Enty, I loved your word choice for the porn story. I was rolling.

    And I hope Carmen is just hitting herself with a hanger and not poking it anywhere.

  6. Does Steve Jobs cut Gwenyth Paltrow a check every time her daughter Apple gets mentioned? I can't think of any other reason for naming a kid after a fruit.

  7. Re: Affleck. There has already been a celebrity kid named after a brand. Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin named their kid 'Apple'.

  8. Yeah, when you went from sex toy to coat hanger, I was thinking something nasty too.

  9. Apple was named after Gwyneth's grandmother.

  10. christine-
    the band starbuck played at my jr. prom. that was before they were a one-hit wonder in the top 40.

    and i have a bunny named after a beach boy's song!

    the wire hanger thing is just too scary.

  11. it is not selfish to NOT have kids. if she does not want to raise them, then she shouldn't have them.

    that goes for everyone...

  12. Is Blogger fixed yet? I need my dose of Random Photos Part 1, darnit!!!

  13. Quintessential.... DITTO! You took the words right out of my mouth. If you aren't 100% committed to having children, then don't have them. It's not a crime to be childless.

  14. I can't remember. Did the Afflecks sell the first baby pictures of Violet or did they just take her out in public?

  15. qs, i think enty is saying she's too selfish to take her attention off of herself long enough to raise a child.

  16. Whether she's selfish or not, Scarlett doesn't owe anyone a baby! I know lots of non-famous people who don't have kids for what are probably the same reasons as hers, and no one thinks it's a big deal (except maybe their moms.)

  17. I don't think enty was saying she's selfish for not having kids. I read it as her being too selfish to have them.

    If you are female and you really want to upset people, say "I don't want to have children". People will look at you as if you just said "I hate black people" or "I eat babies". You are SUPPOSED to want kids. And if you don't, something is supposedly wrong with you. It's kind of upsetting, really.

  18. that body would never recover from a baby

  19. I agree, Harriet - I don't think Enty was questioning her decision, but rather her motives.

  20. 4 hours later, I am still completely unable to think of a way that the coat hanger could be involved with anything even remotely pleasurable.

  21. ...unless she has orgasms hanging up really great clothes.

  22. yep, scarjo's body couldn't handle childbirth...she's already a happy meal away from destruction...but wise choice if she isn't ready..

    i recently read that someone has a kid named "hermes"...i guess their next kid's name will be "cartier"...

    and carmen, i feel ya hon! when my silver bullet died, i had to be resourceful...i substituted with an electric toothbrush..u know for "cavities"

  23. Molly, I would never risk my favorite clothes on a wire hanger. :)

  24. mooshki, some girls like it

  25. Hey guys check out my blog on celeb gossip and celeb fashion. It has blind items too!

  26. If Ben Affleck names his kid Wal-mart, even his friend Jason Lee will laugh at him.

  27. That's just what world needs-a remake of 'The Other Side of Midnight' starring Carmen Electra and costarring a bottle of Grey Goose.
