Friday, January 30, 2009

Quick Hits Part Two

That Is Waaaaaay Too Much Information - I really think there comes a point in time when people need to learn to self censor. Such is the case with Suzanne Somers who decided that she just had to share to the world via Oprah that Suzanne takes 60 pills a day to stay fit. OK, That is excessive but I am okay in knowing that. She also says that she rubs a syringe of estrogen on one arm every day. Two weeks out of the month she rubs progesterone on the other. OK, now we are getting into some weird stuff but I can handle it. Oh, and to top off her daily regimen she injects estriol into her vayjayjay everyday. She must be a joy to live with.

A Match Made In Hell - According to celebuzz, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Jamie Kennedy are doing the dirty already. Of course if Jennifer Love Hewitt made Rich Cronin wrap his peen in two condoms you know that she made Jamie Kennedy wrap his in some kind of ziploc freezer bag. The two deserve each other. If they ever had offspring the kid's first word would be diva.

More Baby News - The National Enquirer is reporting that Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore are going to adopt a baby next month. If that is the case they better hire a team of nannies because if neither of them wants to get up at 7am and hear construction going on next door, you know that neither of them is going to wake up at 3am to change a diaper or feed the baby. Why even bother to have a baby if you are just going to hire someone to do all the parenting and only use the kid as a photo-op?


  1. Well, Demi already has three, so I'm sure she knows what she's getting into.

  2. 4 if you count Ashton.

  3. Re: Suzanne — Don't forget all of the PhotoShopping. That keeps you looking young. Do you think she shoots up her cooch by herself every day or does she pay somebody to do it? *shudders*

    Re: Dashton — When the frick are we gonna find out about TJ Hooker's adopted kid? Did I miss it already?

  4. Why would anyone have to take 60 pills just to stay in shape. Especially when you've always been in shape. Something about that just doesn't sound right.

    I would understand if she took all those pills to stay HEALTHY (she's had cancer, and who knows what other health problems).

  5. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Sounds like Suzanne has a problem not wanting to get old.

    Ashton is such an idiot. Really can't stand the guy he is as immature as they come.

  6. I saw the Oprah that Suzanne was on. She isn't taking 60 pills a day to stay in shape. She takes the pills, and the creams, and shoots the stuff up her, you know, because she is going through menopause and was having horrible difficulties and side effects. She is on bio-identical hormone replacement, and that is what all of that is for. It affects a lot of women, even ones that aren't going through menopause. She is actually very helpful to those who are going through it as well, by going public with what she is doing.

  7. geeze, enty, could you have twisted that stuff about suzanne summers any more? i don't think so.

    she's taking that to combat menopause. now if you know of a safe way to do that without taking pills, using creams including those injected into one's vajayjay, you let us know, oh brilliant one.

    good for her for trying to help other women. doctors suck at it.

  8. Ya, I love Oprah was loving on Suzanne because of her menopause battle plan? I really didn't see anything wrong with what she's doing until I got to the coochie injection thang.

  9. "That Is Waaaaaay Too Much Information - I really think there comes a point in time when people need to learn to self censor."

    LOL, it's so funny to read that right after posting something in "Your Turn" that is definitely TMI!!!

    EWWWWWW, J.Love and Jamie Kennedy?! EWWWWWW!

  10. trashtalker what the TJ Hooker reference?

  11. @not on my dollar: It's an old blind. Married actor knocks up a woman in Tijuana; she gets pregnant; he and his wife were expected to "adopt" a Hispanic infant circa spring 2008.

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    Did we ever decide who it was?

  12. trashtalker, we'll find out about it when enty reveals who mv is. (cough, cough)

  13. thanks trashtalker.

  14. OOOHHH this could very well be them if they adopt around May. Then they don't have to worry about the long adoption process.

  15. But this is spring 2009, not spring 2008.

  16. oh you're right it's been more than a year. I guess it isn't Demi and Ashton.

  17. She's fighting menopause at age 62? Talk about growing older slowly. And you have to give her props for being married to the same guy for 30+ years.

  18. hey, molly:
    hot flashes much?
    no offense to the women that have a horrible time with menopause, but i went through it, AND endured unbearable back pain at the same time. it wasn't a lot of fun, but i did it without any helpful hormones, and not even the correct pain management for the back.
    how's that for a safe way?
    and before you jump down my throat, even if you cut that amount down to 1/4 of the amount of crap she's taking, it ISN'T good for her.
    TMI, i finished menopause about 4 years ago and recently thought i'd try a low does of estrogen. it raised my liver enzymes, and it just wasn't worth it.
    i don't consider THAT safe at the age of 49.
    and suzanne has always been a kook.

  19. Aren't most women finished with menopause at 62?

    I was wondering the same thing bunny re all her meds - are they more harmful than good?

    When she says she injects something into her vajayjay, does she actually inject it in the wall, or does she squirt it in then do kegels, or hang upside down while it absorbs into her body?

    I used to love the Jamie Kennedy Experiment. Is that what this is?

  20. bionic bunny, not yet, but i plan on being prepared when it happens...if i'm still alive.

  21. Suzanne has been taking the hormones and stuff for years. I remember her talking about it forever ago.

  22. i thought Demi was the one cheating on Ashton with a soon to be divorced producer ? .......maybe i was wrong on that one ?

  23. By pills I assume you mean supplements as opposed to prescription drugs, right??? 60 really isn't that much once you do the math. Take a look at what doctors are recommending for supplements. Fish oil 3 times a day. Flax oil 3 times a day. Calcium 3 times a day. Various B vitamins 3 times a day. Vitamin E once a day. There's 13 and I haven't even started. 1000 mg niacin 3 times a day - that alone could be 8 pills. It doesn't take long to add up.

  24. All the creepy alternative medical stuff aside, I think Suzanne Somers looks good, yes I know it's plastically enhanced but how many actresses in her age group with her resources or MORE look so much worse with bad plastic surgery.

    Love Hewitt and Kennedy-that has got to be P.R. bet they are in the middle of making one of his funny stupid movies he is known for with her as the leading lady...UNLESS a photo of him surfaces wearing one of those Infiniti promise rings she hands out to all her boytoys then I might be swayed.

    Too bad Kutcher's temper tantrum ended up on the net.Stupid move on his part to post it no matter how pissed he was. Now it's the publcist's job to go in for damage control, if anyone cares. Do you really think Demi calls him 'Ashton' all the time?Or his real name?
    'Ashton go grab my post tanning bed moisturizer, NOW.'

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