Quick Hits Part Two - Lost Spoiler
Who Cares? - John Mayer and Jennifer Aniston have allegedly broke up for the 4,023rd time and this time it is really done. OK, well it's done until it's not done anymore or until someone needs a shot of publicity. Then of course the romance will be back on and they will be getting married and she will be getting pregnant and Pete Wentz will be there to film it all. I know that last part sounds ridiculous, but this whole relationship has been ridiculous and everything about Jennifer Aniston is ridiculous.
I Wonder What She Wore - The NY Post is reporting that someone actually went out on a date with Renee Zellweger and they were not even blind. OK, that is kind of mean. Even blind people would run away screaming. So, who is the guy who scored this wonderful date? MSNBC anchor Dan Abrams. The two were spotted doing one of those tabloid "they look like they are in love" kind of dinners. Do you think she really ate anything?
Lost Spoiler - I know lots of you are excited about the new season of Lost. I myself have been trying to play a massive game of beat the clock and trying to watch the first four seasons of the show in order to be ready for the premiere tonight. I don't think I will make it, but I should be ready in time for episode number two this year. I'm sure lots of you have been reading about the time shifting and all of the other gimmicks the show is incorporating this year, but I know how this season ends. Yes, it turns out that in the very last episode, all the cast members are sitting around a fire when Jeff Probst emerges from the jungle and tells them they have all been participating in a very special edition of Survivor. He then points out the various hidden cameras and all the people who died on the show come back and say hi.