Playboy Has Jumped The Shark
I think I have spent time in the past discussing where the adult magazines go in the order of appropriateness. But as a refresher, the order goes Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler. The further to the right you move on the list, the freakier it gets and the less likely you will ever admit to another soul that you are even familiar with the titles. Over the past few years, I have noticed that Playboy has been shifting and shifting to the right. Apparently someone told Christine Hefner or someone over at Playboy that the people everyone wants to see naked are the rejects from Flavor of Love or Rock of Love, or No Love Without A Glove - The Paris Hilton Story. First you had the twins who are the new "girlfriends" on The Girls Next Door. Oh, and by the way, I have never seen twin strippers living next door to any of the places I have ever lived so that is kind of false advertising.
Now comes confirmation that Playboy is actually paying Aubrey O'Day $500,000 to strip naked and they are going to put her on the cover. I think I had mentioned before they had made an offer and it was in the low six figures. First of all I can't believe she said no to that, and second of all that Playboy raised it to $500,000. If I want to see Aubrey naked I can look at any red carpet photo of her or just wait for a sex tape to be released. Oh, you know there are some out there, or will be out there. $500K? Do you realize with that kind of money we will have to put up with her for at least another two years or so.
Playboy used to be an adult magazine that you could at least leave laying out in your house. Now it is just as skanky as Aubrey O'Day. The magazine that brought you Marilyn Monroe now brings you Aubrey O'Day. Nice.