Lots Of Screaming At That Party
I'm sure that Christina Aguilera and her husband have thrown lots of parties where the screaming and crying got out of hand. Of course most of those probably involved Christina and her friends and were more of an adult nature.
Over the weekend Christina and Jordan had a birthday party for their son Max who turned one last week. Wow, time really does fly by. Anyway, this is not a dig at Christina or Jordan as parents in any way, shape, or form. It is just an observation. With six ex-wives comes a lot of in-laws and with those in-laws comes children. I have probably been to about 20 birthday parties for one year olds. 95% of the time the parents make a huge elaborate production over the party and do whatever they can to make it memorable for their child. The problem is their kid doesn't even know what the heck is going on and sure won't remember it except from the thousands of photos and hundreds of hours of home movies used to document the event.
Christina and Jordan threw Max a party using the theme Where The Wild Things Are. Great theme. Great idea. If the kid was like 4. Apparently Christina invited a bunch of other parents all with their one and two year old kids including Joel and Nicole and their daughter Harlow. That is all well and good, and if you want to spend the money to make yourself feel like you are good parents, then do so.
The thing that killed me about the party though is that also attending the party were people dressed up as all the characters from the book who went around talking to the kids. Umm, imagine people dressed as scary monsters interacting with a bunch of one and two year old kids. Do you think there was a lot of laughter and high fiving?
No. I think there was a bunch of screaming and crying and kids scared out of their mind and a group of actors sent home really early.