Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Katie Holmes Is Still Smoking

I literally almost heard my jaw hit the floor when I read in the NY Daily News that Katie Holmes joined Sean Penn and Josh Brolin on a smoking break during the SAG Awards. I totally thought she must have quit when she agreed to live with Tom 24 hours a day. Do you realize how much that photo would be worth if someone had just managed to take their cell phone camera out. I thought Scientology would have cured her of that by now. Little Miss Perfect out there smoking. As much as I dislike smoking, I have to tell you that I love the fact that Katie Holmes still smokes. It probably pisses Tom Cruise off to no end and may be her little form of rebellion against the strait jacket he has out around her.

Of course, knowing Tom, he could have told her to go out there and smoke just so she could get close to Sean and Josh and see if they were interested in giving her a part, giving Tom a part, or maybe just wanting to join them for a fivesome followed by an all night e-Meter session.

Wow. I really did think she had given up smoking a long time ago. Because no one has seen her smoke in a long time, I am a little suspicious of her motives. When she was doing 8 hours a day of play rehearsals, there were never any photos of her smoking, despite the fact she would have gone outside to do so and she was in the company of a million paps. Maybe she is sneaky, or maybe it was all a ploy to get her some bad girl credibility or to put out Scientology feelers for Penn and Brolin. Or, maybe she was simply tired of Tom talking about himself and figured a cigarette could make the pain go away for a bit.


  1. why doesn't this girl just make a break for it? wth do they have on her? is co$ mind control is THAT effective? (w/ the exception of nicotine addictions, of course).

  2. tsk tsk....we shall soon see the return of zombie katie.....she must've forgetten to take her meds and became normal again _ oh and I LOVED that they introduced her KATIE Holmes...not KATE haha

  3. I don't think this was any accident that Katie was caught smoking. She is not that stupid. I think it is one of their "Tom's not controlling Katie" setups.

  4. I think she's just trying to stunt her growth from becoming giraffe like next to Tom.

    Here love for him is dying...er, um I mean, undying.

  5. Anonymous9:56 AM

    A LOT of actors and actresses smoke, and never ever get photographed doing so.

    Also, quitting forever without slipping once or twice is nearly impossible, maybe she just had a sneaky one but is technically a non-smoker.

  6. Nothing with Tom Cruise is an accident.

    Also the paps only snap these two when they are called beforehand.

  7. If it's a problem, mentally or additively, I"m sure tom has a vitamin regime which will cure her of her cravings.

  8. Anonymous10:01 AM

    CanadaChick - that made my day too - Tommie-girl must have been seething that she wasn't KatE Cruise on her introduction. I would love to see her run, but I think she loses Suri if she does, and so she stays.

  9. A good friend of mine attended the Daytime Emmys last fall. She said she was floored at how many of them smoke, including some very well-known faces we actually care about. As she is herself a smoker, she was rubbing elbows and blowing smoke with people she would have never guessed had such a bad habit. Apparently, it's how they all stay thin, and semi-sane.

    What makes me mental is how only certain celebs get busted for doing it, when so many others do and don't seem to get nailed for it.

  10. If I were married to TC I'd be doing heroin by now.

  11. Co$ is FULL of heavy smokers. If you were to do a study of businesses & smokers on staff, I'd bet Co$ would have one of the highest rates of smoking.

    Not to mention that L Ron, in his infinite wisdom, said NOT smoking causes lung cancer. Because he needed an excuse to suck down those Kools.

    Co$ can't and won't help her with her nicotine addiction, no matter how much little Tommy wants her to quit.

  12. I thought I read somewhere that Tom Cruise was a very heavy smoker.

  13. Anyone see Katie at the SAG Awards? She sounded like she sucked helium before she went out..

  14. Please, Tommygirl smokes too. Hence this blind (referring to the fact that smoking is not as big a no-no for scienos as being gay):


  15. How many pictures did we ever have of Jackie Kennedy smoking?

    I'm more surprised with the picture of America Ferrara smoking.

  16. I'm feeling it's an orchestrated thing, hence the spontaneous kissing scene between Tom and Katie in the airport from a couple of weeks ago. Yet, we still don't believe.

  17. Odd that Katie and Suri were not mentioned AT ALL when Jonathan Ross interviewed wee Tommy on his chat show last week. The show was heavily censored though, and I bet TC's people had input into that.

    Best bit was when JR asked TC what he did when he farted in bed - did he flap the duvet, or lock-down to hold it under the covers? TC didn't answer, just grinned in a forced fashion.

  18. Enty, I'm inclined to agree with your last option.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. for all we know tom smokes too, but with all the damage control, the sci freaks probably told him to only smoke in private.

  21. Tom: "Remember how I told you that you could never smoke again? Well, I need you to get next to Sean Penn and Josh Brolin by going out on their smoke break with them to smoke."

    Katie: "But Tom, Scientology has cured me of the filthy habit."

    Tom: "You are betraying Scientology by questioning me. Now here's a pack of Menthols from Miscaviage's stash. Now!"

  22. I read somewhere not very long ago that Cruise is a closet smoker. Hell, let Katie have her nicotine...God knows she needs something to cope!

  23. Sean Penn, the man who beat Brad for Best Actor, slipped out during the show for a smoke break with pal Josh Brolin. The two were soon joined by — gasp! — good girl Katie Holmes.

    The direct quote ENT's referencing from article above. Only mention of Holmes.
    I read this as "good girl" Holmes actually spent time with "bad boys" Penn and Brolin, rather than she actually smoked--though the writer may have left that unclear on purpose (?).

  24. How can this photo be recent? Look how long her hair is!

    Or is this photo just to go along with the story and is not supposed to be recent?

  25. Wow, I feel awful for her. She was once this doe-eyed talented Columbia-bound valedictorian. Her career was promising and this happens. How can she escape unscathed either way?

    So I guess the rumor is she got with Cruise as a contract thing to help his image and hers because she was pregnant. With Chris Klein or Josh Hartnett's baby. Up for debate, right? And Suri-poor kid. What people will do for the sake of public image is disgusting.

  26. Or is this photo just to go along with the story and is not supposed to be recent?

    kimmypie, i think that's it. the pic isn't supposed to be proof of anything, just a pic of her smoking in public.

  27. @pookie:
    they have EVERYTHING on katie. every bad thing, every bad thought she ever did or had. that is the point of the e-meter thing. if they ever leave the cult, they have enough blackmail material on the person to harass them for life.
    barring that, they either bankrupt them, turn everyone against them, or harass them into suicide. some of the suicides are oddly suspicious, too.

  28. I heard she was hanging out with them and even went outside with them but didnt smoke herself.

  29. bunny, I wonder how Jason Beghe is doing these days.

    I so want to believe she is slowly escaping the straight jacket.

    Is that Tommy with her? If it is, then it really is an old picture.

  30. tommy's only allowed to smoke in the sweet embrace of David Miscavige's arms in the afteglow of their passionate lovemaking.

  31. Jax, that's one disturbing thought for before bedtime!

  32. Tom is a chain smoker! (in private)

  33. I have no doubt the theatre made indoor smoking accommodations for her. Do you REALLY think Katie Holmes would be relegated to the sidewalk to smoke, or the actual stars of Broadway? Not a chance.
    Fire marshals rarely do surprise checks.

  34. gabba gabba, los angeles'(as most of california) no-smoking laws have nothing to do with the fire marshall. we are militant about our right to smoke free-air out here.
    and most of the theatres and venues, have been re-furbed and restored, making smoking an even bigger no-no.
    last year it was even proposed that smoking be outlawed in one's own car. okay, i'm allergic, and have a severely asthmatic kid, but even _I_ thought that ridiculous!

  35. Please - she'd go out to the alley in back of the theater.

  36. That is not a cigarette.

    It's simply a vitamin-rich barley roll.



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