Thursday, January 08, 2009

In What World Is Khloe Kardashian A Celebrity?

I saw that the announcement was made today for the new cast of Celebrity Apprentice. For the most part it is the usual C&D listers but honestly, if you look at the list everyone is on the C&D list for something they accomplished either through sports, acting, business, or comedy. I have no problems with any of them. Except one. Khloe Kardashian is on the list. Today must be rant day or something because here comes another one. I know that we have lowered the bar on celebrity to such an extent that anyone basically qualifies. But, that qualification usually only gets them as far as a reality show or a hosting gig at a bar where they get paid under the table cash and are not always above performing under the table services either. Not saying or implying Khloe does that. I'm just saying it does happen.

But, when you take someone and put them on a prime-time network show it kind of cheapens even the experience for the C&D listers on the show. Why don't we review how exactly Khloe got to be a "celebrity" shall we?

Chloe is famous for being the sister of someone who is famous for making a sex tape with Brandy's brother. How far out of the six degrees of nowhere land do you have to go to come up with that? That is why she is famous. There is no other reason. Yes, she is on the reality show with Kim and the other one. Yes, she got some attention for getting busted with the DUI, but she only got the attention because she is on the show and she is only on the show because she is the sister of a woman who made a sex tape with the brother of someone famous. Think about that. Everyone who has a friend of a friend who did something now deserves to be on Celebrity Apprentice. This is the most messed up thing I have ever seen. I want someone to go up to Khloe and ask her point blank the following questions:

1. What are you famous for? Keeping Up With The Kardashians
2. Oh, how did that come about? My sister f**ked a guy and made a tape and so she got the show and put us on it.
3. And now you are famous? Yes
4. And how much do you make a year? $500K or so.

You know she is just laughing and laughing the entire way to the bank.


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