OK, I realize that I get confused a lot. My mother blames it on my third ex-wife Carli. Carli and my mother did not get along at all. Because of that, everything that is wrong in my life is blamed on Carli. If, I stub my toe on some furniture or am confused, it is because of my mom's least favorite ex. See, a little name reveal. Of course you have to figure out what Carli and if it is a nickname, but you have a start.
Anyway, wasn't it just like a month ago, maybe two that Joaquin Phoenix said he was retiring. Never going to act again. Never going to be in front of the cameras. Just going to focus on music, and be the best musician ever? Yeah, that's what I thought.
So, when I read this morning that Casey Affleck is directing a documentary feature on Joaquin and his musical exploits I decided I can't wait to hear the explanations for this one. I mean, yes, it is a documentary, but to me, Joaquin will still be acting. He is still performing in front of a camera. How the hell is that retirement from acting and not being in front of a camera anymore? I think what happened is he realized that if he just does this music thing which he is not very good at, that no one will remember him and that he won't get the attention and adoration he got before. He already missed it. He and his Grizzly Adams beard are not getting much action I'm guessing.
Tonight by the way is Joaquin's rap debut in Las Vegas and the first night of filming for Casey and the crew. Yeah, if anyone in Las Vegas happens to see Joaquin's show, if you can stop laughing long enough, send me an e-mail and let me know how it goes. A cell phone video would even be better.
sorry...rap? wow ok.
ReplyDeleteHe quit acting like I quit drinking.
ReplyDeleteWell, I did quit last night when I went to bed. And tonight, I'll be at a bar, but in the dinning room area have dinner. Oh, I'll have cocktails with dinner. But I'm eating! Not drinking.
See!! Same thing, no?
Yeah, Ror, I don't drink anymore either. Of course, I don't drink any less...
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha, add me to the list. Have to keep warm somehow.
ReplyDeleteI second the WTF? on rapping. Will it be Allen Ginsberg style?
I think they announced the documentary plans at the same time he announced his "retirement". At least he didn't say he wasn't acting anymore, get bored and come up with this loophole two months later.
ReplyDeleteThis is Casey and Joaquin's joke. It is a "Spinal Tap" thing.
ReplyDeletewell, they let k-fed "act" on CSI, and he couldn't even rap, so which is worse?
ReplyDeletei've quit drinking so many times i can't count. yes i can. no, wait...
What JAX said.