Thursday, January 29, 2009

I Love Mischa Barton

I do love Mischa Barton. Oh, not in the sense that I would give her the time of day or pass her a breath mint kind of love, but, a love for her as someone who attempts to find 10-15 things to write about each day. Actually, now that I think about it, I would give her a breath mint. Not so much for her, but why should the next person she comes into contact have to suffer as well. That doesn't seem to be fair to the stranger. So, yes, I would give her a breath mint. Yesterday, I saw the photo above of Mischa kissing some woman at Mischa's birthday party and I said that Mischa not only looks uncomfortable being kissed like that by that girl, but doesn't look like a very good kisser at all.

I only saw the photo on a couple of sites and somehow the fact that it was not posted on every site around the world discussing whether or not Mischa and this other woman were an item, really ticked her off. It ticked her off so much that the planned photo with the woman and the resulting controversy which didn't happen forced Ms. Barton to once again take to her blog to advise us she is not a lesbian. Even though no one anywhere hinted she was one, Mischa still decided she would go ahead and let us know she wasn't. I love how she generates her own publicity. I do have to give her credit for not spending the money on a publicist when she does such a fine job herself.

Oh, and then she just teases us all.

So no, I haven't switched teams. In fact, I have someone else that is keeping me occupied at the moment ; )

Yes, she really did screw up the smile symbol. Are we now supposed to get excited that she found a guy that is willing to be seen in public with her? I think it is the guy from The Kooks. Whoever he is, I hope he did the math in his head and decided that a few weeks with Mischa would help whatever he was trying to promote.


  1. I thought she looked uncomfortable and never thought for a moment she was enjoying it. So no, her being a lesbian never crossed my mind.

  2. wait -- are you saying she screwed up the smile symbol by making it a wink or by putting a space in btwn the characters? i didnt see anything wrong with it

  3. Luke Pritchard from the Kooks is a former schoolmate of that "joy", Lily Allen. His band are also, generally, considered crap.

    Mischa should just let it go already and maybe go back to school or something.

  4. The only thing a few weeks with Mischa should promote is condom use and regular visits to the Free Clinic.

  5. lol, David. Plus, she seems like a crashing bore, like every other methface, or crackwhore or pot smoker or whatever she is.

  6. I don't understand how pot gets all mixed up in crack. I mean really.

  7. I guess I have been screwing up the smile symbol too. That looks like one of the ones I make.

  8. I'm pretty sure that smiley is winking and supposed to look like that.

  9. If this is a lesbian kiss, my middle name is Daffy Duck.

    The only thing of interest to me in that photograph is that accordian-like thing that encircles them. What is that? More importantly, why?

  10. Mischa Barton was never all that important to begin with, so I am kind of amused by her attempts at relevance.

  11. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Her being a lesbian never crossed my mind. I have her relegated to the "skanky ho" section of my brain.

  12. she it totally paris lite (if paris could write). ugh enty, why are you wasting blog space on this trash?!

  13. Sue Ellen...agreed! apples and oranges.

  14. I don't think she'd accept the breath mint. It may contain too many calories, and nothing that she could use to snort/smoke/drink/shoot up.

    I really don't care which team she 'bats' for. She just needs to go away. Or to rehab.

  15. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I left her a note. I couldn't resist.



  16. Thats Irina Lazareanu!
    dude she always kisses people on the lips.
    she said it herself.

    and Ent that's a wink sign.

    i wish mischa could go back to the OC~marissa days.

  17. Hmmm, all pupil, no iris. Having a yabba dabba doo time there, girly?

    Did anyone see MK's pix of her yesterday? If that was not methface, then her cranium is caving in for some other strange reason...

  18. Is she the answer to the blind who was going to go lesbo to jump start her career?

    I'm too lazy to look it up. Or was that revealed?

    Anyway, I love that she got mad that nobody gave a shit. Classic.

  19. OH NO! Adrian is going to KILL you, Bad Fish. :)

  20. moosh, didn't i give her an idea for a new nom de plume?
    shame on you, bad fish!

    i was kind of wondering what was up with that ruffledy thing, too. is she now morphing into the robot from "lost in space?" THAT would be more relevant than she is! or maybe a dryer vent hose?

  21. Too bad that ruffled thing can't speak. Then we'd hear "DANGER! DANGER WILL ROBINSON!"
