Wednesday, January 07, 2009

I Always Wondered How Beaches Made Money - Witchcraft

According to TMZ, Naveen Andrews who stars on Lost was awarded sole physical and legal custody of his three year old son until a full hearing next month. Apparently Naveen went to court because his baby mama took the three year old out of LA County. Umm, maybe they were just going down to Sea World or the San Diego Zoo or something. Actually it appears that the reason she took the son out of the county was to get away from Barbara Hershey who was accused in court papers of practicing witchcraft and poisoning the child.

Yeah, that story didn't really fly really well with the judge either who decided that not only can Naveen have sole custody but hey, its ok for him to take his son to Hawaii for filming and that the son can stay with either Barbara or Naveen.

I really feel sorry for the mother. I just hate any family law cases because someone is always going to just feel awful after they are over and even during the entire process. Naveen's attorney asked the judge to order that the mom get psychological testing but it is unclear whether the judge ordered it.

When TMZ caught up with the mom she was sitting on the ground outside the courthouse crying. She previously had custody of the son and now she feels like she has been robbed by someone who just happens to be more famous, has more money and can hire an attorney.

"I can't believe celebrities and their money. They always get what they want."

I'm sure it seems that way to her.

I would show you photos of the scene outside the courtroom, but Blogger sucks. So, here is a link to the TMZ photos and the very real tears of the mom.


  1. Are you seriously dissing Beaches? I cried my eyes out, dammit! I'm going to bookmark this post for the next time someone theorizes that you're female. ;)

  2. we all know he cheated on babs with this woman and it was a one night stand. she didn't even know him and had his kid. We don't know what the deal is but seriously, it seemed like she was having his kid for a paycheck anyway

  3. Oh, please. This will be resolved in court next month.

    I have very little sympathy for a woman who chose to get pregnant by Naveen (I believe it was intentional), collects hefty child support payments, and then doesn't follow the terms of their joint custody agreement. If she was so concerned that her son was being poisoned, why didn't she go to court over it?

  4. if Laura Wasser asked for a psych needs to happen.

    i mean she was involved with the fall of Britney...she knows crazy.

  5. It seems dreadfully wrong that a court can order a child taken away from its mother (who may have some odd ideas, but nothing else) and give the child not only to the father but to a woman the mother fears.

    It was more than a one night stand, it was a full-blown affair. Naveen does have several children to different women though - put a welly on your willy man!

  6. Naveen sure knows how to pick his baby mammas, doesn't he? Doesn't he know what a condom is??

  7. I am a family lawyer, so I know what you mean ... no winners! But there are always three sides to these stories - his, hers and the truth. Let's hope the court can find the last one for the sake of the child!

  8. I agree with canadiangirl. We don't know the whole story. If the mom thought he was being poisoned, um, where's the proof? Did she take him to the hospital? Are there tests? Is there a police report?

    People ought to be more selective about whom they choose to breed with. Him and her both! Maybe she intended to get pregnant but like he doesn't know what causes babies???? Gimme a break.

    I feel sorry for the kid!

  9. here's the thing tho...and maybe i'm playing devil's advocate, but what if there's some truth to the witchcraft accusation? h'wood has a serious in into the occult, so who knows...could be more here than meets the eye.

    hmmm...enty why aren't you dishing more underworld stuff? you know you hear about it and it surely must come across your desk on occasion.

  10. Barbara Hershey? I thought she was a $cientologist (might explain the witchcraft claim).

  11. "Witchcraft" could mean she takes echinacea for her colds. I know Barbara Hershey/Seagull has decades of flakiness behind her, but 'witchcraft' and 'poisoning' seem highly unlikely. Naveen, however, does need to keep it in his pants. He is not exactly the model of good judgement.

  12. I dunno, I think if you look like Naveen, it's your duty to spread yourself around to as many lucky women as possible. And to make as many min-Naveen's as possible. ;)

  13. is mooshki volunteering? just askin'...

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