Gwyneth Talks About Gamma Rays Or The Force Or Something Jedi
Whoever is monitoring Gwyneth Paltrow's website GOOP, which I discussed last month does not appear to be doing a good job of keeping out the naysayers. As, you know a celebrity with a vanity project does not like to be contradicted and so it is the job of those webmasters to keep out anything negative. I will say that Gwyneth has been reading the message boards on her site, but has nothing but scorn for the people who write negative things.
See, in Gwyneth's world, the only thing that is right is Gwyneth. I mean she really believes that. Can you imagine being married to her? Seriously, it's no wonder that Coldplay seems like they have been on a non-stop six year tour.
In a recent interview Gwyneth started babbling about how she was going to take over the world and mold it in her image and start a worldwide chain of gyms with her trainer so people could like her and feel like her. I say no thanks. Death is not that far off as it is so I don't need to look like it or feel like it until my time is here.
She says that anyone who criticizes GOOP just doesn't understand that she, Gwyneth has valuable advice to offer.
"People get a hit of energy when they are negative and it is very detrimental for them. They do not understand why they do not have a happy life. That kind of stuff is just noise to me. I feel sorry for them.
"I have this incredible, lucky, unique life where I've gotten to travel all over the place and so I started to acquire all of this information. I thought this would be a fun, creative way to share it. I thought if I could affect one woman's life positively, it was worth it."
Yeah, so let me get this straight. By her calculations, I should have been hit with about 20 bolts of energy since I started writing this post because of all the negative things I said about her. This in turn is causing me to have an unhappy life. The kind of life where I eat what I want, drink what I want and go to the bathroom a normal amount of times.
Apparently she thinks because she has traveled all over the world, and most "everyday people" have not, that she is in some unique position to share everything she has discovered with the world. Did she seriously wake up one morning, climb out of her coffin and say, "People should want to be me. I am going to give my gift of knowledge to the world so they can be like me. Get your ass out of bed Chris. I know real people don't sleep 20 hours a day. I think you are avoiding me."