Friday, January 23, 2009

Four For Friday

#1 - Technically I guess this film actor is a B lister but he is definitely A list when it comes to name recognition. Our actor got in some well publicized trouble awhile back. What wasn't made public is the real reason the cops were called. Seems he called a clerk the N word.

#2 - Now, I know there are some bad dates out there, but you would think that if you are in your 20's you wouldn't have to have your teenage girlfriend pay for all your dates and your clothes and if you get cash from the parents it is the same thing because she is earning all the money anyway.

#3 & 4- This NHL player has himself a really nice celebrity girlfriend who he claims to love. Hasn't stopped him from having strippers called up to his room on every road trip. I'm sure the girlfriend would be pleased.


MontanaMarriott said...

2- MILEY all the way

Dee said...
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Dee said...

1- Shia LaBeouf for that whole Walgreens drunken incident?

4- Hilary Duff's boyfriend?

Emobacca said...

1- Shia Ladouche
2- Miley

Green Wave Gal said...

I agree...

3&4-Mike Comrie and Hilary Duff

jw12 said...

i agree w/ all of the above

1. Shia
2. Miley
3. Hillary

Anonymous said...

i agree with every one of them so far -
1. shia
2. miley
3. hillary duff and mike comrie

lutefisk said...

The only one I have 2nd thoughts on is Shia--but I agree on Miley/Hillary.

mooshki said...

If he called someone the N word, he was lucky to just have to face the cops instead of getting thoroughly beat down. I'd punch him in the face if I heard it. (Which reminds me, please, someday, let Paris get within arm's distance.)

Kara said...

I agree with the majority EXCEPT - isn't Mandy Moore dating a guy in the NHL? And doesn't enty always seem like he thinks she is nice?

So I would say Mandy Moore if she is dating a guy in the NHL.

lyricalgangsta said...

What about Elisha Cuthbert and Dion Phaneuf for #3?

He plays for the calgary flames

Thisisridiculous said...

1. Orlando Bloom came to mind first but Shia is a good guess.

2. Definitely Miley

3. Not into NHL so have no idea.

Dijea said...

1. I really hate to think this is Shia
2. Miley & the bum.
3&4. I like Elisha Cuthbert & Dion Phaneuf. Nice one lyricalgansta.

mooshki said...

Has anyone ever accused Elisha Cuthbert of being 'nice' before?

Green Wave Gal said...

I thought Mandy Moore was dating an MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) guy.

Why do I know this?

Anonymous said...

I'm with mooshki - Elisha isn't known for being nice ever.

Hillary usually is.

I think people nailed these early on. Shia, Miley/Gaston, and Hill/Comrie

jax said...

1- i thought Russelle Crowe,but Shia works..racist lil fuck.

juicy said...

Just to play devils advocate, but isn't the N-word free speech? I don't like the word or it's connotations any more than the next person, don't get me wrong. I'm really just curious. Is there like a hate speech law that prevents you saying it freely?

To clarify, I really am just clueless about this.

But I do agree its Shia.

Stephe96 said...

1) My first thought was Russell Crowe, but now that I think about it, that hotel clerk wasn't black, was he? Any way to find out if Shia's Walgreen's clerk was black?

Anonymous said...

Isn't Carrie Underwood dating a hockey player too now? Mike Fisher I think. She could be the nice celeb being cheated on.

Agree on all others.

lachickforever said...

It is not criminal to call someone the N word. If it was Shia, he was drunk in public and they could have just told him to leave. But he went and called someone the N word and then probably decided to call the cops to have him removed from the premises.

lachickforever said...

I meant "and then THEY probably decided to call the cops"

mooshki said...

What LA Chick said. If that Walgreen's is anything like some of the ones I've been to, I bet the guards are used to dealing with drunken idiots without normally calling the cops.

Pookie said...

2-justin gaston (bf of mc)
3-sean avery -the dude fired from the dallas stars for the comments about elisha cuthbert.
4-whomever he's dating now...supposedly he's a hot player...dunno. don't know much about nhl.

annie cat said...
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annie cat said...

Enty, please tell me Mandy Moore is not dating George St. Pierre (who is not in the NHL). I have a HUGE crush on him.

J said...

wow...whats ironic is that if its shia, he has some nerve considering he is part black..his dad is a backwoods cajun/creole=black...when i saw him i automatically assumed there was some louisiana in him...i am actually fairer than him and i am creole...go back to his nickelodeon days and think about it..he has "whitened" his appearance up quite a bit...

and there is no plausible excuse for using the "n" word in this day and age or ever...

Elizabeth Peregrina said...

for once i can take a guess on all of em
1. shia la douche
2. miley's bf...justin or some ish
3. tom Brady n giselle

rvcon2 said...

3&4 hank baskett and kendra wilkinson.

kanonymous said...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Tom Brady is a hockey player.

non said...

rvcon2, hank baskett is a football guy.

janet85 said...

Enty wouldn't have refered to Kendra Wilkinson as "nice" when other descriptions of her make it more juicy.

And Carrie Underwood... not really known as "nice" either... she's had publicity as a catty bitch for stirring trouble about Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo.

bionic bunny! said...

didn't carrie underwood just break up w/ TV doc storke, anyway?

#2 has to be miley. i think the duffster is no longer a teen.

doesn't shia say his dad was a jerk? still waters run deep. no excuse for that word though.

@ juicy: it may be considered "freedom of speech" but that may be the single most inflammatory word on the planet. a person using that word is asking for trouble.

VelvetStaccato said...

1. Shia LaDouche. That's the very first person that came to mind when I saw this. What an ignorant puss!!

2. Poor Miley, LOL!!

3. No idea. I keep hockey as far away from the realm of my life as possible.

steph moore said...

Okay, I hate, hate, hate to suggest this because I'm the major fan, but I think the #1 is Christian Bale.

Gad I hope I'm wrong.

Anotheramy said...

I have no clue about any of these but, to the average People reader Carrie Underwood is very nice.

r said...

Anyone who believes there is now or ever has truly been free speech in this society (or any society) knows nothing of history. Every generation has Unspeakable Things. Speaking the Unspeakable in the 50's got you committed to a mental institution and a lobotomy, a la Francis Farmer. Speaking the Unspeakable in in earlier decades got you jailed. The words and concepts change. Free Love in one century, atheism in another, the N word in this one. Who knows what will be Unspeakable in the 21st century. We are all herd animals, and every herd has speech laws.

Anotheramy said...

After consideration #1 is Shia LaBeouf. I have the feeling that kid is going to continue to be the subject of BIs until he either isn't employable and we all forget about him, or he does a few stints in rehab and jail.

mabel said...

So, the police now respond to name-calling or name-calling by a celebrity? Wow. Just. Wow.

Love Like Winter said...
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Love Like Winter said...

Annie- MM is supposed to be dating GSP. She was at UFC 83 and UFC 86. I know a couple of MMA guys (my best friend competes with Pride and used to do Dream before it folded) and I can't say for sure that they're dating, but they're at least friends with benefits.

Are you watching the Penn/GSP fight on the 31st?

Oh and hi everyone! I'm new- long time lurker and figured I'd come out of lurkerdom.

Unknown said...

For number 1 I thought of Josh Brolin...but clearly I was the only one.

Love Like Winter said...

Laura- the only problem with that is I can't see Josh Brolin as a B lister.

Unknown said...

See, I do. Because he seems to be perma "supporting actor". You dont see him opening a movie on his name alone, which I thought was ENT's definition of A-list

kelly said...

Ryan Newman popped into my head for #1. He is of that age that he may think the N word is acceptable

Unknown said...

1. Russell Crowe was the first one to pop into my mind.

2. Definetly Miley and Gayston

3. & 4. Im going with Carrie Underwood and her bf.

c17 said...

1) Shia

2) Miley's oily bo-hunk

3) Elisha's dude - she has a rep for being nice & I think I remember Ent mentioning it.

I'm pretty sure MM broke up with GSP to go back to DJ AM after the plane crash. And I cannot WAIT for the St. Pierre/Penn fight. I LURVE them both!

/but I WANT some GSP boyshorts with the Fleur De Lis on them.

Carrie said...

:( I think #3 & 4 is Dion Phaneuf and Elisha Cuthbert. I live in Calgary and Elisha has a good reputation around here... plus I've heard stories about the Flames on the road

Molly said...

juicy, if i worked at walgreen's (where this happened in chicago, btw) and someone walked in drunk and called me a bitch and wouldn't leave, you bet your ass i'd call the police. who knows what the low class fucker is going to do.

mabel, they'd respond to anyone calling the police in these circumstances. in fact, if someone started breaking shit in the store, their first question would be, 'why didn't you call us sooner'?

Love Like Winter said...

DJ AM has this American Apparel model he's dating (Hayley Wood? I think).

I'm SO geeked for next Saturday! GSP is going to crush him! I like BJ and all, but there's no way he's prepared enough.

Laura- after I thought about it he may be B list. I mean, even my Mom, who hasn't watched a movie pretty much in about 10 years, thinks she's heard of him. And if he DID use that word, that could be why the fight got so bad.

Unknown said...

I have nothing to add except my delight at c17's "oily bo-hunk". Glad to know I'm not the only one to still bust that out occasionally.

JS said...

I don't think that it is Josh Brolin. He was fighting with the police, not a clerk and Jeffrey Wright was with him. I remeber getting the impression that there may have been some racial bias on the part of the police in that scuffle.

A worker at a store is called a clerk, so I am leaning towards the Walgreen's incident.

triunfopark said...

"I'm sure the girlfriend would be PLEASED"..PLEASED as in happy or PLEASED as in also taken care of?
Now that's juicy food for thought!

Sis said...

I also think Josh Brolin for number 1, just because he was with his black friend causing trouble does not mean he would not use the n word. Definately B list with A name recognition, everybody knows him.

Sis said...

And he is a trouble maker and always has been....

McCollough Everheart said...

Fyi, I live 1/2 block away from the Walgreens where this took place in Chicago. Shia did in fact use racial slurs, towards both the security guard and a clerk, in addition to being wasted. I also happen to live next door to the sundry store that he frequented while here. He was wasted there too- and I hear he's super-super short and scrawny...

Steph said...

#2 Amanda Bynes, who recently called it quits with "Hills" beau, Doug Reinhardt.

canadachick said...

just to be different : #3 & 4 Rachel Hunter dating Jarrett Stoll (LA KINGS)

mooshki said...

Thanks for the confirmation, Carolyn. I didn't want to think he was that much of a dumbass.

gigi said...

I agree with 1)Shia and 2)Miley, but does Shia really have "A" name recognition? It seems like just yesterday I was watching him after school on Even Stevens...however, the blind makes perfect sense for the Walgreens incident. Hell, I go to Walgreens drunk all the time. But nobody calls the cops on me because I'm nice and not racist.

As far as the NHL thing, I would think Hilary would be the best person dating a hockey player to be described as "nice" by Enty. Carrie Underwood is NOT NICE, and I'm sure he knows that. She's probably the opposite of nice.

Karmen said...

OK some of this doesn't make sense. I think #1 is Shia cause he's just a big bag'o DOUCHE. The only thing is that he's a star in a franchise - Transformers - which is A-list, according to Enty.

Definitely can't be Christian Bale. He's A-list, cause he's in the Batman series. Also, he was appointed to arrest in the UK cause he yelled at his mom and sister. I doubt he'd drop the N-bomb in that altercation or that they'd call the cops on him for that.

I still think it's Shia, cause it's SO something he'd do. He's always dropping words that aren't PC. Remember when there was a video of him calling a friend a "faggot"? Granted, calling a friend a "faggot", like meaning "douche", doesn't mean he'd drop the N-bomb, but still. This just screams Shia LaDouche. Blegh.


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