Extortion Attempt Against The Travolta Family
The Bahama Tribune is reporting that an attempt has been made to extort money from the family of John Travolta following the death of his son Jett. The paper says that no formal complaint has been filed with the police by Travolta or his attorneys, but that the Bahamian government is aware of the attempt.
A friend of the Travolta family and former Tourism Minister had this to say. "There was an incident that was brought to my attention that I subsequently alerted the Travolta's lawyers to (because) it is reprehensible that someone would think to benefit from a gentleman who's grieving," he said yesterday. "So I spoke with (Travolta's) lawyers (who) have subsequently spoken to individuals in Grand Bahama and that's as far as I know - I think the matter is being handled by respective lawyers."
In fact Travolta's lawyers did release a statement to a Jacksonville newspaper saying, "Regrettably in a time of such terrible grief there are often a few individuals who attempt to make false claims in hopes of making millions of dollars. We will never let that happen".
Now, what is barely mentioned in the Bahamian newspaper and not at all in the Jacksonville paper is what that extortion attempt is about. The only clue is this sentence in the Bahamas news account.
"The reported extortion attempt is said to involve an individual - reportedly a health care worker - trying to sell sensitive information or photos to international media agencies. Earlier in the week, it was reported that two individuals - one allegedly a politician - were involved in an extortion attempt of the Travolta family. "
Honestly, unless there is some complete lie that everyone in the world has been fed about Jett's death, I really don't want to see or hear more about it. I definitely don't want to see any cell phone photos that were taken, and I really don't care if he had Kawasaki Syndrome or not. At this point, I just want this all to go away and let a family grieve over their child.