Monday, January 26, 2009

Daily Mirror Blind Item

Which tiny celeb makes his aides pick out all of the red sweeties out of a bag of M&M's because that's the only colour he likes?


  1. Well, it's either Verne or Tom Cruise, or Katt Williams.

    In a strange twist, they are also three nuts! Not plain.

  2. The only tiny celeb I can think of at the moment is Verne.

  3. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Given that it's the Mirror and Verne was on BBUK, I'm going with Verne.

    Every time I see contract riders like this, it makes me think: what do they do with the rest of them. I mean, someone picked over all the M&Ms, ew.

  4. I read that Van Halen states that a bowl of m&ms be placed backstage with all the brown m&ms taken out as a sort of test to see if their contract was fully reviewed or something.

  5. Why not just buy only red M&Ms? It's not that hard to find a candy store that sells them individually by color...

  6. Re: Van Halen. As a joke, there was a band who opened for them once who demanded all the M&M's that had been removed from Van Halen's candy bowl.

  7. Makes me wonder how many malcontent assistants perform this task after peeing and not washing their hands.

  8. I was about to post the same thing as you palealebrew. It was indeed a trick. The request was buried into a long list and the first thing the band did when they were backstage was to check the M&M's bowl. If they hadn't been sorted, the band would check closely their real requests, especially concerning security. And if these ones hadn't been taken care of, they would not play.

    Van Halen were called divas because of what it looked light but David Lee Roth put the things straight a few years ago. He claims that Mick Jagger once said the Rolling Stones felt safe with a venue just by knowing Van Halen had played there.

    Anyway, I still can't listen to Van Halen.

    My guess: James Blunt. British and tiny and boring enough to have this kind of requests.

  9. Jeremy Piven. No wonder he left Speed the Plow.

  10. Anonymous1:43 PM


  11. Why is it always M&Ms? Why not purple skittles?

  12. Um...all M & Ms taste the same, that's my number 1.

    Number 2--the red dye that's used in candy is made from a specific kind of beetle shell. Yup, that's right....all that yummy candy is made from BUGS. Look it up.

    Number 3--pick them out your own damned self, what's wrong with you?? Are you too busy trying to push yer head further into yer own arse?? Do you need someone to hold yer dick when you pee, too? Oh, probably 'no' to the last one--since this pussy clearly must squat to pee.

    As for the "trick" to make sure the rider was correct? Um, that's what you've got a manager for. Really, that's just the band creating an excuse not to play if they partied too hard or decided they didn't want to play that night. Trust me.

  13. i believe the van halen one is true. the smoking gun (.com) has a whole mess of contracts with some really bizarre requests. loads of fun for a rainy day.

  14. i'm weird and always organize my m&ms by color.
    i think it all started with those rumors when i was a kid that red caused cancer. but it soothes me.

  15. No idea, but I could beat his ass based on this alone.
