Thursday, January 29, 2009

Colin Farrrell & Salma Hayek Dating - Nickname - Coma?

Do you remember back in the day when Colin Farrell and Salma Hayek made a movie together? You might not because it was a pretty crappy movie and I think Colin was pretty much wasted everyday they filmed it. The movie was called Ask The Dust. Yeah, I don't think anyone saw it. OK, well maybe you did if you had nothing to do for a month straight and went through every possible movie Netflix has. Otherwise, you probably didn't.

Anyway, on the set of that movie, Colin was always hitting on Salma. It had no chance of going anywhere though because both of their lives were complicated and he was a drunken mess. Fast forward a couple of years and now they are both available. Well, as available as Colin ever is. They start dating right before the Golden Globes. At the Golden Globes they are pretty much all over each other, and it has carried right on through to now. When Salma hosted a party to celebrate Penelope Cruz's Oscar nomination? Colin was the co-host. When Salma's baby needed to go to bed? Colin was the one who took the baby to bed. When all the other guests left that night? Colin didn't go anywhere.

So, I officially pronounce them Coma.


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