Thursday, January 01, 2009

Blind Items Revealed

November 5, 2008

Today is more of an update to a blind item. Within the past month or so I think I posted about a celebrity chef who was cheating on his wife. The celebrity chef is known to all of you. Would he be A list? Sure. Definitely. Anyway, the update is that I was unsure who he was cheating with. Turns out it is one of his restaurant employees. Not someone who works with him on television or with his books, but a restaurant employee. This could of course be the reason why he is spending so much time at that particular restaurant lately.

This isn't a reveal, and it isn't Gordon Ramsay. Think the US for this one.


  1. Anonymous2:46 PM

    that clinches it as Bobby Flay then doesn't it?

  2. Bobby Flay has a reputation for being unable to keep it in his pants so I still say its him

  3. confused . . .
    gotta be Flay, right?

  4. maybe Mario Batali is sexing up somebody. those greens Crocs are so hot...

  5. Bobby? Wow...I can't believe he'd cheat on that hot piece of a wife.


  6. Wolfgang Puck or Emeril maybe?

  7. I want to say Anthony Bourdain just for fun because everyone is saying Bobby Flay.

  8. Alton Brown? LOL Good Eats baby!

  9. That confirms it. Too much champagne. :)

  10. Emeril, and his essence, and toothpaste.

  11. hope they wash their hands when they're done cooking before they start cooking food.

  12. I'm going with Flay because I dont want to sear the brain membranes of of Batali doing anything remotely sexual.

  13. Ha, the only American chef I could think of was Emeril. That brought nasty pictures of BAM!!

    Icywench, NO!! I love Alton, he's a good guy (and I don't think he owns restaurants). It can be anyone ENTy other than Alton Brown. Puleeezzz!

  14. Huh, I used a cooking reference and didn/t mean too..I'm on it today!

  15. i've seen that little ginge in action - full on flirt mode. he's a total douchebag who uses his 'position' to get laid. i can't believe southern peach stephanie march fell for this blue corn crusted, habanero spiked, honey glazed, roof top bbq'd, cilantro infused poor excuse for a man/chef.

  16. There is no way that this is Alton Brown. Nope, no-how, get-it-outta-yer-mind.

    I like the Flay guess, but is he someone who is "known to all of you"? Same with my second love, Bourdain.

    I think Wolfgang Puck or Emeril. They would be known to the general public and are considered A-list.

    Batali? ewww... that is "verne-ish"

  17. Good one, wineaux! I am going to go with Emeril. How can you NOT know who Emeril is? People like Bobby Flay you would know mostly from Food network. or at least, I would. Emeril sticks out more to me!

  18. Just for fun, I'm going with Tom Cillicho (sp?) from Top Chef.

  19. Easy there...I was totally razzing about Alton! Can't see it, don't WANT to see it!! First thought was Flay but that seems too easy.

  20. Ashton beat me to it. I am also going for Tom Coliccio(?). A waitress from Craft just sued him for improper disbusement of tips and not paying overtime. Wonder if she was just a disgruntled mistress?
    On the other hand, it would not suprise me if the person he is cheating with is a man. He is supposed to be a bear icon or something.

  21. crap....i reread it. it can't be that wimp ginge flay - he has a 'celebrity' wife. enty would have mentioned that in the blind, right? and emeril is totally known to everyone. btw, emeril has been known in the past to have a nasty little coke problem. i've had a few friends that have worked for him in a management capacity. tsk tsk.

  22. Known to all of us? I had NO idea who Bobby Flay was.

  23. Wow, wineaux, THAT could certainly explain Emeril's endless energy and his exceptionally healthy self-esteem.

    He must eat a whole helluva lot to lardass cokehead.

    Emeril is who I immediately thought of for the blind.

    But most importantly --WHY won't Ent reveal it? That HAS TO BE a major clue. Well, maybe? Anyone? Beuller?

  24. that should have read: "He must eat a whole helluva lot to BE A lardass cokehead."

  25. The news about Ramsey came out shortly after this item, so I stopped thinking about it. I agree that it probably isn't AB as I don't think he owns a restaurant.
    I don't think Bourdain owns one either(not sure), so Flay, Emeril, Fieri might be possibilities as they own restaurants. I also thought about including Michael Chiarello, but he know longer owns a restaurant. Flay seems to be the one with the most inflated opinion of himself, so I guess him.

  26. I thought Colicchio was doing Padma, so this blind must be about someone else.

  27. People, come one. First, Batalli has ORANGE crocs, not green ones. And Andthony Bourdain does not have a restaurant. He used to cook at Les Halles in NYC, but now just does TV and books. If this is a restaurant in LA, then I'd go with Batalli. I don't think Flay has a restaurant in LA, only Las Vegas. Otherwise, I'd say Flay, who is on wife #4. (BTW, I don't think Puck is married anymore; got divorced from Barbara (what a bitch), a while back).

  28. I was thinking Jamie Oliver (the naked chef) but I think he is British.

    Tom Coliccio is actually a pretty good guess, but I refuse to believe it!

  29. I don't think it is Tom Colicchio. I'm pretty sure that I read something last summer about him living with his partner. I'm assuming that "partner" signifies that Tom is living with a man, and that he is gay.

  30. Awwwww, Bobby, it better not be you. You were my food network gateway drug :(

  31. as long as it's not my tony, i don't care!
