Thursday, January 01, 2009

Blind Items Revealed

December 24, 2008

This B list actor and sometime director, now married was once in a highly publicized relationship. While on location in another country the actor found himself in the VIP room of a member’s only gentleman’s club. Rumors swirled about what happened that night and ended up costing his relationship, but the popular guess was second or third base, at best. What really happened was captured on tape by a security camera of the actor, two ladies, and a lot of um let’s say marital aids of all varieties.

When one of the ladies let it ‘slip’ after the encounter that it was all recorded on security camera the actor demanded the tape from the club owner. After several phone calls and exchanges of all sorts the actor left with tape in hand.

But what the actor didn’t know was that the club had made several copies before the actor even knew it existed and he was just one of several actors caught in the same scam at the exclusive anything goes club. The whereabouts of the other tapes are unknown but I’m sure wherever they are, they came at a high price.

Ben Affleck


  1. Yeah, finally a Ben Affleck reveal!

  2. Didn't we already know this was Affleck? I want to know if he and Jen are staying together.

  3. Hahaha finally! He's the answer to one. Ooopsadaisy there, Ben :p

  4. I would never have guessed Affleck for this one! :)

  5. The funny thing is some people were so adamant that it wasn't Affleck. this blind was Ent's Xmas present to his readers.

  6. This was when he was with lopez right?

  7. Oh Ben--not the brightest light on the tree.

  8. Is that pic a still from the video?
    Is that why he looks so greasy?
    Happy trails . . .

    Ent - Affleck For the MF Win.


  9. this was years ago, believe it was a bachelor party.


  10. Interesting! I never knew the details of this story. Yes, it was when he was with JLo.

  11. Escandalo!

    Finally the answer is BA. I bet someone is feeling good about that.

    Side note: That's pretty gross what he was doing with some strange.

  12. LOL Finally Ben gets his due!!!

  13. thanks for a scoop on the Ben Affleck we all know & love!

  14. I remember this. It was in Vancouver over 4 years ago and was with Christian Slater and wife at the time and Tara Reid. A bunch of strippers went home with all of them and one sold her story to the Enquirer I think and said she could prove he cheated on JLo by videotape at the club. I remembered wondering how much he had to pay off to keep that off the internet.

  15. I am going to go into major withdrawal when this is all over. Please don't let it stop...

  16. I'd rather think of the kindness revealed on the fourth of july.

  17. @ Kimi
    "said she could prove he cheated on JLo by videotape at the club."

    Yikes. I didn't remember that. I thought it was just he said/she said.

    Enty wrote that several other actors have been caught in the same scam.

    Is this club still in business?

  18. No brainer,
    Gwyneth cited his love of sleazy strippers as the reason for their breakup, years before.
    If a tape of him giving tranny prostitutes a 'ride home' surfaces, now THAT would be news.

  19. Ms, Yes, Brandi's in Vancouver, actually she took lie detector, but employees told Enquirer that for strippers safety, everything has security cameras and is always being recorded. Excuse my spelling late night last night!!!

  20. Can you imagine all those destructive people together??? Must of been a train wreck! Ben, Slater, Tara Reid and Slater's wife he met in rehab and they both were relapsed.

  21. actually, isn't what these strippers are doing considered to be entrapment-- getting drunk customers into a back room, giving them toys and then taping thier actions??? And if you think about it, it wasn't so stupid of BA-- it got him out of that relationship with JLo, which I think was probably a dodged bullet-- look at skeletor's career since having wed her....

  22. lol everything about what was happening in that room was far from legal, you think they care about entrapment?

  23. It's probably the best thing that could of ever happened to him.

  24. As far as back rooms and entrapment goes, one particular bar I worked in tops it all, IMO. There were two separate rooms for "VIP" dancing, and each room had two way mirrors, and a locking door... Needless to say I NEVER went in those rooms.
    A) I was scared for my personal safety
    2) Who knows what kind of hidden cameras were in there????

    Oh, but the stories I could tell you about what happened in those rooms... Um, yeah, yuck factor...

    And yay! We all knew it was Aflack, I mean Affleck!

  25. Finally finally finally It's Benny for the win!!


  27. I think entrapment (in the legal sense in the US) involves a member of law enforcement inducing someone to commit a crime that the person wouldn't have thought of doing until induced. Unless one of the strippers was an undercover cop, there is no entrapment; you're just being duped. But I'm not a lawyer; just someone who took a criminal justice course on a whim many years ago.

  28. I was wondering where our Ben was in these reveals. Thanks Ent.

  29. Doesn't surprise me he'd behave like this. I met him when we bumped into each other in a coffee shop (I landed on the floor, both of our coffees went flying). He immediately helped me up, kept asking if I was okay, and bought me another coffee.
