Thursday, January 01, 2009

Blind Items Revealed

December 19, 2008

#1 - Let's start off with a kindness. This B list actor, who does more than act with a name everyone recognizes, but maybe not always from his films spent several hours visiting wounded military despite the fact he had an event that night. Plus he chose not to let anyone know he was doing it, and just did it to do it.

Kevin Bacon


  1. A true class act. I hope he and Kyra are able to recoup some of the money they lost when Madoff "made off" with their funds!

  2. I love Kevin Bacon. And Kyra Sedgwick, for that matter. they seem so nice. I hope they didn't really lose all their money with Madoff.

  3. That is very cool. I have always loved, even more! KB, you rock!!!

  4. oh - I love Kevin and Kyra so much.
    I was heartbroken to hear about their financial losses. I am sure they can make it back, but they must feel so violated - horrible.
    They are such regular unassuming NYers.

  5. Picture Perfect was on the other night, and I watched it forshame, but he was the only highlight of it. Bless him.

  6. Way cool. Didn't everyone guess Gary Sinese for that one?

  7. Hey Ms.
    Nice to see you on this post

  8. I'm watching Beauty Shop right now and Kevin Bacon is so funny as "Jorge"

  9. @ Farmgirl


  10. jbeebs, i lmao every time i see him in that. his performance is second only to hank azaria in birdcage.

    love kevin bacon and he and kyra certainly didn't deserve to lose their money. hope '09 is great to them both.

  11. you boneheads love these people? really? is this blog for 12yr old girls?

  12. I'm not usually one for soaps, but it was really more like Saved by the Bell.

  13. Damn! When will this man get an Oscar? Not for being a great guy, but because he has been consistently great for 20 plus years, a helluva career, considering actors are dime-a-dozen.

    I like his film choices too, and his cameos on the "Colbert Report."

    I hope his marriage is as good as it seems--I love them as a couple.

  14. sandman - oooh, somebody's jealous!

  15. Time to take your medication, sandman.

    Make a comment about the story, or don't say anything at all. Thank you.

  16. and yes, we love them. so maybe we're all twelve!

  17. I wish I were 12 again - well maybe 16

  18. And yes, it IS a blog for 12 year old girls, so get the hell out.

    Tween and proud!

  19. farmgirl - I'd be happy with 27!

  20. I've got a kind of good Kevin Bacon story.

    We all know he's a nice guy etc., but he really hates doing press for his films. He does do the junkets etc and doesn't complain, but towards the end, his nerves get a little frayed. It seems that on every junket, close to the end, one journalist is the recipient of his frayed nerves. This is fairly well known in the junket circuit.

    A few years ago, my friend was the recipient and the funny thing is that Kevin's doling it out essentially amounts to being irritated and letting it show. Small potatoes compared to other celebrities.

    Okay, but here's the cool thing. My friend joked -- to Kevin -- that he was this junket's recipient of Kevin's end-of-junket mood. Kevin didn't bat an eye and readily admitted it ;-) He continued to be a little testy and then settled down and did the interview like the pro that he is.

    My friend respected him even more after the exchange & interview. Most celebrities would have thrown the journalist out of the room for daring to poke fun at them.

  21. Sandman = Dead Kennedy.

    Y A W N

  22. Damn, I'd happily go back to being 12. Had better skin, no bills to pay and maybe I'd have picked differently in my life.

  23. I fully expected that most of the reveals would be the kindness ones as those would be less prone to lawsuits. I don't mind that and consider it a good way to start the new year.

  24. that is the best story EVA.

    love love love them, they are perfect! woohoo!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. 27 would be awesome
    has anyone seen it around here lately?

  27. sandman, be more like kevin bacon, admit that you're testy, and get on with life like the pro you are

  28. Good story Ms, I love when people share their own celebrity gossip as well!

  29. @ Idiot Watcher


  30. Sandman, aren't you late for your Drano enema? Run along now!

  31. I've heard a lot of good things about them over the years from a friend who ran a video store they used to frequent, and a friend who was a waitress. They seem to be nice people.

  32. Haha, well now the name thing makes sense...*L*

  33. I love that he isn't afraid to let "it" all hang out on film. There's a scene in Friday the 13th where KB is on a dock in his shorts, and he has a big boner. It's hysterical.



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