Friday, October 24, 2008
Four For Friday - Jackass & Kindness
#1 - Jackass - This foreign born B list film star who was shooting for A list before he started losing his hair and his box office mojo is apparently extremely sensitive about his hair. How much? Well, he was buying a suit a few weeks ago and the salesperson suggested a hat because he thought it would go well the suit. Our actor took it the wrong way though and took a good five minutes to yell at the offending salesperson before throwing the suit on the floor and kicking it around a little and then walking out the door.
#2 - Kindness - I guess she is a C list television actress, but until a few years ago would have been considered B list when she was on a long running hit comedy. Well, despite the fact she is married with child/ren, she finds the time each week to spend about 15 hours weekly serving food to homeless people. She does this in the mornings before then coming home and seeing her kids off to school. Often she will go again in the evenings and take her kids to help.
#3 - Jackass - B list television actress who used to be on a hit and is now on a new show. Not the most fun person to work with according to the crew. For someone who is lucky enough to have a career she sure loves to play the game of don't talk to me. Apparently unless you are a producer or director on the show, you are not allowed to speak directly to her. Well, the crew loves nothing more to talk to her anyway. They love doing this when they need a break because they know she will throw a tantrum and retreat to her dressing room for at least an hour.
#4 - Kindness - Former B list television actress. Now, she is still a B, but is not really doing anything. A list name recognition though. Oh, and she's married. Last year she gave away every penny she earned for a show she was working on. Every penny and it was a substantial sum. It is not like she is hurting for money, but she gave away well over $3M to charity.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:09 PM
Labels: blind item , Four For Friday , Jackass , Kindness
Random Photos Part One
A lot of internal discussion about who should get the top spot today because there were lots of interesting combinations. But, in the end I went with someone who I really admire and who has been around seemingly forever, and still looks great and does a great job. Annie Leibovitz gets the top spot today.

I get depressed just looking at this photo of Debra Messing. Not that I ever really get excited looking at her.

I do love Marcia Gay Harden.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:44 PM
Labels: Ashley Olsen , Balthazar Getty , Hilary Duff , Joe Pesci , Jude Law , Matt Damon , Parker Posey , Prince
Your Turn
When I asked for suggestions a few weeks ago, one of the most popular was the 3 people inviting to dinner question. This is a gossip site though so we have to do things a little differently.
3 people to dinner. 2 of the people must be an actor/actress/musician
Your third person needs to be a person who is a historical figure. Alive or dead. It does not have to be some high and mighty thing. I myself would get a kick out of seeing
Paris Hilton
Lindsay Lohan
Abraham Lincoln
That would be funny.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:16 PM
Labels: Your Turn
Glib Putz?
I just find it hard to believe that is the best he could come up with. I mean doesn't Scientology have a bunch of wannabe Hollywood writers sitting around with nothing to do all day except talk to their auditors. I mean Matt Lauer got off a way better line than anything Tom mentioned. "Why don't you sit down?" Lauer shot back. "We'll get you a booster seat!"
See? Now that is a line from a roast. I mean that probably got one of the best reactions of anything said. I would have liked to have known what Tom Cruise was thinking right that second. Probably wishing he could call down Xenu onto Matt Lauer.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:28 AM
Labels: Matt Lauer , Tom Cruise
Geri Halliwell Blind Item - From The Daily Mirror
Which famous celeb tried to pull me by leaving his room key backstage at Top Of The Pops?
I turned him down, urgh, it was so tacky!
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:52 AM
Labels: Daily Mirror , Geri Halliwell
Hello Playboy

Posted by
ent lawyer
10:33 AM
Labels: Lindsey Evans , Playboy
They Always Say That
The latest actress to get so lauded is Jessica Biel. Apparently she was singing some songs for the film Easy Virtue. Yeah, yeah. No one is going to see it, so let her sing some songs on the soundtrack. "She can hold her own as far as singing goes. She absolutely killed it. Some girls have everything. She’s a successful actress, dating Justin Timberlake, and she can sing!"
Yeah, well if she is so effing great at singing, then why hasn't her, ahem, boyfriend taken her into the studio? Why hasn't he produced anything for her? Why haven't the two made some money together based on her fantastic voice? I'll tell you why. Because she is good, but not great and Justin doesn't want to look stupid by producing songs for her that sound like crap. If she was that great, she would take advantage of it. It isn't like she is exactly at the top of the list when it comes to successful film stars. How long do you think it is going to be before she needs to find another source of income other than Justin.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:20 AM
Labels: Jessica Biel , Justin Timberlake
What Is Up With Gina Gershon?

Posted by
ent lawyer
10:05 AM
Labels: Gina Gershon
Mena Suvari To Get Married In Italy
In two years she will probably have shaved her head at least twice more, got six more tattoos, done maybe ten lines in a film and be on boyfriend number four. But, boyfriend #4 and her just might end up being married in Italy so it is good she is scouting things with her current boyfriend, who is Italian.
"We want to marry in Italy. We were there in August, and everything was closed in August, so we want to look at a lot of cathedrals and find a place."
Well, they do book up early I'm sure, so two years in advance is probably a good thing. Mena wants a traditional Italian wedding. Of course Mena was divorced in 2006 so the traditional Italian wedding may not in fact be possible. No one talks about that though in the story because the interview was with Kneepads and they only like focusing on the positives. Mena should have taken advantage of the situation and sold the rights to her wedding photos. By 2010 it is possible no one will remember her at all. Hell, if it was enough money they were offering she could just go there now, get married and paid and then get divorced and do it all over again with someone else.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:48 AM
Labels: Mena Suvari
Mooshki - Movie Review - Zach And Miri Make A Porno

Warning: I can see why Kevin had to fight so hard with the MPAA - this is definitely a hard R for sexuality. (Although, imo, infinitely less offensive than the violence in a typical R action movie.) There actually isn’t a whole lot of full nudity, and of course there’s no penetration, but there’s a lot of implied kinky sex, including one particular scene that made me think Kevin thought to himself “what’s the most disgusting thing I can do to Jeff Anderson in this film?”
Another warning: You will NEVER be able to look at a Star Wars movie the same way again.
If you’re a Kevin Smith fan, this is a definite must-see!
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:24 AM
Labels: Movie Review , Zach And Miri Make A Porno
Ted C Blind Item
Chalk another one up for the hets! When Stud-Bucket LeBeouf (no relation to the errant driving one) gets a woody for somebody other than his wife, he gets it in writing—always. But let's back up; wouldn't want to shoot our Blind Vice wad too soon, ya know!
Oh, and also: Look, for those of you out there who so (naively) think these jokers in H'town don't hook up with their attorneys looking over their erections at the same time, hey, you got another think comin', babes.
So, back to Stud:
Guess not everyone in H'wood is gay, but many in this town are pretty damn slimy. Mr. LeBeouf, for example. He's a megastar, by all standards, no doubt about that. S-B is mediocre-talented at his nonthespian career, but there's nothing mediocre about his looks—I mean, if I weren't married, I'd drool over him with the rest of the starry-eyed lot, fer sure; the dude's totally doable. He's got the bod, the hair, the style and the equipment down below, to boot (something I swear every one of my chick friends tells me they care more about than do gay men, and sisters, that is so saying a lot).
S-B.L.'s equally famous wife is just the topping to his sweet-ass life. He's pretty much the dude every guy wants to be and every gal wants to nail. Howev, lucky enough for the femmes, this is damn feasible. S2 has no problem stepping out on his honey and fam. He's just careful as hell when he does it: "He makes you sign one gnarly confidentiality contract beforehand," dished a recent and fresh Stud screw. "He uses them as customary procedure whenever he cheats," oozed the female, and this is quite often, trust.
Want details? Which kind? The inky ones first: Yes, we're literally talking a typed-up and ready-to-go piece of paper Stud-Bucket carries around with him, ya know, just in case. Like a condom! What, is this the newer safer sex? And there are no exceptions. Ever. Every lady Mr. L. has is required to sign on the dotted line before she's allowed between the sheets, which brings us directly to the second set of details. "Nothing kinky," blabbed our first-genital source, "but very nice ride"; most excellent tools, she added. Jeez, we're pretty surprised S-B.L. hasn't gotten caught by his wife-unit more often; we hear she's dumb in more ways than one.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:17 AM
Labels: Ted Casablanca
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Today's Blind Items - Kindness
Something a little different today. Always willing to change things up. This one is actually about the wife of a B list television star on one of the biggest comedies on television. It is not that hard, but when someone e-mailed me the story I just had to post it. It also takes place in Iowa which is odd because this is the second or third one we have had from the Iowa Writer's Workshop.
Before our subject got married she was a writer in the workshop. While there she met a male writer. This male writer did really well in the program. He graduated with tons of prospects--got himself a big agent, some money to support himself while he wrote post MFA, etc. While at Iowa, he became close friends with our subject. After a year of writing, he was ready to go--had his short story collection done, was going to hit the road to become the next Big Writing Star.
Except that he came home one night and everything--computer, disc drives, backups, paper copies, etc--of his work had been stolen in a burglary. A year's worth of work---out the door with a crackhead looking for some quick cash. Our male writer went into a tailspin--his life's ambitions were stolen from him in one night.
His support during this time came from our actor's wife, who continued to
encourage him to write, and who just helped him through that dark period, which lasted well over two years.
This feel-good story has a sweet ending, too---ten years later, our male writer
is back with a short story collection, and continues to write. Friends have helped him to set up a mini-midwest book tour, from connections he made while at Iowa, and a reading at the Knitting Factory in LA for him later this month, set up by his friend, our actor's wife.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:11 PM
Labels: blind item , Kindness
Random Photos Part One
When your best friend says, "hey, you need to start putting up more Colin Firth" then of course I oblige. Top spot good enough? He does look good here.
Just because it is Alan Cumming and he has not been in the photos for awhile. Not for a lack of trying on his part. I don't think Alan misses too many red carpets.I don't know if it is a dance or what that Al Pacino is doing. He was honored with some award in Rome and as you can see he dressed up. Kind of. Well, not really. I think this is the same outfit he wears everyday. The one where he is wearing it on the beach with his kids kills me.
Wow. Alicia Silverstone looks better than I have seen her look in a long time.
Some odd pairings now. Jimmy Fallon and Jill Hennessy.
David Spade and Nicolette Sheridan. Wow. She does not look that great. When Spade looks better than you in a photo, it's time to make a call.
Just don't call Cher's doctor. Virginia Madsen on the other hand looks great.
First time for Christopher Mintz-Plasse? I think it is.
Daniel Craig at that press conference I wrote about earlier this week.
"Hi, I'm David. Nice to meet you Demi. By this time next week people will be thinking we are sleeping together here on the set."
Gael Garcia. Don't really have anything to say, just thought I would put him in here.
One of my favorites ever. Jane Campion.
Yeah, but what you didn't see is that Kirsten Dunst and Justin Long were hanging out together again. And by hanging out I mean groping each other.
Hey, every once in awhile I think it is ok to show Katherine Heigl. Just can't be a habit.
Hey. Who had the bright idea to invite Lily Allen to a party sponsored by a vodka company?
Your favorite, Monica Belluci.
I'm a fan of Mario even if he does like Gwyneth.
Always a fan of Maggie Gyllenhaal.
My favorite photo of the day. Mandy Moore and Peter Alexander.
I just post the photos. I will leave the comments up to you on this one.
Our monthly check in with Mickey Rourke. And he had a date, so that is good news.
I'm guessing booze is behind the back.
I had to do a double take to make sure it was in fact Paul Bettany.
Two Paul's in a row. Fells like I'm reading the Bible. This time Paul Rudd.
Uh oh. It's a quandary. One bouquet of flowers and two women. Eeeny Meeny, Miny Mo.
4 1/2 years in prison. It is just his bad luck that he wasn't sentenced in California or he would have already been released.
So, even though she isn't a Duchess anymore it really doesn't matter because they always say the former Duchess so it is kind of like you get to have the title without doing anything for it.
See the candy by Selena Gomez' elbow. I could eat that whole box.
Can you see what the bag says? Well I bet Al used to say it. Bad? Well, I will say that Star looks good here.
The tattoos just don't really go with Seann William Scott.
When you haven't had a hit record in a few years, then John Taylor is forced to pal around with Tom Arnold.
So, I can't figure out why Cassie even bothers to go to any event with Diddy. She always ends up sitting in a corner alone waiting to go home.
While Sean hangs around with the likes of Tracy Morgan.
One of my favorite groups. The Rasmus.
The Submarines - Manchester
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:00 PM
Labels: Al Pacino , Alicia Silverstone , Cher , Colin Firth , Maggie Gyllenhaal , Mickey Rourke
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