When your best friend says, "hey, you need to start putting up more Colin Firth" then of course I oblige. Top spot good enough? He does look good here.

Just because it is Alan Cumming and he has not been in the photos for awhile. Not for a lack of trying on his part. I don't think Alan misses too many red carpets.

I don't know if it is a dance or what that Al Pacino is doing. He was honored with some award in Rome and as you can see he dressed up. Kind of. Well, not really. I think this is the same outfit he wears everyday. The one where he is wearing it on the beach with his kids kills me.

Wow. Alicia Silverstone looks better than I have seen her look in a long time.

Some odd pairings now. Jimmy Fallon and Jill Hennessy.

David Spade and Nicolette Sheridan. Wow. She does not look that great. When Spade looks better than you in a photo, it's time to make a call.

Just don't call Cher's doctor. Virginia Madsen on the other hand looks great.

First time for Christopher Mintz-Plasse? I think it is.

Daniel Craig at that press conference I wrote about earlier this week.

"Hi, I'm David. Nice to meet you Demi. By this time next week people will be thinking we are sleeping together here on the set."

Gael Garcia. Don't really have anything to say, just thought I would put him in here.

One of my favorites ever. Jane Campion.

Yeah, but what you didn't see is that Kirsten Dunst and Justin Long were hanging out together again. And by hanging out I mean groping each other.

Hey, every once in awhile I think it is ok to show Katherine Heigl. Just can't be a habit.

Hey. Who had the bright idea to invite Lily Allen to a party sponsored by a vodka company?

Your favorite, Monica Belluci.

I'm a fan of Mario even if he does like Gwyneth.

Always a fan of Maggie Gyllenhaal.

My favorite photo of the day. Mandy Moore and Peter Alexander.

I just post the photos. I will leave the comments up to you on this one.

Our monthly check in with Mickey Rourke. And he had a date, so that is good news.

I'm guessing booze is behind the back.

I had to do a double take to make sure it was in fact Paul Bettany.

Two Paul's in a row. Fells like I'm reading the Bible. This time Paul Rudd.

Uh oh. It's a quandary. One bouquet of flowers and two women. Eeeny Meeny, Miny Mo.

4 1/2 years in prison. It is just his bad luck that he wasn't sentenced in California or he would have already been released.

So, even though she isn't a Duchess anymore it really doesn't matter because they always say the former Duchess so it is kind of like you get to have the title without doing anything for it.

See the candy by Selena Gomez' elbow. I could eat that whole box.

Can you see what the bag says? Well I bet Al used to say it. Bad? Well, I will say that Star looks good here.

The tattoos just don't really go with Seann William Scott.

When you haven't had a hit record in a few years, then John Taylor is forced to pal around with Tom Arnold.

So, I can't figure out why Cassie even bothers to go to any event with Diddy. She always ends up sitting in a corner alone waiting to go home.

While Sean hangs around with the likes of Tracy Morgan.

One of my favorite groups. The Rasmus.

The Submarines - Manchester