Another Jennifer, but this time I am confused about Jennifer Love Hewitt. No, not why she had to spend every night with her mom until she reached 27, but instead something else.
I saw that US Weekly cover yesterday of her and didn't really pay attention to it, because, well, hell it's Jennifer Love Hewitt. But, then as is the case when I have had a drink or four I started thinking about what she said last year when she was teased for looking large in a swimsuit. Not on this site by the way, but every other site in the free world.
She said that people are beautiful no matter their size. I agree which is why I didn't trash her size and never do, except for Val Kilmer, oh, and Jason Lewis when he looked bloated a few weeks ago. If everyone looked the same it would be a boring place.
Anyway, she went on and on about the same type of theme as what I just wrote and all the magazines loved her and she just was seen as an example of loving yourself no matter your size. So, the next thing you know she is on the cover of US bragging about how she lost 18 pounds in 10 weeks.
Umm, why? And why the cover? Look, if you are unhappy with your weight or your appearance, then change it. I'm not pissed at Jennifer for losing the weight. That is her decision to make. What I am pissed at is that she went around blasting the world for calling people fat and now she is on the cover of a weekly tabloid basically taking a jab at anyone who also can't lose 18 pounds in ten weeks. She spent her money and hired a trainer and had US following her around and she became the embodiment of what she was trashing last year.
Why couldn't she lose the weight quietly and with no publicity? That would have been fine. Instead she is telling the world, "You know what? I was fat last year and now I want to show you what you are supposed to look like. What? You can't lose 18 pounds in ten weeks? Why? Are you a loser or something? You don't have 8 hours a day to devote to nothing else but losing weight and hiring a trainer and a chef?"
That is what she is doing. To me she has taken all of the good things she did last year and has become nothing more than a hypocrite.