The National Enquirer is running a story this week that I'm kind of questioning. Hey, that's two weeks running, but again, I still feel they get 95% of their stuff right.
This week's edition of I'm not so sure is about Katie Holmes, because honestly, I think we all need more Katie and Tom in our lives. Not actually in our lives as in touching or coming in close contact, but afar, from a distance where we are safe from whatever energy they give off or suck out of you.
Tom was redoing Valkyrie for the 680th time at a church in Pasadena when Suri and Katie were ordered to drop by and pretend it was spontaneous. At the church was a playground. Suri, still being a kid and not having all of her natural emotions and desires snuffed out of her yet wanted to of course play on said playground.
Well, Katie said she could but to wait in the car until she sanitized the place. Katie then went over each surface with sanitizing wipes and was comforting Suri by saying that she was almost done. After wiping off every surface, then and only then was Suri allowed to play on the playground. Presumably she was allowed to actually walk to the slides and swings and was not carried to each piece of equipment and placed on it. I mean lord only knows what kind of germs are in the sand or dirt or grass that could get on her shoes or on her skin.
So, is this true? I mean Katie seems to be slowly going off her rocker, but is she really Joan Crawford reincarnated? I don't know. I mean is it because of the germs from other kids or because it was a church playground and Xenu would forbid touching the equipment without cleaning it? I mean the sanitizing thing in an outdoor area seems overboard. Every kid is going to reach down and touch something and get dirty and just don't see the germs in an outdoor setting like that.
Here is what I think happened. Katie saw there was mud or dirt or jelly on a swing, wiped it off and the story got blown out of proportion. What do you think?