#1 - This B+ film actor who has been the star of some of the biggest films of all time had to have his stomach pumped this past week after he was found in his overseas hotel room unconscious. Seems he took too many pills from his growing collection.
#2 - Where oh where has the A list film star been hiding? Well he needs to go to rehab but doesn't want to ruin his good guy image. So, he has been hiding out at a home he owns which he has turned into his own personal rehab facility complete with counselor and doctor.
#3 - The celebrity musician and the celebrity socialite. Who gave who, the herp? They both are accusing the other. Hell with as many people as they have both been through, this one will be tough to figure out.
#4 - This NBA MVP caliber player played much better this year. The reason? Well it could have something to do with the girlfriend of his wife who moved in with them? Her reason for moving in? To give our NBA player variety each night so he doesn't stray. Apparently late nights on the road last year looking for sex are a thing of the past.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Random Photos Part One
My photos got all messed up today, but Adrien Brody and Elsa Pataky look good enough to be on top.
If I didn't tell you this was Denise Richards would you have known?
Eve looks amazing and so she gets two photos in a row. The first with the always lovely Heidi Klum.
The second with Gerard Butler. He was in FFF last week. Who is going to be there this week?

Chloe Lattanzi - Los Angeles
Kind of reminds me in the scene in Fletch when Geena Davis is trying to flip the bird and can't quite get the finger to do what she wants it to do. I'm just wondering if his brothers told him to do it or he just did it on his own.
John Stamos and Marlee Matlin would make a great couple if not for the fact that Marlee is married and has about 7 kids. OK, not seven. I think it is three, but honestly I am too lazy to go look it up.
Now, I know Mariah Carey is a diva. You know Mariah Carey is a diva. So, this hardly even raises an eyebrow compared to her other diva acts. But, she went to the Hard Rock yesterday to do a charity auction. She was the only celebrity. The only one. No B or C or D or anyone. Just her, and as a part of her rider, she insisted on a red carpet and backdrop for her. No one else walked the carpet. Only her.
Jakob Dylan - New York
Jesse Blaze Snider - Los Angeles
Geri Halliwell is the guest this week on Friday Night Project which is hilarious.
The Raveonettes - Melbourne
Slash - New York
If it isn't one of the Hough siblings it is the other. Derek Hough takes his shot at a dancing partner by getting with Shannon Elizabeth. The big photo is kind of like watching an 80's made for tv movie with Ricky Schroder. An After School Special would even be better.
You have to admit that even though Milo Ventimiglia is a 30 year old who loves teenagers, he really is a good looking guy.
Matthew McConaughey channeling his inner Fabio on the set of his new film.

Your Turn
Copperas Cove Update-
Jim Copeland -- copelandj@ccisd.com School Board Board Member
Mary Ann Glass -- glassm@ccisd.com School Board Board Member
Joan Manning -- manningj@ccisd.com School Board Board Member
Glynn Powell -- powellg@ccisd.com School Board Board Member
Bob Weiss -- weissb@ccisd.com School Board Board Member
Lynn Wessels -- wesselsl@ccisd.com School Board Board Member
Mike Wilburn -- wilburnm@ccisd.com School Board Board Member
The PR stuff sucked again. So, again this week, I look to all of you to post something. This week, you can link to whatever you want to plug again. I am hoping though that you will focus on the story or post you saw this week that you were the most interested in and that you want to share.
Each day I get lots and lots of suggestions for stories and things people want me to see or write about or both. These are the three this week that I found really interesting, but did not have time to write about.
Twisted sent me this story about a boy in Texas who got a call on his cell phone from his father who is stationed in Iraq. Unfortunately for the kid he took the call while in class, and the school suspended him for talking on a cell phone in class.
Here is the story.
I am sure Twisted will post the e-mail address of the principal in case you would like to send a lovely note.
This one was sent in by Julia. It is about the 20 year old daughter of a Norwegian member of their Parliament who killed herself last week after allegedly receiving low scores on a Scientology stress test. The CO$ says they are not responsible and that the girl's anorexia and mental problems are what caused her to commit suicide. I will let you decide. You can read the story here.
Finally, Elyse sent me an article from the Yale Daily news. It is about an art experiment from a student at the school that will probably shock the hell out of you. You can read about it here.
Jim Copeland -- copelandj@ccisd.com School Board Board Member
Mary Ann Glass -- glassm@ccisd.com School Board Board Member
Joan Manning -- manningj@ccisd.com School Board Board Member
Glynn Powell -- powellg@ccisd.com School Board Board Member
Bob Weiss -- weissb@ccisd.com School Board Board Member
Lynn Wessels -- wesselsl@ccisd.com School Board Board Member
Mike Wilburn -- wilburnm@ccisd.com School Board Board Member
The PR stuff sucked again. So, again this week, I look to all of you to post something. This week, you can link to whatever you want to plug again. I am hoping though that you will focus on the story or post you saw this week that you were the most interested in and that you want to share.
Each day I get lots and lots of suggestions for stories and things people want me to see or write about or both. These are the three this week that I found really interesting, but did not have time to write about.
Twisted sent me this story about a boy in Texas who got a call on his cell phone from his father who is stationed in Iraq. Unfortunately for the kid he took the call while in class, and the school suspended him for talking on a cell phone in class.
Here is the story.
I am sure Twisted will post the e-mail address of the principal in case you would like to send a lovely note.
This one was sent in by Julia. It is about the 20 year old daughter of a Norwegian member of their Parliament who killed herself last week after allegedly receiving low scores on a Scientology stress test. The CO$ says they are not responsible and that the girl's anorexia and mental problems are what caused her to commit suicide. I will let you decide. You can read the story here.
Finally, Elyse sent me an article from the Yale Daily news. It is about an art experiment from a student at the school that will probably shock the hell out of you. You can read about it here.
Little Red Shizzle

In the next year or so, your child may come running up to you and bring you a copy of Dianetics to read. Whoops. Wrong house. Anyway in your house your kid will come up running with the book Where's The Cheese? Seems as if Snoop Dogg is becoming an author of children's books. His first one will be targeted at children growing up in urban environments. I can only imagine that a book entitled Where's The Cheese will probably be on par with the socio-political messages of Dr. Seuss, and will no doubt refer to the US government's infamous cheese program. Of course it could just be about a rat looking for cheese. The rat could be called Ben and there could be a song about it and maybe Michael Jackson could sing it.
Seriously, I think it will be a great book and as a bonus for the adults. When your kids have outgrown the book, each page can be turned into rolling paper with the simple to follow diagram that comes with every book.
Daily Mirror Blind Item
Which singer is intending to come out to his family this week?
The handsome star apparently can't wait to take them to his favourite camp haunts every Saturday night...
The handsome star apparently can't wait to take them to his favourite camp haunts every Saturday night...
Gary Busey Wants To Move In With You

Gary Busey is being evicted from his Malibu home because he is about $50,000 behind in his rent. From the way Gary is talking, I'm guessing he has the money to pay, he just doesn't want to because he feels the house is unclean. Specifically he thinks that unclean air conditioning vents were making him sick.
Unfortunately for Gary that little argument is not going to get to keep him in his happy home. Hey, and here's an idea. How about not turning the air conditioning on, and then you won't be sick. How does one even notice if the vents are clean or dirty? Knowing Busey, he probably has some type of gadget from the desert that he made from the skin of a lizard which he uses to poke and prod and wand through his home.
Do you get the feeling that Gary can probably keep himself entertained for hours and hours? If you talk to him on the phone, I bet you actually don't have to say anything at all. He will just do all the talking for you.
All I know is that whoever the landlord is, they better be prepared. I have no doubts that if Gary is evicted, that he will be knocking on their door and moving in with them. Hell, he could probably make a fortune charging people to have him come live with them for a week. That would even be a great reality show. "I Live With Gary Busey." Gary comes over and lives with a family for a week, and solves all of their problems.
Was Jessica Simpson Also Trying To Get Pregnant?

You remember when Jessica Simpson was in the hospital for a few days at the end of last month? Do you care? Did you even notice? It's ok. No one really cares. According to her spokesperson Jessica had a kidney infection. According to Star, Jessica had a bladder infection, a urinary tract infection and a bladder infection. That is a whole bunch of infections.
Star says it was caused by Jessica's out of control boozing. They also said she had a pregnancy test while she was there. When it came back negative, Pimpa cried himself to sleep for a week. Instead he gets a baby that is going to be born with eyeliner.
Jessica was allegedly three weeks late which is why she wanted the test. It probably would have been easier to go to a CVS or Rite Aid and just pick up a pregnancy test there instead of drinking and boozing enough so you would land yourself in a hospital. Maybe she thinks she needs the drinking and boozing to be a country star.
I just wonder if she isn't somehow competing with Ashley and wanted to upstage her. If Jessica was pregnant, and it was Tony Romo's baby, it wouldn't matter if Ashlee was knocked up, Jessica was going to get the top spot in the tabloids. The lily white couple of Tony Romo and Jessica Simpson is much more acceptable than Ashlee and her swings both ways future husband.
A Birthday Letter To Suri

Dear Suri,
Allegedly you are two today. I hope you are, and that you are having a great birthday. You probably won't remember your birthday, because hey, you're two. Hopefully you got to sleep in a little, spent an hour or two on the E-meter and then they said you could have the rest of the day off.
I saw your mom was out shopping yesterday, or at least had a bunch of movies. One looked to be Mary Poppins. I think you will enjoy it. Everyone, and when I say everyone, I mean bloggers, and honestly we don't really matter. But in our own heads we matter, and so we like to speculate. A little thing called gossip. Lots of gossip about your family. Anyway, everyone said the movies were part of your birthday gift.
I know that everyone has said your birthday is today, but I'm wondering if maybe it wasn't a few months ago, and no one told you. It's not like you can stand up, and say, "hey, I was born in January" or something like that. If you did, some embarrassing questions might be asked.
You are growing up so fast. Well, I guess you are. No one has seen you in a few months. Already doing ethics checks huh? Well two year old girls have lots inside that you are probably trying to hide. You probably are closing in on like 3 feet now. Another six or seven inches and you will be right there with dad. I know he probably doesn't like you calling him dad. More likely he has you call him sir, or Academy Award Nominee, or Grand Poobah.
All kidding aside, I really do hope you have a great birthday. I hope that you laugh and giggle and smile all day. Open lots of presents and break them all in two minutes. Get cake on your face, and just have fun. Stay close to mom and you will be ok.
Who Knew Jessica Biel Would Be The Nice One?

Did you know that Jessica Biel and Jake Gyllenhaal were doing a movie together? Kind of the perfect couple if you ask me. No demands for either of them. But, that is not the point of this post. The pair is filming a movie entitled Nailed which is filming in South Carolina.
One of the great things about the internet is that everyone wants to contribute gossip. Last week we got the great Ry Ry hissy fit from Ryan Reynolds in Boston, and this week we get Jake the Diva in South Carolina.
On Wednesday Jake was filming a scene in the South Carolina State House. This was going to be one day of filming. Had to get done, because the producers had not made any arrangements for any other days inside the building. Everyone was on their very best behavior and knew they would have only one chance. But someone forgot to tell Jake.
“He was complaining that the room was too small, complaining about the temperature, complaining about his chair,” our source says. “It was like watching a two-year old have a meltdown every five minutes.”
He complained so long, and so often that the crew was forced to shut down early, and the producers had to arrange for an extra day of filming. I'm just guessing that Jake has maybe found some southern loving and just wants to do everything in his power to stay a little longer. To be fair to Jake, the director of the film is the same guy who directed I Heart Huckabees and caused Lily Tomlin to almost kill herself. Word has it that James Caan who was also starring in this film quit after being abused by the director.
On the other hand, the person you would think would be more diva has actually been a joy. Jessica Biel has talked to anyone and everyone. She has posed for hundreds and hundreds of photos and even was seen turning cartwheels on the grounds of the State House. It seems that everyone in the town has fallen in love with Jessica Biel. And why not? She has her dog with her and her "trainer" and best of all, no Justin.
One of the great things about the internet is that everyone wants to contribute gossip. Last week we got the great Ry Ry hissy fit from Ryan Reynolds in Boston, and this week we get Jake the Diva in South Carolina.
On Wednesday Jake was filming a scene in the South Carolina State House. This was going to be one day of filming. Had to get done, because the producers had not made any arrangements for any other days inside the building. Everyone was on their very best behavior and knew they would have only one chance. But someone forgot to tell Jake.
“He was complaining that the room was too small, complaining about the temperature, complaining about his chair,” our source says. “It was like watching a two-year old have a meltdown every five minutes.”
He complained so long, and so often that the crew was forced to shut down early, and the producers had to arrange for an extra day of filming. I'm just guessing that Jake has maybe found some southern loving and just wants to do everything in his power to stay a little longer. To be fair to Jake, the director of the film is the same guy who directed I Heart Huckabees and caused Lily Tomlin to almost kill herself. Word has it that James Caan who was also starring in this film quit after being abused by the director.
On the other hand, the person you would think would be more diva has actually been a joy. Jessica Biel has talked to anyone and everyone. She has posed for hundreds and hundreds of photos and even was seen turning cartwheels on the grounds of the State House. It seems that everyone in the town has fallen in love with Jessica Biel. And why not? She has her dog with her and her "trainer" and best of all, no Justin.
Ted C. Blind Item
Dangling Wrangler’s at it again. You know Dangle-babe: He’s the base-boy the whole world seems to love no matter how many episodes he efs up, (via himself, the law or the ladies). Indeed, the Dangle dude’s been in trouble myriad times with too many drugs, too many women who were married to other men or by just being a plain ol’ mean, drunk bastard.
Therefore, the publicist’s quick fix was required (rehab and several staged photo shoots with Dangling looking brow-furrowed and fine with fans and such). Worked for a bit. But, then—as usually happens when one cleans up for a press release instead of for a personal mission—Dangling’s not only back to the booze and slut races, he’s hitting the hard drugs more than ever. Looks like crap, too. But the gals don’t seem to mind—they actually like screwing a famous guy who’s good (for about five minutes these days) with his huge, never-washed zucchini.
Alas, even the quickie quickies don’t do it for D.W. any more. Could that be why he’s getting so bored with dumpee broad after dumpee babe that he’s now secretly courting his latest unluckiest girlfriend’s (very underage) daughter?
Why the hell don't people like this ever get caught? No, in Hollywood, they get Oscars, don’t they?
Therefore, the publicist’s quick fix was required (rehab and several staged photo shoots with Dangling looking brow-furrowed and fine with fans and such). Worked for a bit. But, then—as usually happens when one cleans up for a press release instead of for a personal mission—Dangling’s not only back to the booze and slut races, he’s hitting the hard drugs more than ever. Looks like crap, too. But the gals don’t seem to mind—they actually like screwing a famous guy who’s good (for about five minutes these days) with his huge, never-washed zucchini.
Alas, even the quickie quickies don’t do it for D.W. any more. Could that be why he’s getting so bored with dumpee broad after dumpee babe that he’s now secretly courting his latest unluckiest girlfriend’s (very underage) daughter?
Why the hell don't people like this ever get caught? No, in Hollywood, they get Oscars, don’t they?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Today's Blind Items
This is probably not the guy daddy wants her to bring home, so she didn't. The daughter of this fashion guru was spotted at an event getting hot and heavy with a B+ rap star. They had been doing the bathroom runs all night and spent lots of time groping and kissing, but decided not to use the bathroom for doing the dirty. Instead, they made their way outside, got into his limo for 20 minutes and then came back inside looking, well, like they had just spent 20 minutes in the back of a limo doing the nasty. Shortly thereafter, our rap star took his leave, and a different woman home with him.
Random Photos Part One
When you don't want to do the whole lifts thing in your shoes, you can always do what Al Pacino does. Go out to your backyard, find a bird's nest and then glue it to your head.
Jay Sean - London
I always get suspicious of people who make claims against celebrities and then suddenly are having photo shoots for tabloids. Not random out on the street photos, but full on, coming over to your house and pose for them photos. That's not to say that Jessica Gibson isn't about ten times more attractive than Rob Lowe's wife, but I just start getting really wary about their claims.
Helen Mirren seems to be really happy.
I don't think the whole basketball thing is going to fool anyone Hayden. Maybe Hayden Christensen should head over to Spain. You know. Get some sun. See Javier.
I know the perfect wedding gift for Pete Wentz. www.zubaz.com
Hello Miranda Kerr. How you doing? That line works better with a little smirk, a head toss, and "What is love" playing in the background.
The alleged father of Minnie Driver's baby is Craig Zolezzi.
Mariah Carey almost got out of the way quick enough. Ryan Seacrest just missed getting all air.
No fancy dresses for Leighton Meester. Just get her a sheet and an ammunition belt and she is good to go for the night.
Lets count all the male Korean fans Keanu Reeves has. I count one, but it could just be a girl with really short hair. I love how none of the posters are actually of Keanu.
Where has Sadie Frost been? Not that I have been looking or anything.
The man and the legend known as Suggs.
That's right Reese. Keep drinking. It really is my only chance. Does Cindy Crawford ever look ugly?
One Night Only - London
The slouching is sure to distract from everything else.
Where else are you going to find photos of Willem Dafoe and Deborah Harry? Hmmm?
The lovely Virginia Madsen.
One of the great ones. Tony Curtis.
I know you wouldn't know it by looking at Scott Speedman, but this event did actually occur at night.
I think everyone would have to admit that Simon LeBon has probably had better days.

Daily Mirror Blind Item
Which snobby celeb refused to play a UK show because the private jet laid on wasn't the "correct" private jet? The diva doesn't even realise that she was lucky to be invited!
Javier Bardem Gets In Touch With His Feminine Side

I will have to say this for Penelope Cruz. She does manage to find guys who are not afraid of their feminine side. First there was Tom Cruise, and now Javier Bardem. Over the weekend Javier was spotted at a club holding hands and rubbing the thigh of another guy. Now, of course in Europe, people tend to be much closer, and just because is repeatedly rubbing the thigh of someone means absolutely nothing.
Hell, I could walk into any restaurant in Spain right now and sit down next to a woman. I'm sure she would be thrilled to have my big fat, stubby fingers rubbing her thighs while I looked at her like she was a burger and fries.
Of course as you FFF readers know, Javier has a little problem if you know what I mean and so this friend could have been searching in vain for what we know isn't really there. To see the video of Javier and his new friend, click here.
Thanks Renee.
Mark Ronson Likes Bush

Mark Ronson has found someone to love and it turns out it is the daughter of Gavin Rossdale. You know the secret daughter? The one that almost broke up his marriage. Her name is Daisy Lowe and as far as I know she is no relation to Rob Lowe so therefore will not have to answer any questions about sexual harassment. She will have to talk about what its like for an 18 year old to run around with Mark and Amy Winehouse.
Apparently Daisy was his Mark's secret date to the BRIT's in February and has been wining and dining her all over the world since. Well that is one way to make an 18 year old fall in love with you. Honestly, it is probably the only way a 32 year old is going to get an 18 year old. Oh, you didn't know Mark was that old? Yep, but you know what, Daisy is a lingerie model so she is used to old guys staring at her and thinking about her that way. The only difference is that Mark kind of pays for that privilege in an odd kind of way. It would be kind of funny to see Mark Ronson having to call Gavin "Dad."
It has been awhile since Gavin admitted that Daisy was his. So now of course Daisy's mom wants child support for the past 18 years plus interest. Guess Gwen better get back to work.
Eddie Murphy Found A New Sucker

No, not like sucker as in someone sucking. Because then what would Johnny do. Instead, I meant sucker as in someone who believes the stuff Eddie Murphy is shoveling. According to In Touch, Eddie is dating a waitress with the name of Lara LaRue. Seriously. That is her name. Sounds like a tranny name doesn't it? Maybe she is a tranny and that's why Eddie is allegedly in love. No, she isn't a tranny. I don't think. She is the half-sister of Eva LaRue who is on CSI:Miami.
Eddie has been sending Lara flowers everyday and just being his usual charming self. According to the source, Eddie is already talking to her about moving in. Moving in by the way does not really mean sleeping with Eddie. It just means moving in so the world thinks he is sleeping with her.
For her part, Lara had this to say. "I know Eddie. He's an amazing guy. I respect him and he respects me." Wow. That is true love. Amazing and mutual respect. That won't last. Oh, if you want to hang out with Lara or see her up close, and you live in the LA area she works over at Sushiya on Sunset. The food is really good there, and it sounds like a floor show is a real possibility.
Lara is the one on the left in the photo.
Evan Rachel Wood Is An Ass

Evan Rachel Wood is just not having a good week is she? First, with the exception of Marilyn Manson disciples, the entire world goes off on her for her Dita von Teese tribute. Now, she is after whatever remaining fans she might have. Turns out Evan doesn't appreciate any fan who mixes up her name.
"People always call out, 'Hi Rachel.' I hate it. I'm not Rachel. That's my middle name. They're all dyslexic. Can't they see Evan comes before Rachel?"
Wow. Maybe they could call out things like, "hey, you. Yeah you. The chick who has sex with a guy old enough to be your dad."
Or, maybe the fans could try, "Doe s he call out your name in bed or Dita's?" "Does he like it that you have a boy's name?"
I know why you have the Rachel in your name. It is so casting agents will know you are a woman. Plus, if you put Evan and Wood together it sounds like Ed Wood which would suck, because he's dead. It could also be confused with Evinrude which is a boat motor. The thing is though, your name is confusing, and I hate typing it. I'm sure others are just excited to meet you until they realize it isn't Rachel Bilson they are meeting.
One thing you need to realize as you reach drinking age is that without your fans, you will be nothing. See, the entertainment business works by fans either buying tickets to see you in a film, or caring enough about you to watch you on television when they have hundreds of other things from which to choose.
The parents of all your fans are already scared of your boyfriend, and if you go around pissing off the rest of your fans by calling them dyslexic, there won't be anyone left who even gives a good damn about you anymore.
Tommy Scissorhands?

It almost happened. The role that really set up Johnny Depp and launched him into his man crush thing with Tim Burton almost didn't happen. In a recent interview, Johnny said that he really wanted the lead role in Edward Scissorhands, but that he studio had its heart set on Tom Cruise. They really liked Johnny, but apparently they wanted a huge star, and Tom Cruise was the it guy then. Look how times have changed Tommy boy.
The studio went so far as to offer Tom Cruise the role and told Johnny that it was close but Tom had got the part. Well, the next day, the studio called and said they had a change of heart, and they felt Tom Cruise wasn't edgy enough for the role.
Although I'm sure the studio was just blowing sunshine up Johnny's ass, the thing is they actually got it right. Can you actually imagine Tom Cruise in that role? That would have been an absolute disaster.
President Gets A Model Part 2

Well if the French President can get a model half his age, then why not the President of Russia? Vladimir Putin who is 56 has apparently walked out on his wife so he can shack up with a 24 year old woman who is a former model, actress and gymnast. Alina Kabaeva met the President when she won a seat in the Russian Parliament. There are some who say however that she won the seat because of the President.
Before Putin leaves office next month it is rumored that a law will be passed which will allow him to divorce his wife of over 20 years without any of the normal divorce laws applying. The reason is that Putin wants to get married in June.
Hell yes he better get married to her before then, because once he is out of office he is just going to be an out of work middle aged guy who is soon going to develop a vodka belly by watching reruns of all his old accomplishments all day long. He will be laying around the house all day while she goes to work and when she comes home will find him on the couch, naked with a block of cheese, and passed out from drinking to much.
It should be a hell of a life. Oh, and on a side note, if the first Mrs. Putin happens to read this, just be quiet, take whatever money he gives you and run, run, run. Head to New York. You should be pretty safe there and the former First Lady of France is organizing some kind of First Wives Club for political leaders.
Before Putin leaves office next month it is rumored that a law will be passed which will allow him to divorce his wife of over 20 years without any of the normal divorce laws applying. The reason is that Putin wants to get married in June.
Hell yes he better get married to her before then, because once he is out of office he is just going to be an out of work middle aged guy who is soon going to develop a vodka belly by watching reruns of all his old accomplishments all day long. He will be laying around the house all day while she goes to work and when she comes home will find him on the couch, naked with a block of cheese, and passed out from drinking to much.
It should be a hell of a life. Oh, and on a side note, if the first Mrs. Putin happens to read this, just be quiet, take whatever money he gives you and run, run, run. Head to New York. You should be pretty safe there and the former First Lady of France is organizing some kind of First Wives Club for political leaders.
NY Daily News Blind Item
Which celebrity stylist has been banned by Louis Vuitton because its stuff has a habit of not coming back from her shoots? She also had that full-figured star of a hit TV comedy leave the set in tears after telling her, "Ugh, I can't believe you don't fit into that!"
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Today's Blind Items
This B list television actor who is the star of his own drama series on a network has a very odd sexual habit. It seems that he doesn't actually have sex. Oh, he hits on women and brings them home or more often to a hotel since he is married, but he never actually has sex with him. He acts like he is going to have sex with them, but when push comes to shove, he tells each and every one of his conquests that he prefers watching. So, he has them pleasure themselves while he watches. If they balk, or when they finish, he always says he has an early call and sends them on his way. Never does anything but watches.
Random Photos Part One
David Beckham could be praying the Lakers win, or that Victoria gets an ass.
Emmy Rossum looks amazing and almost got the top spot. But, you know. David Beckham/Emmy Rossum. It is kind of like who would go first on a talk show. As much as I love Emmy, for some reason I don't think she's bumping David Beckham.
I think there was way too much Katherine Heigl for awhile, but it is nice to see an actress who is eating junk food and not because it is written in a scene. The fact that she also drinks, chain smokes, and still looks good is pretty depressing for everyone else in the world.
k.d. lang - Sydney
I actually kind of wished I had watched TRL for the first time in my life. Jason Segel, Mila Kunis, Bill Hader and Russell Brand. Plus as a bonus you get the elbow of Kristen Bell.
Julio Iglesias Jr. signing copies of his new CD. Is anyone in that family ugly? I mean, I know they are all pretty boys and that some women would rather be with someone like me. Unfortunately I think that is a theory that has only actually be written and when it comes to a nightclub, you throw me and Julio together, that theory gets disproved really quickly.
Slap some fake breasts on her and put on some music and Evan Rachel Wood is Dita von Teese. Seriously, you know she knew people would say that, so why on earth would she do it? Does Marilyn really like looking at himself so much in the mirror that he makes all his girlfriends dress and look like him?

I know high waisted skirts and shorts are the thing right now. But, as a guy when I see an outfit like this on a woman who isn't ugly, this is my first thought. She has got the saggiest breasts in the world. They are drooping all the way down to her waist. Probably not true, but the visual is what guys clue into, and that is what I see.
The happy photo of the day goes to Morgan Spurlock at the premiere of his new film about Osama bin Laden. Sponsored of course by a liquor company. If you look at later photos of the evening, Morgan enjoyed some of that liquor and then enjoyed it some more. I am glad he finally got married though. Although I would have never guessed his wife was the tattoo type. Of course, looking at her I didn't think she would go on camera talking about her sex life either, and I was wrong about that.
This seems familiar. Hmmmm.
Liam Neeson and Frank McCourt. I have a craving for some Bushmills.
Kate Moss always finds the guys who are that close to death and just helps them right along. I do like the photo though.
Todd Rundgren - Miami
Wow. How about the Imperioli family. No one is really going to their house and trick or treating.
There were other people in the chairs, but Tommy's ego blew them all up.
It has been too long Reese Witherspoon. Doing your workouts at a gym now so I can't watch you. I've been sad. Kind of creeps you out the way I wrote that huh? Creeps me out also. She does look hot though.
I am still on the fence about Robert Downey Jr. playing a superhero. He is a great actor, but is he Iron Man? I am not a comic book film loving guy, but I will see Iron Man because of him, and Batman because of Heath so I do have an open mind. Just not sure how it is going to be.

I know high waisted skirts and shorts are the thing right now. But, as a guy when I see an outfit like this on a woman who isn't ugly, this is my first thought. She has got the saggiest breasts in the world. They are drooping all the way down to her waist. Probably not true, but the visual is what guys clue into, and that is what I see.