When Naked Cell Phone Photos Go Bad
What started out as a girlfriend taking some nude cell phone photos and steaming up some sex by letting a boyfriend take some more photos of the act has turned ugly. Who would have thunk it? I know, I know because everyone knows these stories always have a happy ending. Way down at the far end of celebrity are some women who play in the lingerie football league. No, I swear it's a real league in different cities and everything. Apparently the starting linebacker for the Tampa team (yes, I said linebacker) was dating a guy who had started a dating site which prided itself on being a safe dating site. I know, the story keeps getting better. He is 45 and she was 24. I think he probably took the photos just to show everyone he was actually dating someone young enough to be his daughter.
Actually Melissa Berry was the one who took the photos of herself but on the guy's phone. He then later took photos of her performing "a particularly private, intimate sexual act." I'm guessing that it was not something Archie ever got from Edith but I could be wrong on that.
At some point, the guy decided to show a couple of his friends the pictures. Melissa found out about it. I'm guessing when one of the friends called her and asked how come he didn't have any photos as well. Melissa got ticked off, took her boyfriend's phone and smashed it into the ground. Thinking that everything was done she felt happy. But, of course her boyfriend had already downloaded them to his computer.
He then asked her for $500 to replace his phone or threatened to release the photos. Melissa declined to pay so the guy e-mailed all of the photos to Melissa's mom. Yeah, so much for posting them online.So, Melissa is suing the guy now. In response, this is what the guy had to say, and become the nominee for ass of the year.
“I could have had her arrested and I didn’t. All I wanted was this phone back. I am a decent guy … It’s girls like this I fight against in the work that I do.”
Umm yeah. He's decent. Anyone want to go out with him?