Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Today's Blind Items

I am trying to actually picture this actor doing this and it is hard. He just doesn't seem the type. Always used to be a strictly films guy. B list. The award winning kind of actor although he has been nominated far less than one would think. Does television primarily now. Leads when he does. Well, it seems that a couple of years ago, our actor decided to invest some money. Well two years later his investment is complete. It is a building in the Bahamas which is composed entirely of time shares. What was supposed to be easy money is turning into a big loser. Only about 20% of the available slots have sold. So, as a result, our actor has taken to having dinner parties, inviting people out for lunch and even bringing brochures and contracts on to the set with him. He is a one man sales force and everyone now does their best to avoid him. Apparently our actor does not want to lose this money. He isn't broke and this would be a dent in his fortune but not back breaking. He just doesn't like to lose and so is personally trying to sell each unit.


  1. Good guess, 125records... my mind jumped to Vincent D'Onofrio....but maybe that's because my Tivo has been picking up his Law & Order series lately! lol

  2. I don't know why, but John Lithgow's name instantly came to mind.

    But James Spader sounds like a really good guess.

  3. Timothy Hutton's name came to mind first, but I think that's only because I keep seeing the promos for his new show, Leverage. 6 wins&4 nominations at the Oscars.

  4. I'm sorry but this BI made me laugh. Imagine going to lunch with this actor and then having to listen to a Sales pitch while you eat :) Have to admire his determination though!

  5. I can think of plenty of ways Spader could convince me to buy one.

  6. Well, can't blame the guy!

  7. Mooshki said...

    I can think of plenty of ways Spader could convince me to buy one.



  8. David Spader is a good guess but what about Laurence Fishburne? He received a lifetime achievement award at the Bahamas Film Festival this month, has done tons of film, recently did some CSI, and I just can't see him pitching timeshares.

  9. Too funny.

    Isn't this the Tina Fey commercial?

  10. Anonymous4:29 PM

    equinox - that's what I thought of first, but Martin Scorsese wouldn't be labeled an actor. :)

    "Does TV primarily, leads when he does" implies multiple series. A couple of guest spots on CSI wouldn't make me think "lead".

  11. That's a good guess TL.

  12. I do like Spader, but just trying to open the possibilities. How about Harvey Keitel?

  13. Great guesses--I'm out of the game never seeing much TV.
    It's hard to imagine any of these guys putting the hard sell on someone for RE, but that's the point--Ent can't imagine this guy doing it.

    Good blind, no matter who it is.

  14. Gary Sinise. 1st thought.

  15. Anonymous5:45 PM


    Patrick Dempsey.

    McDreamy. Whatever is his name.

  16. patrick dempsey doesn't have that kind of dough...DUH.

  17. Alec Baldwin was the first person I thought of.

  18. I immediately thought of James Spader!

  19. I'm definitely agreeing with the Alec Baldwin here. He is one man who REALLY doesn't like to lose - just ask Kim Basinger, or his daughter, or any political candidate he's ever shilled for.

  20. How about Andy Garcia? Not much TV, except for "Arturo Sandoval" on HBO and a couple guest spots... But, he's doing some marketing here:


  21. I also thought of Gary Sinise. But he hasn't done that much TV before "CSI NY", only two TV movies in the last couple of years - on the other hand, I REALLY have difficulties picturing him doing this!

  22. What about Jack Bauer?

  23. What about Jeff Goldblum?

  24. I immediately thought Alec Baldwin b/c I can see him as pushy, but after rereading the BI, I don't think it's him or James Spader. "Leads when he does" is a strange phrase...Like he doesn't do tv all the time? Like it's only sometimes? Spader and Baldwin are on long-running shows.... Am I reading too much into that sentence?

  25. He has highs and lows, but for his career overall I'd definitely call Alec Baldwin A-list. Maybe that's just me. :) Also, I don't think he's really "the award winning kind of actor." That sounds like someone with more general critical acclaim than AB has.

    Peep, I really loved that Jeff Goldblum detective show (Damn you for canceling it, PTB!), but I wouldn't say he does tv primarily.

    I like the Andy Garcia guess too.

  26. (p.s. I wouldn't kick A.G. out of bed either!)

  27. Mookshki- they are both old crushes of mine too!

    Would Tina Fay make fun of Alec B. in that commercial if he is on her show? I think so! I vote for him;)

  28. Finally..
    it's Martin Scorcese! I heard he hit up Tina Fey about timeshares in an airport..

  29. I don't think it's Alec Baldwin. He was never really considered an award-winning type actor until more recently when he was nominated for an oscar and started doing 30 Rock.
