Monday, December 01, 2008

Stick With Snack Foods And You'll Be Fine

In every new relationship a couple spends time learning about the likes and dislikes of each other. They also learn new activities to better enjoy the company of each other. It could be tennis or bowling or gardening. Perhaps even karaoke. I mean what couple doesn't like to go out every Friday night and get dressed in their going to meeting clothes and singing along to the best of Air Supply while sipping on wine coolers. Aaaah. Good times.

Anyway, apparently when Blaaaaaaaaaake and Amy Winehouse got together he really didn't have a lot of activities. Amy taught him some music, and how to make a beehive and he taught her, well the one thing he was good at. Crack and heroin. See, if he had just stuck with your basic snack foods to introduce her to, we would all be listening to Amy on a brand new album. Instead, she is laying in a hospital. It's a good thing medical care in the UK is free because I think by now in the US she would have gone over her lifetime maximum. Of course that presumes also that she will have more of a lifetime. I'm really thinking this could be something more serious. I guess because it is World AIDS Day, it is on my mind, but do you think she could have AIDS? I mean it isn't like I can see her and Blake going out and making sure they have clean needles each time they use. When you are that far gone I doubt you are going to stop so you can run down to the drug store and get some new syringes. Plus she cuts herself so there is always blood everywhere. Would you be really just shocked if she had AIDS? It would explain all the lung infections and things like that.

Of course Blaaake could be making all of this up as well. I mean he said he doesn't want any of Amy's money. He will when he realizes that the money he got from the News Of The World for his interview will probably be the most he gets for talking about Amy. When he realizes that he will suddenly feel he should be compensated for slowly killing her.


  1. if she does, its not my business.
    and certainly not on world aids day.

  2. blind item about the female singer w/aid?

  3. Talk about tragic--any way you look at her, she will never be healthy again, no matter what she may have.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


    And no, I guess it wouldn't surprise me...not at all. And AIDS research has come such a long way since the 80' used to be a death sentence, but people who are infected live long lives now. Hopefully they will find a cure one day. And maybe, just MAYBE, people will learn to say no if there's no condom involved. A big step for mankind, I know. People might think you're frigid.

    (And I do know that you can get AIDS from all sorts of things and that it is often through no fault of your own. But if it was from unprotected sex that you willingly engaged in, or a needle that you shared, then I have no sympathy. People in this day and age ought to know better).

  6. :( :( :(

    great talent that will probably never resurface.

  7. blake truly is a turd for speaking to a mag about this.

  8. Wonder when his book will come out.

  9. Yes, it's her. A while ago, someone mentioned that one of her facial lesions was telltale of the type of cancer that people with AIDS get.

  10. Jeez, Ent, you need to get out on the net more often. Every gossip site is convinced she's your BI singer with HIV. Now you casually throw that "do you think she could have AIDS?" comment out there.

  11. I've been trying to track this down for awhile, but didn't the BI say that she was a pop princess? For awhile I thought it might be Spears, then Tony Braxton..this is the first I've heard about Winehouse, but it's starting to make sense...

  12. he is so fucking filthy. Hope she does not have aids. I lived in a mansion once with a bunch of other renters, two were heroin junkies. The girl was kidnapped by her father, taken to a private place to recover. That was 10 years ago and I just saw her not long ago healthy, married with child. Someone please steal this girl away to get clean.

  13. i've been waiting for this conformation.

    sad but it's just written on the walls.

  14. Jesus. When I look at what she used to look like, I get a pain in my heart. What a waste.. a damn waste.
