Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Paula Blames American Idol

It was probably just by accident that Barbara Walters finally had a good interview with someone. I mean you throw enough darts at the board and one is going to hit the bulls eye, and she did. Barbara interviewed Paula Abdul on her radio show yesterday and got some revealing details about the stalker who killed herself in front of Paula's house.

Apparently the woman had been stalking Paula for years and years but had no idea how to reach her directly. Paula had restraining orders against the woman intermittently over the years. When Paula was told that Paula Goodspeed was going to audition for Season 5 of the show, Paula begged the producers not to let her. She even told the producers all of the details of why she didn't want Goodspeed to audition. According to Paula, the producers wanted the "entertainment value" of someone like Goodspeed – despite the potential peril – because it would "be fun for them to cause me stress."

Goodspeed then auditioned for Season 6 as well. It was after one of the auditions from season 6 that Goodspeed managed to follow Paula home and find out where she lived. After that, Goodspeed began sending letters and naked photos to Paula and also threatened Paula with bodily harm.

When Paula was asked why after all of this she stayed at American Idol, Paula said, "Well, I'm under contract."

I guess maybe she won't be renewing that contract.


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