Wednesday, December 17, 2008

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which A-lister is stingy with his pot? Despite having garbage bags full of weed at home, the cantankerous cannabis lover refuses to puff, puff, pass, and shot down a few recent askers who tried to share his joint.


  1. okay, let me tell you who it's not...keanu reeves. lol.

    hope you all are feeling better than i am right now. i have the flu.

  2. what an ass...that's part of smoking, smoking others out...

  3. i think i heard this was michael phelps...

  4. In the words of the immortal Jennifer Aniston, "that is so uncool!"

  5. That MP is a different blind...

    Is Woody Harrelson considered A-List? Cantankerous?

  6. It's about sharing the love! Besides, how uncomfortable is it to be the only stoned person?-half the fun is passing it. Okay, more like one-third of the fun.

  7. Seth Rogen? He seems like a big-time pothead, and possibly a bit of a jerk.

  8. Kris, bite your tongue! Woody would NEVER not share! :)

    Sorry about the flu, Quint. :(

  9. maybe cantankerous=canker sore=herpes

  10. LOL at Brad Pitt. Do you think he has a stash with 4 mobile kids who get into everything? If he's still got that itch I'm sure he keeps it locked up safe. Besides, Pitt was always happy to share his pot. Why else do you think everyone knows about his former habit?

    My money's on his ex's newest employee/boyfriend. Back when she first started dating Mayer there were stories of her in London trying to score and while he was spotted in Amsterdam at a pot restaurant toking up storm. The story was she was mad because he wouldn't share and took all his weed to Amsterdam on his tour even though she was staying on in London for a bit.

  11. ooo ecfan, I like that guess. Doesn't specify if he's an A-list actor or musician. Love it. Gotta say, I would love to get high with him and Aniston. My god, can you imagine?

  12. Snoop Dawg of course

  13. PaleAle, don't you mean "doesn't specify if he's an A-list actor or douche?" ;)

  14. You caught me, Mooshki. Mayer is so incredibly ridiculous.

  15. Harrison Ford?

    (1)When I lived in LA years ago, a gal I worked with knew him 'cause their families were friends for years. She said he smoked weed constantly, 24-7.

    (2) cantankerous = old = Harrison Ford

  16. Harrison willingly shares with the crew I've been told my friend's brother who worked with him. Crew loves him and he's never grumpy with them.

  17. P. Diddy aka Puff Daddy

  18. its like an inside/unspoken "smoker" rule that you puff, puff, pass. wtf?
    i like the jen/john guess. but everyone knows that everyone smokes. so it could be anyone.

  19. There are plenty of A-list pot smokers out there; we are only trying to find the stingy one.

  20. I think it's Matt M also b/c I think the aliteration is a clue (cantankerous cannibis---> matthew mcgonawhateverhay)

    And he seems like a puff, puff, pass kinda guy with all his "just keep livin" BS.

  21. cantankerous using means the person is older..i still say Dennis Hopper or Jack.

  22. omg! Billy Bob fuckin Thorton!
    who else is more cantankerous than Bad Santa?

  23. I'm with the Sean Penn people. He just looks like he's a moody, stingy smoker!

  24. Aww, Jerry beat me to it.

    I can totally see Sean Penn doing this. "Hey Spicoli, don't bogart that joint, man."

    "Talk to the Mr. Hand." Then he'd do that Spicoli laugh.
