Monday, December 01, 2008

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which married N.Y. editor has his staff in an uproar after he recently promoted his much younger paramour to a top editorial position. The affair is an open secret at the publication, but the promotion was the last straw for peeved staffers, who now can't talk back to the editor's pet.


  1. Anonymous10:01 AM

    How distasteful! What kind of working environment do they have where this is open and accepted. I wonder what the family thinks...?

  2. This sort of thing happens more than you'd like to think it does. It's frustrating for the ugly, monogramous people, and you never really get used to it, but it happens. Sure, the person doing the promoting tends to justify his actions by saying he "trusts" that person, or he thinks she is the best person for the job, but everyone else knows the deal.

  3. It happens a lot and not just in elite professional circles. I used to work for a family restaurant chain and many of the servers thought that marrying one of the managers (esp. the already married ones) would be their ticket out of waiting tables. The mangers would first reward them with good stations during busy periods and they would stand by until the marriage fell apart and then make a play for him. This happened over and over again.

  4. And the managers lose the respect of their employees. The paramours never had it.

  5. Who else wants the answer to be one of the editors of the NY Daily News?

  6. Graydon Carter.
