New Moon Is Going To Be Awful
As good as the film Twilight has done at the box office, the prospects of New Moon doing as well took a big hit over the weekend. Apparently Catherine Hardwicke, who directed Twilight felt the script that was done for New Moon is nowhere near ready to be shot. However, her bosses at the studio think it is just fine like it is and want to be as greedy as possible. So, what that means is they want to have the film in the theatres by the end of next year. Hardwicke didn't think that making a good film and meeting that timeline was possible so she was shown the door.
The thing is Hardwicke is a very fast director. She isn't a James Cameron type. But, when she says the script is bad and needs work, you need to believe her. The second film is always tough when you are going to be shooting multiple films. The stars all have egos from the success of the first film. Everything is being rushed because the studio wants to make a ton of money quickly. Budgets usually skyrocket because the studio knows they have a gold mine and they don't care. Throw in a script which will probably be changed as they are filming and you have a recipe for disaster.
The studio probably knows this but is so confident that fans will still throw down their money to see the film, that they really don't care. They will when no one comes to see the film after the first weekend.