Monday, December 01, 2008

I Wouldn't Want To Talk About It Either

In the next issue of Vanity Fair, Tina Fey finally explains the origins of her famous facial scar. Actually she didn't do the explaining, she left it to her husband and let Tina fill in the blanks.

"It was in, like, the front yard of her house, and somebody who just came up, and she just thought somebody marked her with a pen."

Apparently it wasn't a pen, but rather, a knife. This was when she was five years old. Can you imagine someone just going to up to a five year old kid and slashing them with a knife? I sure as hell wouldn't want to talk about it either. Then to be the center of attention and have the question asked repeatedly and people speculate, just brings that memory back all the time.

You can tell that Tina's husband Jeff Richmond loves her with this quote about it.

"That scar was fascinating to me," Richmond says. "This is somebody who, no matter what it was, has gone through something. And I think it really informs the way she thinks about her life."

For her part, Tina says she never really thought about it much or thought it was unattractive until she got on television. At that point she said she started thinking about which direction she should always face the camera.

To read more of Tina's interview, click here.


  1. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Wow, never guessed it was that interesting.

  2. Anonymous10:09 AM

    I never would have noticed it had people not harped about it. She's beautiful anyway.

  3. Ah, poor thing to have that happen at such a young age. She would never talk about it, except to say it was a very bad thing that happened.

    She IS one of my favorite funny people of all time, though.

  4. The scar isn't that big of an issue anymore since she filled most of in with botox. That thing used to be more defined and gaping.

    Fucked up story though. I can understand why she hid it for so long because it upsets her parents.

  5. I never noticed it before. Interesting.

  6. Anonymous10:37 AM

    How is this some new story? I see everyone pushing it today, but I already knew where she'd gotten the scar.

  7. Bad Fish, I don't think it was ever confirmed until now - there were a few different stories making the rounds. Poor Tina, that sucks. I can only imagine how freaked her parents were!

  8. How did you know? Were you the perp?

  9. I just read the article and love her a zillion times more.

  10. Also never noticed it until reading about it here a while back. How she got it is horrible.

  11. It never bothered me before, but then again I never used to have HD tv either.
    She is a funny, intelligent, beautiful woman, & the scar really
    doesn't take any of that away from her.

  12. Who the F would cut a 5-year-old?!

  13. I was watching Arrested Development on Hulu for about the 100th time and was resistant to 30Rock for a couple of seasons. I wound up watching one episode, and went out the next day and bought the first season. Props to Hulu for making its material available for free gets you 30bucks! BTW..check out Hulu, if you haven/t done so already

  14. I love Tina Fey. I didn't even know she had a scar.

  15. upper darby represent ....
    yeah, i'm really from upper darby

  16. When I heard this, it reminded me of something that happened in Virginia a few years ago.

    An 8-year-old boy was playing in his great-grandparents' front yard when a crazy man came up to him and stabbed him 18 times, killing him.
    (Warning: The account is pretty graphic.)

    Tina was lucky she wasn't hurt worse. There are some crazy mofos out there.

  17. Tina Fey has a scar? I've never noticed.

    BlackseatDriver, I love hulu, too. Do you work for them? ;)

  18. I think her scar makes her *more* sexy - its a little bit of 'imperfection' that makes her stand out.

    She's my current girl crush, in case that wasn't obvious.
