Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I Hate Myself

I really hate myself for doing this. I'm falling into the Tom Cruise PR machine trap. I can't help myself. No matter how hard the PR push is though, there is still no way I am going to see Valkyrie. It's one thing to get sucked into all the hype when it's free, but I really can't see myself contributing dollars to Tom Cruise knowing that somehow lots of it will end up with Scientology. OK, with that out of the way, you have to see Tom on Letterman last night reading the top ten list. Definitely worth three minutes of your time.


  1. Scientology finally caught themselves a good publicist to guide him! Tommy boy does great in public as long as someone tells him exactly how to behave. He's kinda like George W. in that way.

  2. How lame!!! They didn't select the REAL top ten i.e., Tom is gay, Katie's and Tom's contractual marriage, etc. Why is it that the truth can basically only be found on blogs these days??

  3. C'mon Enty - that was really lame & 100% publicist-written.

  4. or that L.Ron Hubbard is the father of Suri.

    still not on the TCtrain.

    i WOULD however love to hear him sing that song you spin me round.

  5. *eyeroll*

    What a crock.

  6. Nope, definitely not worth any of my minutes.

    Enty, you need to go and Google those crazy Sci videos of Tommy's to get yer farking head on straight.

    Pronto, mister!

  7. This is a *really* good PR person, because people are starting to get BACK on the TC train! Ugh, people! Please!

  8. You need to take a visit (back?) to and watch some videos Ent!

  9. I thought the clip was funny. I actually saw it earlier today, when Perez Hilton told me it was a waste of my time, and I disagreed entirely. It's not classic comedy or anything, but it's no less amusing than Letterman usually is.

    I think the TC PR train is running very smoothly. I've never been particularly pro- or anti-Cruise, and haven't really loved any of his movies except for Rain Man, but when it becomes so "cool" to hate somebody I suppose I just naturally start to like them.

  10. I didn't understand the appeal of him in "Risky Business" and I really don't understand the appeal now. He's a troll.

  11. Vicks Vaporub? Rubbish, Olbas Oil's your cure all man for mental health. Did me no harm.

  12. Thank you Valentine Baby, I couldn't agree more

  13. Audrey, Kristen S., Julie, you guys are too funny.

  14. Valentine,
    in agreement with you. I am not affected by his opinion, private life or religion. On the other hand, I am counting down the days for Perez Hilton to fail on an epic scale...weird...maybe I need to see someone about this...

  15. His p.r. train just had a major crash. Tommy boy didn't show up for Connor's film premiere. What an ass!
