Friday, December 19, 2008

Four For Friday

#1 - Let's start off with a kindness. This B list actor, who does more than act with a name everyone recognizes, but maybe not always from his films spent several hours visiting wounded military despite the fact he had an event that night. Plus he chose not to let anyone know he was doing it, and just did it to do it.

#2 - This B list film actress who was once the "it" actress is married with child but that marriage is in trouble. Seems she is not a fan of her husband or the child and would rather focus on her career and being famous again.

#3 - This B list actor on an ensemble show which is not Grey's Anatomy thinks he is the star of stars and the reason everyone watches. Yeah, right. Well anyway, he has decreed that he wants to only be filmed from the waist up because he wants to be able to wear shorts everyday on the set. When producers started giving him a hard time about it, he decided that he would just start dropping his pants during every scene. It is a standoff basically until after the Christmas holidays.

#4 - This idiot of a person who is a Golden Globe winning actress/supporting actress knew one of her friends was allergic to peanuts, but wanted to see what would happen if her friend ate them. So, she made a cake with ground up peanuts in it, and watched her friend swell up like a balloon before deciding that maybe the friend did need to go to the hospital. So far the friend has not called the cops or sued.


  1. It's a good thing you threw the kindness in, 'cause #2 makes me want to throw something. Selfish bitch. And #4 needs a good smack in the face. #3 just plain amuses me. Being a diva is okay if you do it right. :)

  2. 2 - Sounds like Jennifer Garner but I don't believe the part about her not being into her child.

    3 - Mad Men? Not sure who though.

  3. I hope #2 is Alba, 'cause then all that hatred we've sent towards her over the years won't be wasted.

  4. I'm allergic to pineapple and if someone did that to me I'd shove the spikey top bit up their hoo-ha.

  5. GAH, better f-ing not be Keri Russell! Argh, why'd you have to have her in the Randoms?!

  6. #4 needs to be shot. She could have killed this person she thinks of as a friend!

    #3 is pretty funny. The guy might be an ass, but at least he's a funny one. Can't we go for the regular guess of Piven?

  7. 1. Ludacris
    2. Alba
    3. Ed Westwick
    4. Dunno

  8. #4, Evan Rachel Wood? It would fit with the way she's been acting lately.

  9. Oops, she was just nominated - didn't win.

  10. For #3 I'd like it to be David Caruso hah

  11. Number 2 sounds like the Lainey blind, body not bottle, when she essentially revealed as Debra Messing.

  12. 1. He deserves to be comended, Ill guess Clint Eastwood

    2. Julia Roberts was my first thought but she has children at this point

    3. I dont know who this is but damn its funny. Mayeb Charlie Sheen

    4. Hmmmm I dont know

  13. #4 sounds like Kate Hudson to me.

    No idea on the others...

  14. how about sarah michelle geller for #2? was she "it" enough?

  15. #4 should be in jail for attempted murder.......I just lost my best friend last May due to a nut allergy....she had a bite of cake that had hazelnut frosting on it, and didn't realize b/c she had never tasted hazelnuts before...this kind of stupidity makes me want to punch whoever #4 is!

  16. #4 should be shot. I'm fatally allergic to peanuts and if that had been done to me, I'd be dead. So whoever is #4 is a total asshole.

  17. J, SMG doesn't have a kid.

  18. #1 is Adam Sandler.

    Totes agree with others that the peanut freak is way below the red line. I would definitely call the cops.

  19. i think baltharzar getty for #3, been a bit douchey lately right?

  20. 'J' - I'm pretty sure SMG doesn't have a child.

  21. My first thought for #3 was Alec Baldwin.

  22. 1. ice T
    2. dunno
    3. is Charlie Sheen's show considered an ensemble cast? otherwise I'd guess someone from Lost
    4. I hope they aren't still friends - gawd knows what the idiot would try next

  23. How about Nicole Kidman for #2. I'm sure she thinks it is the family bringing down her career and not her frozen facial features.

  24. meryl streep
    julia roberts
    sissy spacek
    nicole kidman
    felicity huffman
    golden globe winners for actress and supporting actress for#4

  25. oooooooh, you guys are so good! Jessica Alba for #2 is PERFECT!

    Did Kate Hudson will a GG?

  26. Kate Hudson won a golden globe for almost famous, littlejenny

  27. #'s 1, 3 and 4: No idea.
    #2: Debra Messing. She's had a sad sort of a comeback with the Starter Wife and a fitness magazine cover recently.
    She's also not the type to be photographed with her husband or child and there are tons of rumors that she isn't nice to the husband or in general.

  28. Jessica Alba #2 (how fitting she'd be #2 'cause she's full of it)

    I believe Charlie Sheen already wears shorts in his show.

    Peanut girl should be prosecuted and buried under the jail. Latent serial killer bullsh*t... "just want to see what would happen".

  29. 1. sounds like norm from cheers.

  30. Sad to say, I have actually had number 4 happen to me. Stupid kids in HS thought my black pepper allergy was funny. I beat the shit out of them and they were suspended, so all was well. Hope the friend takes similar measures.

    1)I think Ludacris is a perfect guess, though he acts under his real name, Chris Bridges. What other people started are musicians and act? Usher has done a couple films, too.

    2)Alba is so perfect, its sad.

    3)Haha, I actually can see Ed Westwick doing this. And he is usually only seen from waist up...brb rewatching last couple episodes. But to mix it up, how about Dave Annabelle from Brothers&Sisters.

    4)Could it be Shannon Doherty? Sounds like her kind of shenanigans.

  31. for #2 I'm going with JLo-- Ent often changes the clues a bit to make them less obvious. Yeah she has TWO kids, but she was def more of the "It" actress than any of the above when she was popular...

  32. How about The Rock for #1?

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Debra Messing can't be #2 because she's more TV than films. I say Alba for #2

    #1 Way to go
    #3 - jerk!
    #4 - I'd make her pay!

  35. Anonymous2:36 PM

    #1 Chris Rock or someone else who does (popular) stand-up?


  37. #2 - i don't think is kidman or julia roberts because they're a-list, not b.

    #4 - can't wait for the reveal because this person is the biggest douchebag ever. a person could die from that. what a moron.

  38. #2 -Gwynneth
    #3 - John Stamos
    #4 - needs to be revealed and she needs a good slap!

  39. #4 obviously didn't watch the "Choken and Token" episode of Freaks and Geeks.

  40. i wonder if #4 is emily blunt.

  41. Sadly, the cops likely wouldn't do anything about #4. They didn't do a thing when a neighbour murdered my niece in cold blood by giving her something containing peanuts. She was one of those alternative medicine freaks who was trying to "prove" that the girl wasn't allergic and it was all an invention of her "Munchhausen crazy bitch" mother and evil greedy "allopaths". All the woman had to do was whine "but I didn't knooooooooowwwwwww allergies were reeeeeeal" and she got off without even a warning.

    Fuck #4.

  42. omg, charlene, i'm so sorry to hear about your niece. what a disappointment that the police can't do anything about it. it's shocking someone can do that and get away with it.

  43. Could number 2 be Jenna Elfman? She has a child and I've never seen pics of her with said son, she did used to an "it" actress for films and doesn't seem to have been cast in much lately. I know, she's also done TV, but she was just at the Valkyrie premiere and she seems a lot more likely to me than Alba. (Who has been pictured a lot with her little girl lately and I suspect the same people who would say she's probably faking would probably also say she's not a good enough actress to fake that if they weren't trying to pin a BI on her.)

  44. Man, that sucks, Charlene. Stupidity should not be a valid defense.

  45. #2 Adam Sandler...i have pics of him at Walter Reed Medical Center from this past Saturady.

  46. first post ever on here - be kind!

    what about sacha baron cohen for number 1?

  47. Charlene, I'd go to your local media and see if they'd do a story on it. If there is enough community outrage, the police might do something about it.

  48. Anonymous4:24 PM

    #4 is Courtney Love

  49. evil, that's a good guess. don't be shy, most of the people here are

  50. For #1 guesses - Adam Sandler? Gary Sinese? Ludacris? No, no and no. Look at the clue people, "B list actor, who does more than act with a name everyone recognizes."

    That means he's dating another celebrity. B-list actor with a famous named girlfriend.

    Please let #2 be Alba, it'll make the hate all the more worth it. And no, this is not Debra Messing cause she was never "it." Jessica Alba was once very "it."

  51. thanks molly, i know you're all lovely really (reflected in the enty appreciation group on facebook!)

  52. Hey guys, Can you fill me in on the reveals? When are they - Christmas Day? How does it work? I'm soooo curious now :-)

  53. 1. I don't know, but I don't think it's Sandler. He's A list -- might not be pap worthy, but he certainly opens movies.

    2. Alba was my first thought.

    I like the Elfman guess, but I would not describe her as B list for film.

    3. I was thinking someone from Lost, like Matthew Fox. They run around the jungle in jeans. That can't be too comfy.

    However, Ed Westwick seems plausible.

    4. We're focusing too much on film here. GGs cover TV as well. That said, I like the Kate Hudson guess.

  54. 1- colin farrell
    2-keri russell
    3- david caruso
    4- katherine heigl

    are my co-worker's guesses

  55. You guys, I don't care. On planet earth, Gwyneth and Julia are still A-list.

    Why did I think of Tom Cruise for number one? I don't think it's him, but I do think it's someone with some notoriety who you might not expect to ignore the spotlight in that circumstance. That's awesome, whoever it is. I love it when famous people are anonymously kind like that.

    Carolina -- weirdly, MY first thought for #2 was also Keri Russell. Alba was, at one point, the go-to Maxim Hot Chick, but I'm not sure she was ever the "it" ~actress~, considering she's not exactly known for being the best and brightest thespian. I fully admit that she looks great in a bikini, but watching her try to emote is just agonizing.

    Keri Russell was EVERYWHERE when Felicity came out, and critics really liked her and her show. Critics still like what Keri's doing, in fact, and everybody I know (including myself) thinks she's absolutely goooorrrgeous, too. God, I still mourn the loss of that fountain of curly golden hair and it wasn't even MINE. *Sigh.*

    Anyway, I just feel like Keri is number two for some reason.

    #3: Cut the shit, Alec Baldwin. I sort of love you, but in terms of wit and worthiness, you're not fit to gnaw on Tina's toenails, and you should be thanking your lucky, bloated Irish stars that she wanted you on 30 Rock.

    #4: I hate Kate Hudson so much and I think she's full of pure bile and dumbness and evil, but has she ever won a Golden Globe for Best Actress? I'd say she shot her whole entire interesting movie wad on Almost Famous. Has she even MADE another good movie? Ever?

  56. P.S. Do you guys think that means that number four won for BOTH Actress AND Supporting Actress, or just one or the other? I sort of took it as both. Otherwise, wouldn't Enty just say "Golden Globe-winning actress?"

  57. For #3, I immediately thought of Zach Braff. He seems to be enough of a dick to do that.

  58. ernestine, when enty does the / thing, it means either or. he does it so he's not giving us too much information...or more to the point....can't be sued.

  59. #2 Gretchen Mol, married to director Tod Williams and has a son. Vanity Fair declared her an "it" girl in the late 90's when she was on the cover. Is she B list? Some high profile films, but hardly a name people recognize. But in an interview she said something along the lines that a child takes away ones identity. And not being a 'fan' of her husband makes sense since he is a director.

  60. My only frustration is that Cate Blanchett springs to mind because I'm nearly positive she's won GG's in both categories because she's won Oscars for both, and she is Perfect and Holy and gives me an almighty girl boner. I absolutely refuse to believe that she's not a shining beacon of benevolence and inner beauty. Cate would NEVER do this.

    Oh, and sidenote: an elegant lioness like Cate would NEVER hurl her hard-earned Academy Award at her disproportionately less-attractive husband, either. So there.

    I think this person is a winner for Best Supporting Actress only, and I think the pool of possible batshit evil candidates can be quickly dwindled down because of that narrow categorization.

    Maybe Kate H. wanted to bone some other chick's man or something? It would be pretty easy to kill a person that way. I'm just sayin'.

    I had this really dramatic college roommate who would shriek and fling her hands around if I even brought a package of Reeses Peanut Butter Cups in our dorm room. She acted as if they were going to come to life and swather her in their malevolent peanuttyness super late at night or something.

    If you're allergic to nuts, sucks to be you. Must be a royal pain in the ass.

  61. My guess for #3 is Jason Segal from How I Met Your Mother. Anyone who saw Forgetting Sarah Marshall knows he has no problem letting it all hang out. And anyone who's involved in those Judd Apatow Club movies has got to be a bit cocky (pun intended) about their huge success (pun intended).

  62. Actually, Enty would never refer to Cate as an idiot. Idiotic actresses pick idiotic movies -- like pisspoor Romantic Comedies co-starring Matthew McConaghgghggey, for instance.

    It's someone obviously dumber than shit. I vote Hudson. I'll bet even Jessica freaking Simpson's more intelligent than Hudson, but Kate's got the GG for Almost Famous.

  63. Sarah, from everything I've seen or heard, Jason is a very modest guy in real life. :)

  64. Please stop guessing Charlie Sheen. HE ALWAYS WEARS SHORTS IN HIS SHOW! I can't believe some of you with that guess. That's all he wears. His character has a beach house in Maliby!

  65. Courtney Love is off her meds again because she said they are stiffling her creativity. #4 is her. Also, I think #3, pants-guy is a jerk, not funny. It's sexual harrassment.

  66. Kate Hudson won a Golden Globe and an Oscar - Best Supporting Actress - for her role in Almost Famous. Sounds like her for #1.

  67. Sorry, I meant #4

  68. #2: I thought Gwyneth, too. She's now focusing more on her career and she did have postpartum depression with her second child, so perhaps she didnt' bond as she should have.

    Gwyneth was also declared the "it" girl by Vanity Fair a few years ago.

  69. Again: Gwyneth is NOT a B-list actress.

  70. Kate Hudson did not win the Oscar. She lost to Marcia Gay Harden.

  71. Gwyneth and Julia are both A list bc they've both won Oscars.

  72. I think 2 is Kidman. She doesn't have Keith's music on her Ipod,and she falls asleep at his concerts.She doesn't like country music so she's not a fan of his. I think Courtney LOve for #4. She's just looney enough to try something like that.

  73. #1 - Ben Affleck? I mean that as a serious guess. (In the blind about Ben paying for people's dinner's, Ent called him "B list.")

    #2 - Gretchen Mol seems like a good guess. She was definitely an It girl who fizzled out.

    #4 - Courtney hasn't won a GG. Also, I think it's someone who won a GG but not an Oscar. I'll say Sharon Stone. (Karma?) Or maybe Natalie Portman.

  74. Anonymous9:08 PM

    If #4 is either best supporting actress OR best actress, I'm going with Winona Ryder. She is truly batshit crazy. (Golden Globe Best Supporting Actress twice.)

  75. I agree with whoever said Emily Blunt for #4. I've got some friends who say she's a real bitch & I would not be surprised if she did this! Let's hope Krasinski doesn't tell her his allergies!

  76. #4 is the reason you shouldn't tell people about your food allergies.

    #2 Debra Messing

    #3 Alec Baldwin

  77. Nicole Kidman is also A list (by Ent's definition) bc she won a Best Actress Oscar for "The Hours".

  78. #1--Don't think of Adam Sandler as B list bc he can open films, but he was at Walter Reed on Dec. 13 visiting veterans for the holidays. Otherwise, I would have guessed Affleck (Enty's called him B list), who is a writer/actor/director and debuted a film on behalf of refugees at the UN this week.

    2#--I've read this info about Debra Messing before but didn't think of her as a film actress. However, she's had six films come out in the past three years. Thought this might be JLO bc she was in LA all week trying to restart her career by taking meetings with anyone who would see her. Didn't think Ent would say "twins" bc that might give it away.

    3#--Don't know but the reference to "standoff" in the last sentence makes me think it's a cop ensemble. I like David Caruso for this. He thinks he's the star, and CA and Miami are prime shorts locales. Many other cop shows film in NY.

    #4--I'd say Courtney Love, but she was only a GG nominee, not a winner. If the friend was competing for a part that Emily Blunt wanted, I'd guess her. ;)

  79. PS--When I worked for a children's charity a few years ago, Sandler and Affleck (and Will Smith and Robin Williams) were the nicest guys who went out of their way to do wonderful things for the kids. They were genuinely kind, and they never wanted any publicity for it ever. (Jeff Gordon was really fantastic too, but he's a different industry...)

  80. Not Jennifer Garner--she was never an it girl except for in Alias, which is a tv show. This is a former it girl MOVIE star.

  81. 2. is not Alba. Alba has never really been an it girl except in the tabloids. She is famous for her tv role and not so much her movie roles, while number 2 was a hit on the big screen.

  82. "Number 2 sounds like the Lainey blind, body not bottle, when she essentially revealed as Debra Messing."

    Messing is a tv star, not a film star, so it can't be her. But this did remind me of that Lainey blind.

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. I don't think 2 is Kidman because she is still A list and one of the top earning actresses.

  85. "4)Could it be Shannon Doherty? Sounds like her kind of shenanigans."

    I may be wrong, but I seriously doubt Shannon is a golden globe winner . . .

  86. Number 2 can't be JLo or Gwyneth Paltrow because they have more than one child.

    I like Stamos for #3. Of course he would think he's the star when he's definitly not and that sounds like something crazy he would do.

  87. Kanonymous,

    Re: #2

    Look up Debra Messing's career on IMDB. She has starred equally in film and television, even though she is better known for TV. As I mentioned above, she's been in six films since 2005. Just FYI...

  88. Don't think 2 is Jenna Elfman. She may have been in some films, but she was famous for tv. Although it's true that she isn't seen much anymore and you never see her son.

  89. #4 should be arrested for attempted murder. That shit is beyond fucked up.

    #3 isn't from Mad Men, they are a 13-week summer show and don't start filming until March or April. While Zach Braff is douchey enough to be #3, it's not him because Scrubs wrapped forever this summer (for the final episodes that start in January). Sounds like Gossip Girl or 90210.

  90. 2 is not Kerri Russell. She is famous for her television roles. Her movie roles were mostly indie films that didn't do much for her fame.

  91. Ernestine,

    I have known people who were so allergic to peanuts they couldn't be in the same room as a peanut without having an allergic reaction. Could this be the case with your roommate?

  92. Number 3 is that prima donna Rob Lowe from Brothers and Sisters. Just ask the West Wing cast why he was written out.

  93. Not to be too cranky, but some of you need to revisit Enty's definitions of A and B-list celebrities. You also need to look at the blinds more carefully. Or, you know, actually READ them.

    Yes. I think it's a given that Shannen Doherty has yet to win a Golden Globe. Next!

    Kanonymous, Keri Russell hasn't done any television since Felicity went off the air. Her movie roles have recieved critical attention but they haven't grossed a lot of money.

    The wording of that blind doesn't excuse Keri Russell from our list of candidates. ONCE the "it" actress = past tense. Gretchen Mol is also a really great guess.

    For number 4, I also think it's pertinent how Enty stresses that this chick won a Golden Globe (for whatever category, I guess) and NOT an Oscar. Everyone knows Golden Globes are bobo awards and famous people go to the ceremony just to get dressed up and schwilled.

    And, yes, my dramatic roommate (a dance major) claimed to be allergic to peanuts. She was also allergic to: all food in general, common sense, and schoolwork.

    THE ANSWER TO NUMBER THREE is NOT MAD MEN. I repeat: THE ANSWER TO NUMBER THREE is NOT MAD MEN. Not only is Mad Men NOT filming right now, I would think that the cast would be SLIGHTLY more professional than, say, Gossip Girl. Not that I don't love Gossip Girl, too, but come the fuck on.

    If is IS Mad Men, I've lost my crush on Jon Hamm and I'm tossing my television set out the window (a la Midge in season one). Every other show on television sucks compared to MM. It's as if MM is its own MEDIUM or something.

    It's not fucking Mad Men. But that is a dark and horrible thought. Please, universe: keep this brilliant, gorgeously-written show on the air for at LEAST another four or so years! No egomaniacal shenanigans, please!

  94. Oh, and sorry to post a billion times (annoying), but the reason why I really think 3# is Alec is because he's really known as 30 Rock's scene-stealer. Did anyone else read that New Yorker review where they basically rhapsodically praised Alec and shat on every other performer, including Tina Fey?

    He's won TONS of awards for his role as Jack Donaghey and the show would be lacking without him. How many of you would miss ANY of those douches from 90210? How many of you actually WATCH (the new) 90210?

    I could also see this being Ed Westwick, but who in the hell is gonna protest HIM being pantless?!

  95. Of course, I would also say that Alec is television A-list, and I think Enty would, too. So I guess it's not him.

    I don't watch enough shitty television to guess number three!

  96. In defense of my Shannon Doherty guess, arent GG for tv too? She was on 90210 and Charmed, so its not like I am such an idiot like you all claim. Altho maybe I am, lol.

  97. Sorry, Laura. Didn't mean to get too snarky if I did...

    SD WAS on those shows, and Enty never specifies whether the actress won for film or television. And I happen to think Shannen kicked total ass as Brenda Walsh (even though she was probably just playing herself, just like she was probably just playing herself in Heathers), but I don't ever recall people lining up to give her awards and stuff.

    The real issue: Aaron Spelling was totally given the shaft by the Academy!

  98. No big deal, Ernestine. Just wanted to defend my choice. I am finally off work and looked it up, and shurenuff the only thing she has won is Saturn Award for Charmed. Oh well. Admit it, no one would be surprised if it was her though.

    Guess I will jump on the Emily Blunt train. She won GG for some BBC show. Why is John Krasinski with her instead of Jenna Fischer?!

  99. Mulder - Rob Lowe is an excellent guess for #3.

    People don't watch B&S for Rob. Some people, however, do watch 30 Rock for Alec Baldwin.

  100. number 4 should be tarred and feathered!

    I have life-threatening allergy to eggs and once spent a week in hospital in Austin - when I should have been back in London - after some F*&k at the restaurant, who conveniently was not on duty that night, mixed eggwhites into the frozen margaritas to make them 'go further' and 'stay fluffier'. And yes, I'd told them not to serve me anything if they were not positive what was in my food or drink.

    My friend was told I could not possibly live, and I'm pretty much of a legend there to this day.

    It ain't funny though.

    Oh yes, 2 sounds like Deborah Messing to me.

  101. Chiming in a day late...I don't care about #1-3, but

    PPPLLLEEEAAASSSEEE reveal #4--this f*cking evil dirtbag whore should NEVER have anyone spend money seeing any of her projects ever again.

    She should go into complete oblivion, never work again and suffer horribly.

    She could have very well killed the friend. That is some very serious shit.

  102. Would Ashton Kutcher be considered B list? He does this sort of stuff, definitely name recognition for a lot of things other than film.

  103. 1)Robin Williams has been visiting the local military hospital at travis afb, I only know it because my MiL saw him, so I'm gonna go with him, even though I think he's probably A- list.

    2)It kills me to say SJP, but SJP.

    3)I'm in with the other votes for the Piv.

    4)I have no clue. My hope is that this is a really old blind, and whoever did this was young and stupid, cause that's just messed up.

  104. Enty,
    you need to out the asshole in #4, she needs to be PUNISHED for that!

  105. #1 sounds like either Ben Affleck or Viggo Mortensen.

  106. Angelina Jolie got a globe for supporting actress. I wouldn't put it past her at all.....cruel beyond belief to do such a thing..

  107. SJP is a good guess for number 2, but I just can't see it as being her because she's always photographed doing things with her son. She looks happy when she's with him.

  108. The clues for #4 say:

    "a Golden Globe winning actress/supporting actress"

    "So, she made a cake with ground up peanuts in it"

    How many GG winning actresses do their own cooking/baking instead of eating professionally prepared calorie controlled meals.

  109. Ernestine .. LOL!! Sometimes it does get annoying .. so snarkiness understandable and apology accepted.

    Now .. for my real reason for posting .. #4 needs to be outed in the WORSE WAY!!! Seriously EL .. this bitch needs to be outed and then boycotted to the extent the C*U*Next*Tuesday goes back to Hoboken or wherever the fuck she came from!

    I made some brownies with pecans in them a few years ago and shard them with a girlfriend of mine who had her 5 year old daughter with her. "LIzzie" .. we will call her .. had had nuts before and there was no reason to think she was allergic .. but she had never has pecans before. She started going into anaphylactic shock within moments.

    THANK GOD!!! - I am deathly allergic to bee stings and had three Epi-Pens stashed in my house and my purse. I knew immediately what was happening when Lizzie started gasping and swelling in her adorable face. I grabbed my Epi-pen I kept in a crystal bowl in my china cabinet .. the Waterford didn't survive .. but Lizzie did and that is really all that matters.

    I wanted to die after that .. and have NEVER put nuts in anything I even think I might possibly .00001% chance share. And for this bitch to do this to someone she KNEW was allergic!?!?! Oh .. I want this bitches head on a platter in the worst way..!

    Out her EL .. Please!! She needs to lose her acting career in the worst way.

    Also .. now that I go back and re-read .. I think El meant she is an Golden Globe winner in the Supporting division. Winners in the Film category I can see being stupid enough to pull this shit:
    Kate Hudson
    Winona Ryder
    Renee Zellweger

    My money is on Kate Hudson .. she seem not to give rats ass about anyone but herself.

    In the TV category, suspects include - well no one I can see .. even though I would love to say Angelina! But realistically she is too busy having babies and moving country to country every 8 seconds to even have friends I think. Ah .. maybe Ellen Corby .. that whole Grandma Walton deal .. total act!

  110. I have a feeling #3 is Neil Patrick Harris. No?

  111. could 2 be Gwenth Paltrow

  112. Jesus DOGBALLS. Now you people are just fucking with me.

    GWYNETH PALTROW WON AN OSCAR. THEREFORE, SHE IS NOT B-LIST. Can we PLEASE rule her out? Enty has a whole handy little guide to A-list designation vs. B-list and C-list. Please read it.

    Honestly. Please read the clue instead of just throwing some random name out. It's annoying as hell.

    Anyone wanna guess Affleck?

    Oh, and I LOVE NPH as a guess for 3#.

  113. 'tis the season to be nice, ernestine. can you express your frustration in a kinder way, ya think? some people forget the clues or are newbies or just not as brilliant as you are. or you can always ignore the people you think aren't getting it. that works, too.

  114. Whoever #4 is please out the BITCH....

  115. i also think the rock for #1

  116. This comment has been removed by the author.

  117. Molly, 'tis the season to cease being condescending, too. I don't need any lectures on decorum and friend-making from you.

    I'm not attacking anyone's personality or intelligence. I just get kind of annoyed when people don't read the blinds closely.

    And I've gotten great at ignoring certain comments/commenters. Trust me.

  118. i was trying to be nice, but you have a plank on your shoulder the size of manhattan.

    go ahead and keep whining and chastising posters whenever you deem someone isn't doing their homework, which is often since you're so easily annoyed, but don't continue bitching about the tone here when you contribute so much of the bullshit all by demanding and intollerant lonesome.

  119. #2 - Tori Spelling. She's a "it" girl in the way I've always hesitated about calling her "she" or "it".

  120. Ohhhhh, sweet irony. I was so hoping you'd respond with something I could smile at:

    "go ahead and keep whining and chastising posters whenever you deem someone isn't doing their homework, which is often since you're so easily annoyed, but don't continue bitching about the tone here when you contribute so much of the bullshit all by demanding and intollerant lonesome."

    LOL, Molly. And that's the very last thing I'll ever say to you.


  121. Wow. How do I top that?

    I was just thinking that #4 is definitely Kate Hudson. Ernestine, please don't bite my head off.

  122. lmao@idiot watcher. she'll bite someone's head off again, but not yours because you wrote that. when you come across expressing how much of a bitch she is, she tries really hard for two seconds not to be a bitch. watch out next time tho. she's either not taking her meds or she's got pms 24/7/365. 366 during leap years.

    oh, i forgot, ernestine that you think you can say whatever you want to posters but nobody can say what they want to you because you think you own the blog. uh, guess again.

  123. Ernestine is a lot blunter than me, but in general, she was saying exactly what I was thinking. :) Now in the spirit of Christmas, group hug!!! Everyone's included!

  124. Ernestine is rude, and there's no excusing that (she almost makes me not want to make any guesses, which is silly; no one is perfect), but I understand her frustration. Please read the blind carefully before you make a guess!

    Tori Spelling CANNOT be #2. She has children, not a child, and she is not a B-list film actress.

  125. Idiotwatcher, I don't think you're an idiot. I think you're correct. For God's sake, I've been saying it's Kate Hudson all along! And I still think that it is.

    Your name is apt in these parts, however. Watch out.

  126. #3 I don't think is Ed... I consider myself pretty much an expert on Gossip Girl (I know sad panda) and I can tell ya that the three ppl that bring the fans are 1.Chuck 2. Blair 3.Dorota so it's not really laughable that Ed thinks hes the draw b/c he pretty much is. All other characters on GG are kinda fillers or the contrast to appreciate the awesomeness that is that 3 more.
