Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Forget The Cigars - OxyContin For Everyone

Joe Simpson must be screaming in his sleep right now. No, it's not because he looked in a mirror, it's because Bristol Palin and her brand new baby are the subject of a bidding war unlike anything see in the tabloids since, well, in a while. While Pete and Ashlee had a few nibbles at $50,000 for the first photos of Manhattan Jungle Book, the starting price for photos of Bristol's new baby started at $100,000 with any additional bids also in 100K increments. The winner was of course People who loves to spend money to show babies. They spent $300,000 for the privilege of showing photos of the baby and presumably will get a permanent discount on OxyContin from Bristol's future mother-in-law. Or as she likes to call it, "coffee."

In the case of celebrities, sometimes there is the question of whether the money will go to charity or not. In the case here, I think the question is whether it might be scooped up by a respective parent either for their legal defense or to pay their Saks bill.


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