Monday, December 01, 2008

Daily Mirror Blind Item

Which model is enjoying a little bit too much of the high life?

Her ability to rack up endless lines of coke is playing havoc with her appearance - and she's becoming a little too reliant on the airbrush?


  1. Has to be Kate Moss.

  2. Standard answer: Kate Moss. The Ben Affleck of Daily Mirror blinds.

  3. If not Kate, then Petra Nemcova

  4. Given the last pix I saw, it's gotta be Moss.

  5. Blind Item, hahahahaha. Unless there is an additional model out there with the same problem. Kate looks like hell though.

  6. no WAY this is kate moss - she's a total lifetime user / addict - this woldn't be "newsworthy" at all.

    must my agyness: she's been sporting coke eyes for months now and is starting to look H.A.G.G.A.R.D.

  7. I'm going to be a jerk......Giselle.

  8. Anonymous5:15 PM

    I think Jindi is onto something. I agree... if it was Kate Moss it wouldn't even be newsworthy, much less worthy of a blind item. No one is scared to call her a haggard coke addict.

  9. Although Kate Moss fits the criteria... it's too easy. It's not even news anymore when she stumbles out of a pub high as a kite.

    I'm going to guess Jessica Stam. (She's been in tons of campaigns, lots of covers, and frequents the catwalk. She was one of the 9 up and coming supermodels Vogue put on the cover) Stam's partying is legendary and is known to go out with MK Olsen and dated Anthony Keatis at one point. This past season, she's looked like absolute crap. Her face is horribly mangled from the partying.

    I could be wrong of course... the blind item is very vague

  10. Oh man, I wish it was Marissa Miller. I'm so jealous of her.

  11. Starburst, I am semi-obsessed with Marisa - I think she has the most perfect body I've ever seen. :)
