Monday, December 01, 2008

Angelina Doesn't Cook

You know I'm always a fan of celebrities who don't pretend they can cook. My love for it is such that I will ignore the fact that Jamie Oliver is coming out with a new magazine with his name on it. Yeah, yeah we know it's you Jamie. Couldn't come up with something else? I guess it is so everyone in the world won't mistake his cooking magazine for one of the other million cooking magazines out there. He doesn't call it a cooking magazine though. Says it is not really about recipes. Uh huh. I think the first issue has about 100 recipes in it so he may want to rethink that talking point.

I mean why on earth would anyone really want to buy it? Do we want to know what Jamie thinks about the world? Is he going to give us a learned discourse on global economics each issue? He's a chef. It's going to be about cooking. Just because you can call a pal and have him talk about what meals he likes to cook doesn't make it anything other than a cooking magazine.

Anyway, in the first issue which comes out on Thursday, Jamie interviewed Brad Pitt. Jamie asked about Angelina Jolie and what the best meal was that she ever cooked Brad. According to Brad, the best thing she has ever made is cereal. Wow. Not even toast. Just a bowl of cereal out of a box. It's good to know the family is starting out with a healthy breakfast each morning though instead of the chicken and waffles I eat every morning. Sure, it makes me sleepy right up to the lunch hour, but there's nothing like grease and syrup to get your day started off with a bang.

For next month's issue, Jamie has an interview with Billy Bob Thornton where Billy Bob talks about the gourmet meals Angelina cooked for him. They never got around to dessert though because Angelina just couldn't keep her hands off him.


  1. I love his recipes though. I think he is one of the best out there. Why? Because he bakes. It is terrifically hard to bake and make pastries. You don't see celebuchefs baking or frosting very often. I make cakes, bread, cupcakes. Angie doesn't cook? For someone who loves knives as much as she does, that suprises me. Rant finished

  2. Rare Avis - I definitely believe you after watching the contestants totally flub the desserts on last week's Top Chef. :)

  3. I love to bake and it's always hit or miss. I like Jamie Oliver. He believes in fresh ingredients and isn't too fussy or precious in his approach to food.

  4. Yeah, I was laughing at last week's Top Chef. I'm living in a developing country at the moment, so I downloaded the episode and didn't end up watching it until after Thanksgiving, where I successfully made a decent pumpkin pie (with a great crust) despite baking it in a glorified toaster oven with the top heating element not working.

    If I can bake a decent pie in those conditions in a 3rd world country, you'd think that they could have pulled something off better than they did.

  5. I'm sure Brad would rather eat corn flakes than live with someone who is about as interesting as a bowl of corn flakes.

  6. Wow, Angie doesn't cook? SHOCKER!!!!!!!!

  7. What, no rice crispie treats for the brange kids, no home made warm chocolate chip cookies that the kids helped their mom make, no hand made special request birthday cakes, no home made pizza crust 'cause your mom knows what you like and what you like to pick off. I really feel for those kids - all the money and all the travelling in the world cannot buy childhood memories like that.

  8. It's funny when the Top Chef contestants freak-out with a dessert. It happens every season. Rachael Ray always bitches about baking too, so I guess it's a chef thing.

    Oh wait, Rachael isn't a chef.

  9. I agree Jib. My mom baked constantly when we were children. Even now, my 40-year-old brother will go over to her house and whine for her blonde brownies and she makes them for him! He is spoiled rotten, even as an adult.

  10. With 6 kids who could even find time to cook?

  11. Jamie Oliver USED to be so watchable when he was relegated to late nite episodes on the Food Network, whipping up meals in his 'single' days at his flat in London. Soo cute. It all looked so middle class and like a real peek into what it's like to live in England aside from all the cooking stuff. Happy for him that's he's married with kids etc but for me?Not so interesting...

  12. adrian--

    When you have the help she does, I'm sure she has plenty of time.

  13. katy--don't forget she has been making movies all these years, also.
    I know when I am home all day I have the time & energy to cook, but there are days where I don't want to go near the oven, & I only have 2 kids & I don't make movies.
    I know plenty of people who don't cook.
    As long as they are eating properly, it doesn't matter where their food comes from.

  14. I agree with the baking comments!

  15. So Angie cooked for Billy Bob but not for Brad? Is BBT making stuff up? He's clearly regretting letting her go. Now that he knows how popular she can be.

  16. Anonymous5:48 PM

    She doesn't cook 'cuz she doesn't eat.

  17. hee hee....Angie cooked Gourmet meals for BillyBob and could never get to desert because of doing the nasty with BBT, but only makes Brad Cereal???? I am curious, do Brad and Angie then get to the nasty after the cereal? I mean all these babies are coming from somewhere, no? Or have they all been surrogates?

    Oh, that is too choice....

  18. like the Roscoe's reference, Enty
