Friday, November 21, 2008

Your Turn

It's that time again. I know all of you were disappointed there was no Your Turn last week. Well this week, I thought everyone could get a chance to offer up their very favorite film character. Not actor, but character. What role did you think was just the greatest ever, or worst. I mean some of you might really want to say that your favorite film character was the one Paris Hilton portrayed in House Of Wax. I know it gave me a good laugh.

Also, it is that time again. It has been six months and we are heading into the New Year which of course means blind item reveals. As will become a tradition here, I think it is time for all of you to send in your reader photos so I can post them between now and January 1st. Of course on that day I will put all of them into one huge post again.

I'm sure things have changed with those of you who submitted in the past, plus we have a whole new slew of readers that have joined since the last time. So, send them on in and let the posting begin.


  1. Favorite: John Wayne's character in The Searchers. Ethan.

    Worst: Jessica Simpson in anything.

  2. Lloyd Dobler--Say Anything

    Thinking of others...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Rob Gordon- High Fidelity.

    or Jeff Spicolli- Fast Times.

  5. Changed my mind. Just Ferris Bueller. No one else comes close.

  6. Mr. Bond - never really matters who plays him - but Daniel Craig has now edged Sean Connery as my favorite.

    Ferris Bueller gets a close second - that movie is so tied to my teenage years - my first time driving my friends to the movies for Two Dollar Tuesdays.

  7. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Harry Lime - The Third Man. Great set up, and an almost casual evil.

  8. Ash in "Army of Darkness"! How could you not love that cocky demon-fighter?

    Westley in "The Princess Bride" is another good one.

    The one I have the most visceral reaction to is Chad (Aaron Eckhart) in "In the Company of Men." What a horrible fucking person. He wasn't over the top, though; you could imagine there must be awful guys like him somewhere — hopefully far, far away.

  9. Eleanor of Aquitane-the Lion in the winter (katherine hepburn)

    Scarlett O Hara-Gone with the wind

  10. Scarlett O'Hara (Gone w/the Wind
    Inigo Montoya (The Princess Bride)

  11. Tie between Jack Skellington and the twins in Boondock Saints.

  12. Ellie Arroway by Jodie Foster in Contact


    Willie by BB Throton in Bad Santa (best. drunk. ever.)

  13. Heather Duke, "Heathers" (Shannon Doherty's Heather)

  14. My all-time favourite film-character is "Big Dog" Sam Gerard from The Fugitive and US Marshalls, as played by Tommy Lee Jones. He was hard, snarky and determined but he also had that admirable Mother Hen attitude towards "my kids", his fellow officers.

    Worst ever character, the psycho-tenant in Pacific Heights, as played by Michael Keaton.

  15. Ouiser Boudreaux .. Shirley McLaine. Steel Magnolias
    ricky bobby by Wil Farrel - Taladega Nights ..
    Shake an' Bake

  16. Tyler Durdin- Fight Club

    Love him in that movie

  17. While not my favorite film, I LOVED the character Count Laszlo de Almasy from the English Patient: young, brilliant, successful, well-traveled, elegant, refined, well-dressed, poetic, capable of love, courageous, intense, dedicated, passionate, virile, intellectual, cra-zay, human. What a role!

    P.S. If I do send in a photo, you can be sure that it will be old, out of focus and from far away.

  18. wow this one's fun - mine is a tie between Armand Goldman and Albert Goldman from The Birdcage. God they were fantastic!

    Or Geoffrey Chaucer from A Knights tale (Paul Bettany's part)

    I know I'll think of more...

  19. Benjamin Braddock--The Graduate

  20. Mooshki -- I agree, Ferris Bueller, the envy of every teen at the time. I wanted his keyboard-that-played-weird-sounds sooo bad! LOL

  21. That's easy. Terry Malloy (Marlon Brando) in "On the Waterfront." The character played by the greatest film actor in the greatest film of all time.

    Worst? Gee there's so many to choose from . . . John Spartan and Lenina Huxley (Sylvester Stallone and Sandra Bullock) in "Demolition Man" spring immediately to mind. But then most any character played by either of them has to be considered a candidate.

  22. Patsy Stone, Ab Fab

    Margo Channing, All About Eve

    Thomas Crowne (played by either Steve McQueen or Pierce Brosnan).

  23. Best: is Rischard Chamberlain as Father Ralph de Bricassart in The Thorn Birds. Worst: Nicole Kidman in Eyes Wide Shut. Of course anything Jessica Simpson(thats a good one) works for worst as well.

  24. Ooh - good one.

    Harry Callaghan (Dirty Harry etc, Clint Eastwood)
    Scarlet O'Hara (GWTW, Vivien Leigh,)
    Margo Channing (All About Eve, Bette Davis)
    Sunny Corleone (Godfather, James Caan)
    James Bond (Daniel Craig ONLY)

  25. Anonymous1:27 PM

    I'm totally going to get jacked for this but...
    Best: Kate Hudson as Penny Lane in Almost Famous

    Worst: Kate Hudson in everything else.

  26. King Leonidas in the 300: definition of badass.

    Or Jay & Silent Bob.

  27. Maria in "The Sound of Music"

    I get warm, fuzzy feelings just thinking about her -- no, not THOSE kind of warm feelings.

  28. Jack Lemmon as Jerry (aka Daphne) in Some Like It Hot.

  29. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Anthony Hopkins - Hannibal
    Anthony Perkins - Psycho

    Anything with Bimbo Jessica Simpson (LOL)

  30. Ferris Bueller, Inigo Montoya, and I must give a shout out to Long Duk Dong.

  31. OOOOOOH!!! and Duckie from Pretty in Pink (I'm soooo from the '80's)

  32. Keyser Soze - Kevin Spacey

  33. Christopher Walken/Dennis Hopper- True Romance

    Morgan Freeman(Red)-Shawshank

    Gene Hackman-Hoosiers

    Cool As Ice - Vanilla Ice

  34. Linus Larrabee played by Humphrey Bogart in Sabrina
    Cher Horowitz played by Alicia Siverstone in Clueless

  35. my number one is gregory peck's atticus finch in to kill a mockingbird...

    followed closely byjohn cusack's lloyd dobbler in say anything...

  36. Clairee Belcher from Steel Magnolias (Olympia Dukakis). "If you don't have anything nice to say, come sit by me!"

  37. Actually, she is trumped by "Ouiser Boudreaux" played by Shirley Maclaine in the same movie. Fantastic.

  38. And Dr. Frank-N-Furter, of course.

  39. best Denzel as Alonzo in training day or Julia Roberts as vivian ward pretty woman

  40. worst is jessica alba take your pick

  41. Does Chuck Bass count?

  42. Cicely Tyson in The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. I saw this with my brother when I was very young (9 or 10) and it has stayed with me ever since (I am now 43).

  43. Torquil MacNeil in "I Know Where I'm Going" with the incomparable Roger Livesey.

  44. Hello people, been reading this blog for over a year now... this 'your turn' really wanted to make me sign up and post. John Bender from the Breakfast Club.

  45. Ash: Bruce Campbell Army of Darkness. Second, Dracula by Gary Oldman. And last, Marty McFly. I know it was one. But I'm naughty that way. Forgive me. :) I would also nominate most of the others have posted. But Ash is my one and only First.

  46. Addie Loggins/Paper Moon

    Bridget Gregory/The Last Seduction

    Eddie/Christmas Vacation

    Lisa Fremont/Rear Window

  47. Ooh. I add Iñigo Montoya. My name is Iñigo Montoya, you killed my father. Prepare to die.

  48. oh, this is tough.
    indiana jones and his dad (strictly for naughty reasons)

    kimba the white lion (japanese cartoon, mid-sixties, go ahead and laugh!)

    dr. gregory house

    (i watched too many horror/sci-fi movies as a kid w/ my older brother to pick any real favorites from the classics-but then y'all already know i'm warped!)

  49. hey Jillian, comment often!

  50. Alva Starr/This Property is Condemned

    Maggie/Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

    Deanie/Spendor in the Grass

    Nora Baker/White Palace

  51. Juliette Lewis and Giovanni Ribisi in the Other Sister


    Leo in Gilbert Grape

    those special kids kill me

  52. Thanks jax, I think I just might.

  53. Marisa Tomei - My Cousin Vinnie - The line readings/accents kill me!

  54. I honestly think that I'm gonna have to go with Borat. I'm a sucker for satire.

    Oh, and Babe. :-)

  55. Ferris has been my number one for years.
    I like Axel Foley as well, and the Reggie Hammond character is basically Axel as a bad guy.

    Getting back to my own gender, Katherine Hepburn's character in Philadelphia Story.

    I cannot stand Austin Powers. Bleck.

  56. Who could forget Allison hayes in Attack of the 50 ft woman? Haaaaarrry, stomp, stomp, Haaaaaarrrry, stomp, stomp, Haaaaarrrry

  57. Ferris Beuller, Benjamin Braddock(God I love The Graduate), definitely Tyler Durden.

    And to throw another one out there: Patrick Fugit as William Miller in Almost Famous. I loved him. And what happened to him???

  58. Suzanne Stone Maretto - To Die For
    Anton Chigurh - No Country for Old Men
    Lee Holloway - Secretary
    Rhett Butler - GWTW

    These are my favourite characters I think because they're in movies I absolutely loved and while watching them they were some of the few instances that I could divorce the actor from the character. I've been in love with Rhett Butler since I was a little girl and it definitely didn't have anything to do with Clark Gable because I didn't even know that was his name until a few years ago.

    I mean I love the characters James Spader and Sam Rockwell have done but I know that's for entirely different reasons... and yes I'm aware that says a bit about me.

  59. Jake Ryan, Sixteen Candles.

  60. Paul Newman - two roles 1) Luke in Cool Hand Luke and 2) Reg Dunlop in Slap Shot.

    Gene Hackman - Royal Tenenbaum in The Royal Tenenbaums.

    Bill Murray - Herman Blume in Rushmore.

    Gregory Peck - two roles 1) Atticus Finch (as already mentioned) and 2) Joe Bradley in Roman Holiday.

    Brad Pitt - Floyd + honey bear bong in True Romance.

    Yikes. So many ...

  61. Oh man, how could I forget John Turturro - Jesus in The Big Lebowski?!

  62. ooooh....right off the bat was Lloyd Dobler from Say Anything, But Rhett, man, Rhett,....he was the man, man. he was.

  63. 1. Col. Kilgore (shoulda won the Oscar)

    2. Atticus Finch (inspired me to be a public defender)

    3. Liz Walker (Yvette Vickers warped my childhood)

  64. Oh my god Dijea! I was going to say the same thing about Ethan Edwards and I logged on and saw your comment!

    The Searchers is my all time favorite movie and he is my all time favorite character. I love how he slowly goes crazy while he is looking for his niece with only Marty to keep him from killing her.

    And then at the end he is framed in the door to wander between the winds. There is no happy ending for Ethan. The whole movie is fantastic.

  65. My two favorite characters of all time are.. Harry and Sally!!

    HAVE ALWAYS LOVED LOVED LOVED, When Harry Met Sally, and not just because it's filmed in my home town of the N Y C.. lol.. close 2nd would be Love Actually.. love all the silly characters..

  66. hmm,
    michael Keaton in Beatlejuice

    wendy o williams in reform school girls

    ben stiller in zoolander

    katherine hepburn in bringing up baby

    whatever happened to baby jane- both bette davis and joan crawford were eerie scary

    bionic bunny yes- kimba does rock!


    oh forgot one
    jackie chan in anything!

  67. Favorites:

    Whoopi Goldberg as Celie in "Color Purple"
    Ben Stiller as Derrick Zoolander in "Zoolander"


    Anything with Adam Sandler in it!

  68. Anonymous5:59 PM

    sam from garden state or henry hill from goodfellas

  69. I'm going with Heather Chandler ("heathers") or whichever one crashed through the table.

  70. did you have a brain tumor for breakfast?

  71. Good topic this week!

    Best: Gary Oldman as Stanfield in The Professional, Genevieve Bujould as Anne Boleyn in Anne of the Thousand Days

  72. Walter Sobchak (John Goodman) in The Big Lebowski, Idgie Threadgood (Mary Stuart Masterson) and Evelyn Couch (Kathy Bates) in Fried Green Tomatoes, Chance the Gardner (Peter Sellers) in Being There, Sweeney Todd (Johnny Depp)

  73. Charly Baltimore (the secret agent personality of Geena Davis) in the Long Kiss Goodnight

  74. Oh worst: Dane Cook in any movie. Along with Jessica Alba. Good Luck, Chuck-Yes I watched it. And yes, it was the equivalent of hell.

    Oh I also hated Michael Cera's character in Juno. So sue me. He was freaking unbearable.

    And I forgot to add Sidney Poitier-John Wade-Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? I LOVE him.

  75. Hi everyone. New reader. Love the blog.

    My favorite female character that still knocks me out--Martha (Liz Taylor)from Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf.

    And Fast Eddie Felson (Paul Newman) in the Hustler.

  76. Tess McGill - Working Girl
    Jeff Spicoli - Fast Times

    Married Couple in Beetlejuice - loved Baldwin and Davis

    Ferris Bueller

    the Original 1977 Luke Skywalker

    Carl Spackler in Caddy Shack

  77. Forgot Ron Burgundy and Ducky Dale!

    Alabama Worley!

    This is a great topic!

  78. Do characters in porno's count?
    if so, that really hot private detective from the movie i watched last night.
    Kidding, but not really because it was memorable.

    my favorite is Rudolph in Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.

  79. Scarlett O'Hara - "GWTW"
    Best. Bitch. EVER.

    Rhett Butler - "GWTW"
    "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn"

    Melanie Hamilton - "GWTW"
    The utter epitome of Southern womanhood

    Dracula - the Frank Langella version - if you've never seen it you owe it to yourself. Far and away the single sexiest Dracula ever to come to the screen

    Dr. Frank N. Furter - "RHPS"
    "Whatever happened to Fay Wray?
    that delicate satin draped frame..."

    and the list does go on, but I'll cap it at 5.

  80. Jeffrey Lebowski - The Dude (Jeff Bridges) und Walter Sobchak (John Goodman) in "The Big Lebowski".

    Audrey (a 12-years-old tomboy Jodie Foster) and Ben (Harvey Keitel) in "Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore".

    Raymond Deagon (Dennis Haysbert) in "Far From Heaven".
    Marquise de Merteuil (Glenn Close) in "Dangerous Liasons".

    I don't think I have a least favourite character in movies, only least favourite (read: bad) actors/actresses.

  81. Good Lord, thank you, Happydog - I forgot Idgie and Ruth (Mary Stuart Masterson and Mary Louise Parker) and Evelyn Couch in "Fried Green Tomatoes"

  82. 1. The Joker - The Dark Knight
    2. Tyler Durden - Fight Club
    3. Borat - Borat
    4. Derek Zoolander - Zoolander
    5. William Miller and Penny Lane - Almost Famous

    had to make a TOP 5. i couldn't just pick one!

  83. BEST: Ratso Rizzo from "Midnight Cowboy"

    WORST: any character that requires Gwyneth Paltrow, Winona Ryder or Keanu Reeves to attempt a British accent

  84. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Martin Blank. He is my animus, baby.

  85. Carla, I agree with you on "Floyd". Probably Brad Pitt's finest work to date!

  86. Favourite - Rose Castorini played by Olympia Dukakis in Moonstruck, I so wish that she was real!

  87. Ooooh, how am I going to condense this?

    Frank'n'furter/Riff Raff/Brad - whatever happened to Fay Wray, Merlin? She got raped by an ape. That's what we used to say at The Roxy in Toronto.

    Swan/Beef - Phantom of the Paradise. Paul Williams was a genius.

    Ash - Come get some. Cool Hand Luke. Sophie in Sophie's Choice. Not sure why, she just stuck with me. Mickey and Mallory Knox. Serial Mom herself. Grace in Babycakes (Ricki Lake's character), even though that was a tv movie.

    There are many more, some of which have already been mentioned, but this will have to suffice for now.

  88. For me it's a tie - Hannibal Lecter and Jack Sparrow

  89. How could I forget Nathan Fillion as Malcolm Reynolds from Serenity? Yes, he started as a tv character, but he still counts. He is one of the best written and acted heroes of all time.

  90. Ohhh Sarah, you are SO RIGHT! I loved the whole crew on that ship.

  91. Carnelle Scott aka Miss Firecracker, played by Holly Hunter. I just thought she was this great character; really sad, and hopeful, and tenacious, and adorable.

  92. I'm soo late to this discussion but I had to sign up after I stumbled across it a few moments ago!

    I can't believe no one has brought up my favorite character of all time:

    William Wallace!
