Where Did She Want To Inject Him?
I know we are all supposed to be sad when a couple breaks up, but honestly, I didn't feel a bunch of sympathy for Sharon Stone when I read that her 24 year old boyfriend decided to look into other possibilities when it came to the dating front. I'm actually surprised her relationship lasted five months with Chase Dreyfous. I would have thought the first time she tried to inject Botox into some private area of his body that would have ended things right there.
OK, so no one knows if she actually did try and inject him somewhere, but if I were him I would be sleeping with one eye open wondering what she might have in store for me. Maybe she thought his beans were too wrinkly or something and thought that a nice little shot of botox would fix that right up. Nothing like waking up to see your girlfriend with a syringe in one hand and a vial of botox in the other. When that girlfriend is Sharon Stone you just start flashing through scenes in your head from Basic Instinct, and say that perhaps despite the presents she is giving that the normal woman you met at the grocery store might be a better choice.
According to sources the Daily Mail discovered, the reason the relationship ended was because it had lost its spark after the whole custody battle issue. For me the spark would have ended as soon as Sharon decided that she was going to sing me all the songs she had written. While she was setting up her sound system, I would have been quietly sneaking out the back door.