Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Umm. Where Have I Seen This Before?

So, I was looking through various sites to find you a blind item for today when I stumbled across this doozy on the NY Post website from Friday.

October 31, 2008 --

WHICH blockbuster director has only himself to blame for his recent burglary? After a hard day of filming, he decided to unwind with a couple of prostitutes who stole his valuables.

To me that looks remarkably similar to the one I posted a few weeks earlier. I think the date was October 9th. Of course mine had more detail, but you would think that an organization with the resources of the NY Post could find their own blind items, and would have heard about it several weeks earlier. Of course I'm also willing to reveal mine and will do so in January. What will the NY Post do?


  1. See? This is why it's so easy for us to become addicted to your blog. If you give us someone else's blinds/gossip, you tell us. In fact, I see your blog as more commentary than reporting, which is as it should be.

  2. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Hey, EL, don't forget we were looking out for you. I posted about the familiarity between the two when you posted the NY blind a bit ago.

  3. A commenter in the previous thread came up with some pretty decent proof that it was Michael Bay.

  4. Yeah, I think the general consensus was that it was Michael Bay. But the point is - you heard it here first!

  5. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Unless there's an epidemic of ho-bag lovin' directors getting their stuff stolen.....

  6. yes, but a Post commenter did add the tidbit about "the 'girls' not being biological females"...

  7. thats pretty sad when a paper like that is scooping the lil (albeit LARGE) guy.

  8. *giggle*

    Yeah, I know who that commenter was too.

    They won't delete it because "Alphabeter" called Cindy Adams out about her whining wikipedia column and having comments deleted.

    The Post took a story from someone else and didn't credit them? I am SHOCKED.

  9. I was looking through Alphabeter's comments on the Post site and found a great term: Cult of $cienfauxlogy

    I think I found my new favorite term for the COS!

  10. should probably switch from biannual posts to quarterlys.

  11. biannual reveals to quarterly

  12. I think sandman is onto something.

    Also, what do the haters have to say now about Ent making up blinds?

  13. @Brainy: Cult of $cienfauxlogy

    A W E S O M E

  14. It's disgusting the way the Post continues to rip from other people and then REFUSES to attribute to the deserving source.
    I don't understand it at all...

  15. i noticed that too!
