Thursday, November 27, 2008

That's Attractive

You know I will be the first to admit that it is possible over the years that I may have allowed myself to make use of a facility other than a bathroom to take care of nature's call. It happens. I daresay it has happened to many of us. Of course, most of the time it happens is because we drank so much that we couldn't even wait five more minutes to make it to a bathroom so we tell the driver to hurry up and pull over. We then feel amazing for like ten minutes until the cycle repeats itself. By that time of course though, the driver has said enough and basically left you to hitchhike home when you sober up.

As much as I am willing to admit to the above, I am also willing to say that during the day, in the sight of numerous places with restrooms to use, I have never just dropped the fly and let loose against a wall. I can't do it. I have seen to many homeless people do it over the years and I just can't even contemplate it. Apparently though Mark Wahlberg has no such compunctions and it is comfortable just whipping out his peen wherever he may be. I'm sure that as his kids grow older this is the kind of behavior he would want them to emulate. To me there is just no excuse for this. It is obviously in a very public area and you would think he would have some kind of respect for the general public.

Thanks to Popsugar for the photo. Lets hope that since its Thanksgiving they will hold off on a cease and desist notice until Monday.


  1. Isn't it illegal to do it in public too? Public decency, indecent exposure and health laws. What if a child saw? I would have reported him. Does it count if police don't see it happen in person but witnesses have photos? Can someone report him now with this pic?

    If he was smart he would have dumped the water [or gin who knows] out of the bottle and peed in it in the semiprivacy of his car and thrown it away in a trashcan. But no, he pees against a wall and then drinks his saved bottled water/gin that makes him want to pee again in 15 minutes. Used to like Mark W but not anymore. He's crude.

  2. If I were the person that owned that green wall, I'd be pissed. Well, literally. But it's not enough that people WITHOUT a place to pee do it on a wall, i.e., the homeless, but now somebody rich beyond anything most of us could imagine find it necessary to pee on a wall. Not only is it gross, but it's arrogant. He could go inside any business and ask to pee and be allowed because he's Marky Mark. How dare he defile someone else's property?

  3. Say hi to your mother for me, a'ight?

  4. Little Blue Pill, then a cop could pull him over and ask if he was drinking, then taste what was in the bottle.

    I love Harland Williams.

    Even my husband shows discretion - but we live in the country and he pees on trees. (Yes, we do have indoor plumbing - something I constantly remind him about.)

  5. hhhhotttttttttt.
    who cares about public indecency?
    mark wahlberg is fuckinnnggg hotttttttttttt.
    if i was that pap i would've jumped him.

  6. That's not really that out of place around here in the country (these guys pretty much use any tree or bush handy, even in their own back yards, and even sober), but I'm surprised he was in what's apparently an urban area doing that. Maybe those Dorchester boys aren't all that different from the rednecks here.

  7. give me a break with all the water already. our parents/grandparents survived the day without buying/carting around water

  8. maybe he's pregnant--then he at least would have some type of excuse.

  9. my brother used to do the same thing, he would be sitting watching tv and he would go outside and pee on a tree, and when i pointed that we had a designated room in the house for that (3 actually) he just said that the garden was closer!! ughh that used to drive me crazy!!!

    but this is muuch worse, c'mon, it's somebody's wall and beside, he knows the paps are following him!

  10. I could never stand this guy and believe that he was the answer to a blind years ago, about two male actors getting caught in an elevator, making out. It was back in the 90's at some type of an awards show. The other participant,.... George Clooney

  11. Ahhh, you may be on to something ... Clooney sung Marky's praises then suddenly - he could never be mentioned in his presence.

  12. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I dunno. Marky Mark's looking a little schlubby to me lately. I can totally see him being 1/2 of that blind about the two guys making out in the elevator, though. Wonder what he did to fall out of George's good graces?

  13. Oh my god, my husband does the same thing when we get out to my MIL's country house! He gets a flashlight to check out the garden and pees on a tree. He won't take his first pee in the bathroom. It has to be out in "nature".

    More proof that men are dogs. They have to mark their territory and will hump ANYTHING.

    And yes, I AM jealous that they can pee almost anywhere.

  14. Oh my god, my husband does the same thing when we get out to my MIL's country house! He gets a flashlight to check out the garden and pees on a tree. He won't take his first pee in the bathroom. It has to be out in "nature".

    More proof that men are dogs. They have to mark their territory and will hump ANYTHING.

    And yes, I AM jealous that they can pee almost anywhere.
