Wednesday, November 05, 2008

That Near Death Thing Didn't Last Long

So, I'm flipping through photos and stories to see what the hell interests me and would hopefully interest you and I see the photo above from a party last night. Umm, isn't that Taylor Momsen at the party, not looking exactly like she almost died or close to death or whatever her doctor's said? I would have thought after such a life threatening condition that she would have taken the opportunity to rest for more than a few days before going back out and partying. I mean she is, what, like 14? She shouldn't be out partying on a school night anyway. That is probably how she got sick in the first place.

To me should looks like the picture of health so I guess she can go out. Of course maybe it was not a throat infection that laid her up but something else. Maybe it was not a life or death thing but people started wondering where she was. Maybe she felt left out because the others in Gossip Girl get more attention. I don't know and so far I have not found anyone that interviewed her last night to ask how she was feeling which is odd considering there were obviously press there.


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