That Makes No Sense

How many of you have helped with some kind of holiday decorations. I know many of you might not celebrate Christmas but surely you have helped out with some Halloween decorations or taking some kind of rarely used box down from a shelf, the garage or the attic. Everyone has.
See if this sounds familiar. There are two of you. The idiot, in this couple can generally be found at the top of a ladder if you are lucky. If they are not lucky they are swaying precariously on a bar stool while standing on their tip toes trying to reach the box that was shoved six feet above their head about a year prior. The idiot then attempts to lift a 30 pound box with the tips of their fingers while the person down below looks serious, but is in fact laughing their ass off. At this point, the idiot is either successful, falls over or drops the box on the unsuspecting person below.
Well, Jamie Hince and Kate Moss would have us to believe that the black eye, and cuts and bruises they acquired were as a result of Jamie being on a ladder, then somehow dropping the box on Kate Moss and at the same time finding a way to get under the box so it also landed on top of him as well. Umm. This is like watching the Seinfeld re-enactment of the JFK shooting. I don't think its possible, but I have to admit that this is probably the most inventive story I have heard in a long time. Just for that, I am going to give them the first holiday b.s. pass. I don't believe your story, but it is damn good so from now on I will treat it as gospel. To read their explanation click here.