Monday, November 10, 2008

Sucks When No One Pays Attention

It must suck to be Lauren Conrad and have no one even care who you are. According to the NY Post, Lauren was taking a flight to somewhere where she was loved. Probably Russia. I mean if Jessica Simpson can open a movie number one there, then you know Lauren Conrad is close to a God there. Anyway, the ticket agent asked on the PA system for Lauren to come to the counter and get a ticket. Well apparently she freaked out about this because she didn't want anyone to know she was there. She cried and screamed and just broke down.

Then of course she began scanning the crowd hysterically looking for someone she was going to ignore. I mean you know she just wanted to do that, but unfortunately for her, no one at JFK even looked up from what they were doing and didn't even care that she was there. Must suck to think you are going to get mobbed and instead see hundreds of people who don't even care and probably don't even know who you are. Presumably she then grabbed the microphone and told people who she was and that she was famous and that they should all bow down to her before entering the aircraft.


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