If you get Bette Midler and 50 Cent in the same photo you get the top spot. That is truly a random photo.
Was I the only one who didn't think Ainsley Harriott's show was decent. I liked it. It seemed different from all the rest of the blah talk shows.

I believe this marks a first appearance anywhere on the blog for Bryant Gumbel.

For once I'm not going to get on a celebrity for not smiling on the red carpet. In fact, I have a great deal of respect and admiration for Brooke Smith for showing up at a charity event knowing she was going to be asked repeatedly about being fired. Do you know how much that must have sucked for her, but she still went through it all, walked the red carpet, posed for photos and lived up to her obligations. I'm now seriously reconsidering whether I should have put her in the top spot.

Win a World Series, the next thing you know if you are Cole Hamels is that people actually care about you. Sure you are promoting crystal at Macy's, but its still money.

Look what I found in Australia. It's Chris Isaak. How many of you just started humming Wicked Game? Come on. I know I did when I saw his photo. Damn that it is a good song.

One of my favorite Iron Chefs.

It has been awhile since I have posted Chloe Sevigny, but if she keeps wearing normal clothes like this, you may see more of her.

I figured I owed you a photo of Daniel Craig without the sling. I asked someone the other day if they were getting bored of seeing Daniel Craig. I believe they said, "Umm. It's Daniel Craig."

A blast from the past. Joanna Cassidy. I always hate using that expression because then I have to think of Brendan Fraser and Alicia Silverstone in the film of that same name.

One of my favorite character actors of all time is James Hong.

Had Andy Roddick earlier today so here is another tennis player, Lleyton Hewitt.

Is Matthew Broderick wearing what my Canadian friends would call a toque. I think I spelled it wrong. I always spell it wrong.

Since the last time we saw Mark Ruffalo he has grown a beard. A great big bushy beard.

Razorlight - London

I believe this is also a first time appearance of Regis Philbin and his lovely wife Joy. Have you ever watched old clips of Regis from the Joey Bishop show. It was like 50 years ago, and he looks exactly the same.

So, I finally started reading Twilight so I would know what all the young people were talking about. Good story but I feel like the author only had 12 year olds in mind when she wrote it.

Shows how much entertainment news I know. I didn't even know Sophie Ellis Bextor was even married.

My favorite photo of the day is allegedly a tea at the Dorchester Hotel. I've never had tea there, but I'm guessing that is not the usual waitress for high tea they have there. I just love seeing Slash and Ozzy together. I think it is cool.

An odd pairing of the day is Stella McCartney and Chrissie Hynde.

Snow Patrol - London

Take That - London
I used to love the Chris Isaak show on Shotime...God, I'm a dork..
ReplyDeleteOZZY: So, Slash, ub bub hubahuma whoba?
ReplyDeleteSLASH: Mumble, mumble, grunt, fart.
OZZY: Uh ooheraba Axl?
SLASH: Axl faco.
That entire Chris Isaak album is brilliant, actually.
ReplyDeleteBette Midler! I love you!
And Slash! Drinking tea? Wha'? But...I still love you!
Chrissie and Stella are both vegan activists, so not that random.
ReplyDeleteMark Ruffalo has a beard - are you hinting, Enty?
Freaky pic of Daniel Craig--looked at first like he has on red nail polish! (I then figured it belongs to the woman on his right telling him where to stand...)
ReplyDeletehahahaha i thought it said that the world series guy was promoting crystal meth at macys.
ReplyDeletei'll be LOLing all day long now
Ozzy & Slash together- that made my day! :)
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Chloe Sevigny, when is 'Big Love' coming back? I've missed that show!
Don't worry, you spelled toque just fine!
ReplyDeleteLast night I watched the Seinfeld with James Hong as the maitre d' of the Chinese restaurant. No matter how many times I've seen it, I still laugh.
ReplyDeleteThe Mark Rufalo comment has me scratching my head--can he be a blind reveal? :(
ReplyDeletei've had tea at the dorchester and i can assure you, i did not see those there!
ReplyDeletei don't even know if it's toque or touque.nor do we care! lol i do think its cute that his son looks just like Carrie Bradshow skipping across that NY street sans Manolos.
ReplyDeleteOzzy...love it but i wonder how much tea was left in the cup when it finally reached his mouth??
Mark Ruffalo..hey there beardy. mmm.
Just picked up the Alchemist!
I agree with Selenakyle--I thought Daniel Craig was wearing nail polish at first myself.
ReplyDeleteGood for Brooke Smith both going out just after the news broke and for speaking out about her being 'released,' AKA fired. I hope she still gets work. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not watching Grey's anymore.
Hey ENT, I think you should feature a favorite character actor (or two) each week. Whaddya think? There are so many that are so talented whose names are just not known. (I usually head to IMDb when I see a favorite I cannot name on one of my shows....)
Aww Ent, you do love your Philly girls! Thanks for the Cole love!
ReplyDeleteAwesome idea skittlekitty. Sometimes a good character actor saves a crapy movie.
ReplyDeleteWicked Game is the sexiest song EVER.
Regis always looks the same because he got the old dude eyelift special. See also Alan Thicke and William Shatner.
Eyelift or not, Regis looks way better in the eyes than Alan and William combined.
ReplyDeleteSexiest song ever.... Kiss From a Rose.
Cole is awesome! The Phillies are not only the best team in baseball, they are the best LOOKING phucking team in baseball!
ReplyDeleteEnty- how about a sports-themed FFF? I'd love to see some of my favorite athletes in their full glory! Imagine those well-toned pecs, six-packs and gorgeous legs...and everything in between! Uh..and if you can find such a picture of Cole, send it along to me...I'll be in the "cold" shower...
Joanna Cassidy and then James Hong? I was almost expecting Rutger Hauer next...:)
ReplyDeleteThanks for Snow Patrol!
ReplyDeleteI don't mind pictures of Daniel Craig in a sling, mind you, I'm not talking the arm kind. (The easy joke that had to be made, sorry.)
ReplyDeleteAnd it does sound like Ent is hinting at Ruffalo having a human beard not the hairy kind.
"A great big bushy beard." - have you been watching Hot Fuzz a lot?
ReplyDeleteI love Chris Isaak! He hugs well.
Umm. It's Daniel Craig. INDEED.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
I do love me some Chris Isaak!
ReplyDeleteEnty, Twilight is a young adult book so that's probably why it sounds like the author is talking to 12 year olds.
Looks like Big Love will be returning in January.
Whatever films/TV shows are made in the future about Hillary Clinton, Brooke Smith should play her. She looks and sounds a lot like her. It's uncanny.
ReplyDeletedamn chloe sevingy is looking good, love that little cock-smoking slut.
ReplyDeleteChris Isaak just keeps ringing my bell:)
ReplyDeleteDoesn't Mark Ruffalo w/ beard look like Vincent D'Onofrio??
ReplyDeleteChrissy Hynde has been rocking that look for decades. Makes Stella seem less than innovative.
Love James Hong , Joanna Cassidy and Chris Isaak!
My favorite character actor ever(though much more known than many) was J.T. Walsh. I cannot believe
ReplyDeletes) he was never nominated for an Oscar, and
b) he's been gone for more than 10 year.
His death was a big loss....
i had tea at the dorchester 3 weeks ago. that ain't the dorchester! though the photo is adorable in its own strange way.
ReplyDeletebookjacket -- yeah, it looks like Vincent's with Ellen Pompeo.
ReplyDeleteHe also could be Mr. Kotter.
Brooke was a trooper to show up and not hide (unlike some people). Of course, she's kinda sadsack-looking with her sweater sleeves pulled way down over her hands.
Not only does Daniel have painted nails, he's got a purse under his arm! :P
Robert P. looks like he thinking about blowing that mic. Or at least giving it a handjob.
James Hong - now I finally have name to put to his face. That guy is everywhere!
ReplyDeleteChris Isaak is awesome. Forever Blue is my favourite CD of his. Every song on it is amazing. San Francisco Days and the Baja Sessions run a close second & third though.
Stella McCartney looks so plastic. Yuck.
ReplyDeleteGood for Brooke Smith- and she looks FABULOUS! Take that ABC bigwigs.
ReplyDeleteI would like to know if there is more to her dismissal than we are being told. All the snippets out there just don't seem to add up.
Hey Enty, thanks for putting our MVP Cole Hamels in the Randoms today .. PHILLIES ROCK!!! 2.5 million people thought so this past Friday .. biggest parade crowd evah!! WORLD f*(&ING CHAMPIONS!!!
ReplyDeletethe photo of Ozzy and Slash rocks