Did I miss something along the way in the history of sexuality. In the latest edition of Harpers Bazaar, Lindsay Lohan says she isn't a lesbian and when she was asked if she is bisexual, she said "Maybe. Yeah." Umm, Lindsay. You do know that you are dating and "madly in love" with a lesbian right? Somehow I think Samantha Ronson is pretty sure of what she is and I don't think she is quite as wishy washy as you. I guess this of course is the guy mind at work here thinking that you need to have sex as part of a relationship. Obviously that isn't true and I can see that two people can be in love and dating and want to be with each other even if they don't want to consummate it. Doesn't sound like much fun to me, but to each their own.
You would think it would cause problems for at least Samantha who presumably would like to get a little action. I'm sure Lindsay if she really has no interest in women is perfectly happy with things the way they are, but again, in my guy mind, I would think that at some point Samantha would lose patience. But then again, you can't force someone to become gay so maybe she is just happy being in a loving relationship, asexual as it may be.
This one confuses me and in no small part simply because I feel out of my league discussing any kind of relationships that are beyond my basic skill set. I understand gay and straight. I even understand Paris Hilton and Benji Madden to some extent, but the Lindsay Lohan Samantha Ronson relationship is just beyond my depth. Would someone like to help explain it all to me.
ReplyDeleteSam has a job and Lindsay does not.
the end.
What it comes down to is Lindsay can't be alone. She has said as much. But she's also been burned by so many men in her life, she just doesn't trust them any more. I mean really, between Michael Lohan, Brandon Davis and Joe Francis, who wouldn't be scarred?
ReplyDeleteLindsay desperately needs someone to cling to because alone, she'd crumble. And at this point, she has no one. She has wrecked every good thing in her life and Ronson is all she can get.
It's real sad, if you ask me. She had something special but I don't know if she can overcome the demons.
Did I miss the part where she said they weren't having sex? It sounds like she just doesn't want to commit to anything publicly (and maybe privately, as well) and pull a Heche. She's not going to say that she's a lesbian and then, when she and Sam break up and she wants to date a guy, have to say "maybe not."
ReplyDeleteAnd some people just don't want labels.
Lindsay just wants attention, and she's been getting the most positive press she has in months (if you don't count her behavior on the Ugly Betty set). Although, there are stories that she's back on the blow and when Sam's not around she is still flirting and trying to hook up with guys. I think Leo DiCaprio and Chace Crawford were her last two talked about targets. I don't think she's a lesbian, I just think that she's someone who is so desperate for attention and she knows that Sam would pretty much do anything for her.
ReplyDeleteI get the feeling she's using Samantha too. But who knows. Maybe it's the other way around.
ReplyDeleteI think it's a case of "Let's keep everyone guessing". She's young, adventurous, and I think (to paraphrase S.A.T.C.) she's a 'try' sexual... She'll try anything once. Maybe twice... ;)
ReplyDeleteIf nothing else, I think that Lindsay and Samantha are very close friends, and if they don't do it on a regular basis, at least when Lindsay is drunk/high enough not to 'care'... You know the type...
I think it is mutual using--maybe they are just friends with benefits
ReplyDeletewho realize they get a lot of free publicity by their "relationship.
In the scheme of things, does her bi, try, homo, hetro label really matter? there are more important issues going on ..blinds that need answering ...
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't make Lindsay a lezbo if Sam the Man goes down on her but Linz does not. It's only Sam that eats tuna. Lindz just spreads her herpes tainted lips and might use the strap on but will not lick sam's kitty. It's like Linz is using the Clinton definition of what sex is and isn't.
ReplyDeleteI think it is a combo of her feeling safe with sam and she was broke on so many levels. I do have a girlfriend that recently started dating a women and she said it was about falling in love with the person not the sex. Very boys dont cry like.
ReplyDeleteHere's the rest of the quote to help you out:
ReplyDeleteHas she ever been embarrassed about being attracted to a woman? "No." Would she classify herself as bisexual? "Maybe. Yeah." Lesbian? "No." She goes on, "I don't want to classify myself. First of all, you never know what's going to happen — tomorrow, in a month, a year from now, five years from now. I appreciate people, and it doesn't matter who they are, and I feel blessed to be able to feel comfortable enough with myself that I can say that." She sees herself getting married "eventually," but whether to a man or a woman, "I don't know."
Stop taking your shit from Page 6, and read it at the source. Maybe, in the future, that will clear up any confusion on your part.
I just don't buy any of it. And if it's true, I don't care. Whatever the situation, Lohan will milk it just to keep her name in the press. Keep people guessing, never say anything concrete, fuel the girl-on-girl phantasy so many boys have..blah blah blah..
ReplyDeleteEasy. Lindsay has internalized homophobia. She's here, she's queer, and she can't get over it.
ReplyDeleteI'm not getting where this no sex thing is coming from.
ReplyDeleteWhere does it say they don't get it on?
Yeah, I don't see where she isn't having sex with Sam either. Coming out to yourself is a long process. It takes a good long while before you're comfortable enough with it to admit it to yourself let alone to family/friends/the world. Yes Lilo is completely dysfunctional but I think they both need, care and love each other -- for the time being.
ReplyDeleteBoth people don't have to be gay or straight to have sex or a satisfying relationship. Bi is a valid orientation. There's quite a spectrum.
ReplyDeleteI really don't see what's so confusing about these two. Ever since they got together Lindsay has been getting better press and coming across more modestly and privately. I tend to think that's a good thing.
I hate it that when a man has sex with a guy it automatically makes him gay - and not potentially bisexual/doing it because he fell in love/lust with someone that happened to be a guy.
ReplyDeleteUsually with women its seen as just experimenting or bisexuality before calling them lesbian (double standards alive and well). But in this case you seem to imply that a bisexual woman wont have sex with women. This is a load of crap - im bi and ive certainly gone the whole hog.
Can people stop being judged in this manner, please? Who cares if she is into women as a whole, or just into one woman (love makes you sexually attracted to someone - a lot of people have had relationships with those they usually wouldnt look twice at). They seem happy, so can we stop making such a big deal about her sexuality – and quite frankly, she doesnt owe us an answer about this (its not like she’s doing the TommyGirl deception act). It must be hard to be in your first open same-sex relationship and try to deal with your feelings whilst everyone around you is sticking their oar in.
The recent weight loss aside, she appears to be a lot healthier and more together then she was in her ‘fucking random guys in bathrooms’ phase – which is really great to see. Besides, the fact that there is less chance of us having to see her fire crotch again can only be a good thing.
Im not trying to have a dig at anyone here - im just annoyed about the general interest that the media etc has about this topic. Its like they've never seen a girl-girl relationship before...
ReplyDeleteOf COURSE they have sex. Duh. Whatever kind of sex two chicks can have, I'm certain LiLo gets down - she's not exactly a prude.
ReplyDeleteShe's also not willing to commit to a lifetime of woman-only relationships. So big deal - right now she's with Samantha.
In the future she'll be with a man. But I also agree with Andy.
Would someone like to help explain it all to me.
ReplyDeleteSure. You have 2 options:
1. She's actually bisexual, like she says. They do exist. And dating a woman. That happens too.
2. She is actually gay and inching her way out bit by bit in a rabidly homophobic industry and county (hello mormons and Prop 8!) and is unsure about admitting she is gay right away.
I can explain - she is bi... meaning she sleeps with Samantha and other guys on the side. She mentioned being in love with her - not devoted solely to her.
ReplyDeleteLindsay gives off a lot of signals of having a personality disorder. There are photos of her on the internet cutting, she's dealt with an eating disorder, alcohol and drug abuse. She also seems to enjoy the attention of being in the "lesbian" relationship. It makes sense because her family life was so chaotic. Michael was abusive, mom was her best friend/coc buddy. When the fascination passes with her and Sam Ro, she might find some new actor to hook up with.
ReplyDeleteDealt with an eating disorder? Have you seen her lately? She's getting stick thin again.